Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2284 Soul!

The strongest card, the secret of the sword, and the stars, finally showed.

The third volume of the stars secret surgery, the power of the stars surround the whole body, the overall strength of the sword is quite a thousand times! !

Thousands of power, of course, because there is no blood support, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, and only the force can only be played.

However, the sword is unparalleled, it is enough to play a hard work.

"Give me!"

A explosive drink, the sword is unhappy, but the sword is fierce.

This sword, with a sword, in an instant formed a swords of swords.

Under the madness of this sword, under the madness of the ocean, the white light covering the entire black mist coverage is illuminated.

With the white spear that was straight to the sword, there was no double spurs, and was also flew by the fierce sword.


"not good!"

The white robe head man and the bloody woman's face are distant.

In particular, the Lord of the White Robe, the Lord of the Hall of Hall, the area covered by the black mist, the heavens and the earth restrictions, can play the combat power of chaotic gods, in this case, dealing with a chaotic environment in the region.

Even how this chaotic border is about to go against the sky, it is also hand to come to the white head.

So he didn't pay back more attention to the sword before.

It can make him unmealed, the sword is unparalleled, and the attack is directly flying out?

Sacred his white spear, and the sword did not have a slightest, continue to catch up with the snow, and it has come to the snow.

This is, even if the two Holy Lord wants to block, it is obvious that it will come.


Cold as a snow color, she has seen the sword behind the sword to sway out, the sword in the hand is a huge mountain.

The bottom of the mountain has a black hole with a dark, a lot of junction, and it is slowly suppressed.

And she took three times to show Jin Yan, at this moment, in the face of the swords and unparalleled suppression, there is no resistance to the resistance.

Seeing, she is going to be completely suppressed by the sword.


"The sword is unparalleled, what do you see this !!!"

The cold is like a snow, from her body, a special light bead extends.

This light bead appeared in front of the snow, and was kept in the middle of her.

The sword who has been cracking from the snow is unparalleled. When I see the moment of the beads, my eyes are fierce, and the movements are also awkward.

He stared at the beads dead.

In the light beads, he induced a familiar, letting his soul of the breath.

The light bead is a soul!

It is his breath, the soul of the frost! !

"Don't you want your wife's soul? I will give you now, you can't catch it."

The cold is like a low drink, and the palm of the palm will shine directly from the light of the hand. At the same time, the other hand of the snow has burst a strong gray power, swept the light beads. It is obviously to smash the beads, and completely erase the soul of the frost.

This scene, the sword has no double-faced.

Inspiring, he also can't calm down and cold, the body is shameful, and the lightning is grabbed.

The light bead was firmly grabbed in his hand, and the sword couldn't help but fell. As for the gray power of the bead hit, it was blocked by the sword.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled to stand there, watching the beads in the hand, feel the soul contained in the light.

Then, it is true that his wife's soul.

"Frost, I finally, find you !!" The sword has unprecedented surprises and excitement.

But unfortunately, the soul of cold as frost is completely in the sleep, and the root feeling should not be able to reach the existence of swords, no one more response.

The sword is not anxious, as long as you get the soul of cold as frost, then some are the way the sword is unparalleled, and it is not difficult to find a new body for cold as frost, and it is not difficult.

On the other side, when the sword is unparalleled, the light beads are dried, and the snow has tried to escape. She finally fled to the edge of the world, and fled to the side of the two Holy Lord. .

Looking at the sword in the emulsion and surprises, the face of the snow is like the face of snow, flashing over a cold.

If it is not necessary, she will never give up the soul of the cold as frost.

After all, it is one of them, and there is still a certain connection between the two, and it has not been unfined separately.

If the soul of the cold, if it is completely dead, or is separated from her body, the roots of her have a certain impact on her roots.

Because of this, so many years, cold as snow has always been in the case of the frost, and never hurts a slave. When she breaks through the energy, the consciousness of the frost is also transformed into soul.

Originally cold, frost is intended to return to the genital gods. If she is a teacher, she will completely get rid of her with cold as frost, and cold as cream will not have any effect on her physique, she will shot cold as frost .

But now ...

Under the persecution of the sword, she can only choose the soul of the frost.

Otherwise, she has to face a dangerous danger of being sword unparalleled.

Once the sword is unparalleled, then her life and death can be completely controlled by the sword.

"You think that you have to get her soul, you can save her, in the future, double alcohol? It is not so easy." The cold voice is cold, and you will look at the two major sacred countries next to the world, "two Adult, please ask, killing him !! "

"Don't tell you, we will also say." The smile on the white robe is converged.

Next to the blood jacket woman is also getting cold.

Just almost because of their mistakes, it was sword where the sword was caught by the sword.

Once the sword is unimpeded, the sword is equivalent to the face of their two holy bits, suppressing the people they want to keep, which makes their two holy main faces.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the main owner of these two contexts has also been annoyed.

"Little generation, you are too arrogant!"

The white robe's head man looked at the sword and was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled to see a white light flashing, still don't stand any reaction, this white robe head man's figure has appeared on his side.

"How horror speed?" The sword was unparalleled.

He also knows that although he has already got cold as a soul, the purpose has been reached, but it can be left behind, but it is still known.

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