Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2283 Crazy!

This is the two people who have across the Tiandi channel. The first person is a white robbery, a smile, a bald man, this bald man is barefoot, the whole person is bathed in the sun, the white light flashes, giving people The gentle feeling of the breeze.

Another one, is a bloody woman, this blood jacket woman appears to speak, but the temperament on the body is not a root, she stands there, vague, all the world seems to be in her film.

Seeing these two, the sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are sharp.

These two people have seen it!

It is within the huge head, the deputy ancient picture he saw.

Among the ancient pictures, the owner of the head, that is, the battle of the battle, the enthusiastic man of the people, was forced to enter the desperate, and his ancestors stand up.

There are three people in that hundreds of millions of gods, including this white robe head man, and there is the existence of two blood masters.

These two people, and another feet on the Blood Color Dragon's Gavern, leaders many gods, and put a spear through the heart of the vigorous man.

And the identity of these two people, there is no doubt, and it is also the owner of two holy branches! !

"Oh, Xing Luo, you really pay attention to your baby disciple. Not only will I invite my two people to open this world, but now I still spend a big price to make me two people's consciousness?" White Robe The man laughed and helped.

"Is this your baby disciple? White hair is bitter, okay, the same body as you." The bloody woman will travel freely.

He said that he said is incomparable, but his voice is vast, not only in the area covered by this black mist, it is also transmitted to the black mist, transferred to the entire void.

The beautiful woman who is fighting with the Emperor thirteen is slightly smashed, low Shen said: "You two don't talk nonsense, and save me in an apprentice."

"Small things." White Robe is smirked.

"Give us." The bloody woman is also self-confident.

As the Lord of the Holy State, they have absolute confidence in their own strength.

Combining, white robe's head man with blood jackets, the cold is like a snow, and the sword is unparalleled.

Cold as Xue just escaping the scope of this black mist, is trying to be close to the heaven and earth, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is rapidly close.

Originally cold, the speed is not more slow than the sword, or even her body law is still very surprised, the sword is unparalleled to catch up with her.

However, three times were blocked three times, and the snow has been hit hard. Now she has lost its combat power, and the speed is naturally reduced. This will be unparalleled by the sword.

However, it has also seen hope in cold.

Because she saw two people who appeared in the heaven and earth passage, the two did not have a helper for her teacher.

"Stop it."

The white robe smiled and his voice was flat. He didn't have any movements. He didn't have a move.

Just just open the sword without double stop.

However, several words in his mouth have just spit out, and the sword is unparalleled, I feel an incredible force to oppress.

This power, there is no substance, not a breath or the pressure of the gesture, purely a person's will oppress!

Pure will, but this year is shocked, and it is not possible to provoke anyone.

Under this will, the sword is unparalleled or even can't help but want to squat, and his heart is also flashing, and the idea to stop.

It can be followed by his eyes and fierce.

"District will, can you block me?"

The sword has no double-colored color, and the mouth is bursting, and the figure is just slightly stunned, and it will be as cold as a snow.

"Well?" White Robe's head man showed a surprised color, "this little guy, a strong obsession."

"It is a matter of obsessiveness, but the key is to limit this world, your will do not play at all." The blood clothes laughed.

"This is." White Square is a smile, but his eyes have become cold, "I will wait for the will, this little guy is sone, then you will die."

The white robbery headed men's voice fell, but immediately had a sunny day.

This white light is incomparably, and the area covered by the whole black mist is illuminated, and it is shining in the person, and it is also a feeling of comfortable.

However, when this white light shines on the sword, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is fierce.

He is deep, clearly seeing a white spear has appeared in front of him, as if the next moment is to completely pass through the hole.

"This power is ..." The sword is unparalleled with a shock.

He is able to feel that the power of the white spear contains, it has been far from the chaotic border, and even in the chaotic gods have reached the extreme.

The same is the Lord of the Holy Genting, a teacher like a snow, that is the beautiful woman who is fighting the Thirteen Thirteen, and the attack on her, is far from the terrible of this white spear.

Of course, this is not to say that this white robe is stronger than the Snow Master, but because the area is covered in this black mist, it is small.

The black mist-covered area is the junction of the ancient chaotic world and the Taijie Shennian. The world limit is the most weak, and now the heavens and the earth passages are also opened, and the area of ​​this area is limited, which will be weakened again. In this black mist-covered area, the two major sacredons played more powerful.

The sword is unparalleled now, the mains of these two major sacred countries, the basic power that can be exploded will inevitably reach the chaotic gods, even more stronger!

The power like the sword is unparalleled can also be a chaotic god, but now he feels that his strength is compared to the white robe's head man to be a large cut.

The power of power is far less than the other party, while the Holy Lord's means, it is more than the sword and unparalleled.

Like the white spear that is hit by him, let the sword have risen a huge crisis.

"I can't stop being stopped by the main land of the two bits, otherwise ..." The sword is unparalleled to look at the cold in front of the sky.

He is now very close to the snow, just in an instant kung fu, it is enough to chase, and then the means will have a cold, such as the cold, the snow, the snow, the snow.

Once he is blocked by this white spear, take this effort, the snow is enough to go to the main side of the two bits, and he will no longer have a chance.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to become red immediately.

Endless madness and decay, full of his face.

In his body, the power of the stars, the moment is taken.


PS: Today's four is more!

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