Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2289 wakes up (below)

The ancient secrets, starting from the first era, countless strong people rush to swear here.

The long-lasting years, most of the indi-hermes have been got by people.

Now, because of the emergence of ancient battlefield around the fire industry, many strong people go to the ancient battlefield, which is the depression of the ancient times.

The ancient secret is a corner of the eye, there is a bare mountainous mountain.

This mountain is very tall, but the mountains have no life, it is completely a wild mountain.

For so many years, I don't know how many strong people have passed from this rolling mountain, but I have never gained this ridiculous mountain.

Perhaps you have noticed, but you can't find anything at all.

It is completely a Puchong's wild mountain.

But this is such a wild mountain ... When the mysterious voice passes through the ban, the ride begins to change.

I saw a large number of mountain stones, and the whole mountain is like being labeled with a sneaked clothing, and finally this mountain is exposed.

Where is this mountain, this is a distinct!

A huge giant.

This giant is sitting there, and the mountains are due to his hundreds of millions of years of shading.

At this moment, this giant also opened his eyes, and the endless fierce is like a peerless beast.

At the next moment, he was highled as high-grazing, and the palm was directly torn upward. Under this tear, the heavens and the earth were completely torn, a huge space to accomplish him, appeared in his before.

This giant did not hesitate, and the figure was moving. It has not entered the space channel.


Eighth nest!

The overcast area, the bottom of the black river, hidden independent space.

The huge crystal palace is quietly suspended in the back of Dragon Seven, the central center of the crystal palace, suspended a huge spirit.

Among the spirit, you are lying in peace.

That is a brunette man with a height of more than five meters, wearing golden luxury robe.

This black-haired man is humbthorn and handsome, handsome, like a demon, is drunk.

"The seven-star Xuanzong, wake up!"

Xuan Yi's magnificent voice passed.

In this moment, the black junmery man who slept in the spiritual, but the eyes opened.

His eyes are deep but shiny, just like a gemstone in the night.


There is a crack on the huge spirit, followed by the full spirit of spirit.

And this black hairdresser is slowly falling on the ground.


A shape is like transients like it is a beautiful man in this black-haired man, which is a weird old man dragged with long golden tail.

This quirky old man is Dragon 7.

But at this moment, he has a dark man with an unprecedented excitement and fanatics look at the black hair.

"The master, you finally woke up!" Dragon seven shook.

"Well." The brunette's handsome man nodded slightly, and immediately told: "Dragon Seven, let me go."

After saying, this brunette handsome man has a big hand, and a huge space channel has emerged, and the brunette handsome man and Dragon Qi will directly enter the space channel.

The same scene, still in a corner, appearing in connection.

At the end of the sky, the sky has a two soul in the hands of the road before the turn back, and it is stationed there.

Even if he faces it now is the Lord of the Three Holy Gentades, but the mysterious one is still calm, and even absolute confidence.

The main thing of the three contexts is crumpled.

In their knowledge, Xuan is always high-profile. It is life, now there is only one sense of consciousness, and it is also.

But just in all people.

boom! ! !

There was a huge crack in the world, tightly followed the cracks, and a red body moved slowly.

He is wearing red dragonfly, helmet, boots, even a red skin.

In an instant, an unprecedented hot sensation spread, and the blinks covered the whole world.

Everyone in the scene is in this moment, it seems that he has been in the air, and it is not a general fire.

This three-meter red red armor man, in their eyes, is not a cultivator, but a flame that is enough to burn everything in the world.

His appearance attracted all the attention of everyone.

"this person……"

The iceberg after standing on the main body of the three holy branches, saw the people who appear, but exposed the color.

"It is one of the seven stars of Qixing Xuanzong, the fire!" Iceberg low.

"One of the seven stars?" The main brows of the three holy bits could not be written.

When Qixing Xuanzong is in, the seven top scorpion of the seven-star representative of the seven stars is amazing in the great gods.

The Emperor of which is headed is enough to fight against the main front of the Holy Gentry.

Although other six people are more than God thirteen, it is not too much.

Now this world, under the limitations of Mogada, a strong person in a seven-star level, the threat is not small for the main leadership of the three contexts.

However, this fire god Zhu Yuan appeared, just just started.

The void is quickly torn again, followed by a full hundred feet high, the giant, from the tear space.

This giant is filled with an amazing, just like a beast.

"One of the seven stars, the fierce!" The iceberg reminded.

Subsequently, the void is successively broken, and a shape is routing.

In the blink of an eye, there is a foot-in-one to appear in this world.

These eight people, the breath of the body is strong.

And their identity is also recognized in the first time.

"Good guys, the biggest seven stars in the Qixing Xuanzong famous, this is three, plus the first emperor, the seven stars have gathered four?"

"Only the remaining five people are all old ages for seven-star Xuanzong!"

There are many ancient strong people who are present in the field.

Even the three holymen, the face is extremely ugly.

Seven Star Xuanzong Qixing Arms, they are clear, it is definitely the power of the Lord of the Holy State.

And the god penalty is old ... The seven-star Xuan Xuanzong during the peak period has a gods.

God puns, a total of dozens of gods are severely existed, these gods are all older, they are real peaks, although than seven stars should be weak, but they are never too much, like A star, he is a god penalty.

On the ancient war, no matter whether it is a seven stars, or these gods are old, they are all the top power of seven-star Xuanzong.

Now, these top-end combat power, there is a foot eight! ! !

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