Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2290 Helping the power

"My seven-star Xuanzong is still survived, and I can have the top most powerful people who wake up, is there only these?" The Emperor's thirteen went to the eight people.

The ancient war, the strong in the seven-star Xizong is too much, no matter whether it is a seven stars, or the god penalty is a lot.

There is not much to live, and the long years have passed, these tops strong people are sleeping, some are dead in the sleep, but they are extremely difficult to wake up, now get the summons of Xuan Yi, can wake up, Come over, there is little less.

"More than this eight, there is still one, should be there." Xuan Yi.

As his voice fell, in front of the dark void, a huge spatial crack appeared again.

This time, the spatial cracks, more than eight people appeared, and the power is more horrible.

Tightly followed, under the gaze of everyone, in the spatial crack, a great substant is slowly emerging.

It stretches with footsteps of billions of miles, all over the body, and a huge head, which is obviously a faucet.

Dragon Turtle, this is a huge golden dragon turtle!

If the sword is unparalleled again, you can recognize it, this huge covering the golden dragon turtle that is full of hundreds of millilits. He is the dragon seven when he is in the eighth chamber!

Dragon Qi's figure is completely in this world, that huge body, and it is amazing in the scene, and the ancient strong people present in the field also noticed the black haired beauty standing on Longqi. man.

Seeing this black-haired man, the seven-star Xuanzong arrived in the gods, and immediately reveal the color of respect.

As for the main part of the Three Great Shengmen, there is a hills like iceberg.

"Xuan Yan!"

The three gates of the three gates are dead and staring at people, and they have a wonderfulness.

"God punishment the palace master, is the goddess of the seven-star Xuanzong!"

"Scorpio, is it him?"

"This is a genuine, a true contest, which is said to have a super existence with the Queen of Qixing Zong, and he is still dead?"

But all the ancient strong people who have recognized the people, and a body shape is thrown.

Seven Star Xuanzong, once the generosity of the gods to strong hometown, even three hustlemen, with the seven-star Xuanzong compared to a very big gap.

At that time, the seven-star Xuanzong, the strong is like a cloud.

The most terrible seven stars, there is a god punishment, from it casually, it is enough to be in the middle of the gods.

On the mainstay of the Holy State, the Lord of the Sacred Sacredness of the Seven Star Xuanzong has two.

The first place is the seven-star Xuanzong's seven-star, a super existence that is extremely old, and earth-shattering.

The second place is that the gods of the gods puntered the palace of the palace are gone!

This is the two truly achieved the main realm of the sacredness, like the 13th, although there is a power of the main level of the strategy, but his realm is finally reached the hierarchy of the Lord of the State.

As for the mysterious one, it is very special.

What is special to him, no one knows.

And if he is a member of Qixing Xuanzong, the outside world is not aware, so it is not good to make judgments.

However, in the ancient times, the two-year-old Xi Zong's most brilliant period, there is a god-cutting palace master in piracy!

Now, this Xuanzi's foot stepped on the golden dragon turtle, wakes up from the sleep, appearing in front of everyone.

At this moment, countless people are not allowed by the screen.

"See the palace master!"

"Meet the gods of the gods!"

Seven Star Xuanzong arrived, such as those who were distinctive, including the three strong people in Qixing, Du Qi people respectfully.

Although it is the first emperor of the seven-star, it also has a respect.

The brunette junmere man standing on the golden dragon turtle, the eyes contain hundreds of thousands of stars, overlooking, and there will be someone in the eyes in the eyes.

For those gods, seven-star strong, he is slightly scattered, and very fast, his eyes are completely locked in one person.

He is locked by him, it is Xuan Yi!

"Xuan Yi !!!"

The brunette handsome men are indifferent, and there is no rolelessness in the burning of the bears.


At this moment, it is clearly an angry.

And this anger is from Xuanyi!

"Xuan Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time." Xuan Yi is a little smile. In the face of Xuan Yan, he occupied his hegemony of his battle, there is no disappearance, and it is still that mild.

It is gentle and kind.

"You still dare to appear in front of me? You also have to wake me up?" Xuan Yan was holding his hands, and he had a heavens and earth, as if it would completely broke out at any time.

This scene is that many strong people present are quirky.

They can't help but confuse, is this mysterious one is not a seven-star Xuanzong? It can be a goddess to punish the palace to hate him, and even want to kill him.

Doesn't they stand in the same camp?

Only the Lord of the Three Great Sacredness, watching this in the cold.

The three holymen of the three contexts, some of the secrets of the war, naturally understand, this is the first time, why is this anger, even hated.

"Xuan Yan, I know that the battle in the beginning, the responsibility is in me, you spend a long time with Xuan Yu, I will create a seven-star Xuan Xuanzong, and the seven stars gradually built into the first hegemony of the Taijie Shen, because of my Relationship, Qixing Xuanfang has encountered an unprecedented blow. "

"Your anger, I can understand, but no matter how you hate it, I complained that I have happened, I have happened, I want to do it now, it is as much as possible to make up for this, so ..."

Donned, Xuan Yi is looking up straight to Xuan Yan, "I will wake you up today, I only hope that you can help you with the power of the scene, send this å to the heavens turn!"

"Please stay!"

After that, Xuan is actually bent down, and the Xuan Yan and others in front are greeted.

And behind him, he did not get together immediately, but still keeping the gesture.

In front of Xuanyi, the Xuan Yan on the golden dragon turtle, as well as the eight top power, frowning wrinkled, and the rotation is silent.

They all know the status of Xuan Yi, and also know how flat-handed means and strength.

There is no doubt that Xuan is an incredible strong.

He waved the battle, and he did not bow to anyone from anyone.

But today, he became a lot of farmers, bent down to them and issued a request.

They have never thought that Xuanyi will put down their own gestures.

Although it is Xuan Yan, I didn't think of this.

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