Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2293 Burning the moon city, nine years of heavy snow

The core of the heavens and the earth ...

Burning the moon city, a very common city in the gods.

At this time, the righteousness is in the early days, and it should be that it should be clear space, but it is actually burning the month of the city.

Goose mashed snowfall from the sky, for the entire burning city, put on a layer of silver.

Surprisingly, this big snow in the moon city is not only two days a day, but it has been started from a long time, and the middle has never stopped.

On the street, people come to people, even if the weather is cold, come back and return to the people, most clothes are single, not afraid of cold.

And occasionally wearing a guardian guard, there is a pure power on the way, and it will be covered in the street on the street.

Fortunately, these guards removed in all years, otherwise this burning the moon, and it was so filled with snow.

In a pub, many practitioners gathered there, drink each other, and lively.

"This ghost weather, what is going on, from I entered this burning city began, this big snow, I never stopped?" A burly man carrying the knife, a bowl of wine, looking at the pub of the pub I can't hold some complaints.

"Haha, this brother, look at you just to burn the moon city?" A purple haired old man saw it, smiled: "Don't worry, in this city, you will have a little longer, slowly you got used to."

"It is used to it for a long time?" The burly man was surprised. "" Brother, this is, this is clearly the first summer, how can you have been snowing, and it is a few days? "

"How many days? Haha, you are wrong, this big snow in the moon city, but it has been enough for a few years." The purple haired old man laughed.

"How old? Brother, are you joking?" The burly man said.

"I haven't joked with you. I have been in burning the moon city, so I know very clearly. This big snow has been in the past ten years. It is accurate to nine years, never stopped in the middle. "Purple old man said.

"This, how is this possible?" The burly man was unbelievable, and the spin was thinking: "Is there a top power to shoot, people have created this big snow?"

There is only this possibility in him.

If it naturally continues to have a nine months old snow, then it is too weird.

"Haha, I will know that you will think so, but I have to tell you that this big snow in the moon city is not a strong man who is manufactured. It is indeed a big snow that is naturally falling. As for the weird, it is definitely weird, However, there is also the edge of it. "Zifa old people smiled.

"The reason, what is the reason?" The burly man asked.

Other cultivars in the pubs have also come together. Although these practitioners know that this big snow in the moon city has been indeed in the nine years of nine months, but what is it, but no one knows, Nature is very curious.

"This is what ..." Zifa old man deliberately sold the soldiers.

The burly man immediately took out two pots from Qiankun, and placed in front of the purple haired old man. At the same time: "Old brother, you talk about it."

Looking at the wine in front of the table, the purple hammer smiled, but immediately said. "In fact, this reason is just a rumor in the city, but this rumor is true, I don't know."

Donned, the purple haired old man continued: "This rumor is to say that our wife who biaes the moon city of Zhuolifeng, pregnant with the third child nine years ago, and starting from her presented this child, burn the moon The city will be snowing, never stopped, until now. "

After listening to this, the burly man frowned, "Old brother, you said that you are fake, people have a child, what is the relationship with the snow, this is clear, this is obviously just a coincidence, this Can it be considered? "

Other cultivars next to it will not be

The violet old man is smiled, "If the child of Zhuo Yunfeng is pregnant, it is not born now?"


This is not calm.

What is not born in nine years ago?

Gay it?

"The rumor is indeed, since the Zhuo Yunfeng wife Luo Qin, the child is in the boy, the big snow is flying, and now has been nine years of nine months, and the child of Luo Xinqin is nine years I have never been born for nine months. This is not simple. "Zifa old smiled.

The cultivators in the burly man and the pubs have nodded.

This is true.

This big snow is weird.

The child in Luo Xinqiu, even more weird.

Moreover, both the same time, obviously impossible to be coincident.

"People often say that there must be a demon, burn the moon in the city, and there is a kind of enchanting, a monster, and privately talk about it." Zifa old man said.

Everyone is also.

I have never been born for nine years, nine years, which is not a monster.

Of course, in the pure power of the first god, there is a bad thing, or the monster is not a bad thing, or even a good thing.

After all, the enchanting must have enchanting, there are countless forces in the god community, and Du Pak is not allowed to appear enchanting.

Coupled with the city, Zhuo Yunfeng is a good reputation, and people in the moon in the moon city and the children in her body. Although there is a discussion in private, there is no point to point, but it is even more disgusting. .

The burly man paid the price of the two pots, heard a very interesting thing, but also satisfied, after a roll, everyone scattered.

Burning the moon city, the city owner.

The city is Zhuo Yunfeng, in the burn moon, clearly, but the situation is extremely fair, and it is also very respected in the burning city.

The huge house is in the middle of the troops, and wearing a loose silver robes, staying with a slag noodles, but faintly brought a few middle-aged men who are not angry. It is Zhuoyun Feng. He is sitting in the hall. Above, an escort is a matter of affairs.

At this time, a maid hurried ran in.

"Master, master."

The maid is still shouting on the way to run in.

Zhuo Yunfeng brows wrinkled, screamed: "Panic Zhang, what is it?"

The maid saw the existence of the guidance leader. I knew that Zhuoyunfeng was taking the public, and she immediately took the sin.

"Let's talk, what's going on?" Zhuo Yunfeng said the temperature and down.

"The master, the lady, the lady should be born." The maid is connected.


Zhuo Yunfeng first is a good, but it is big, and he has never returned the guard and the guards of Luo Xinqin.


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