Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2294, Xuanzhu

Inside the moon city, a simple green robe, and the old barefoot elderly walked.

This vicissitudes have a piece of canvas in the hands of the canvas, there is four big characters on the 'Tongn' '' fortunete '.

When there is a hometown of the old man, this barefoot old is slightly, looked up, looked at the snow in front of the snow, and the face of the vicissitudes was revealing a smile of smiles.

"Waiting for so long, this day, finally came."

The end of the back of the barefoot, and the barefoot is in the burn moon.


This matter is late in the middle of the night, it can be burned in the moon city, but the fire is clear, and a large number of people will travel back and forth.

Before the inner hospital door, the number portrait is there, anxious waiting, and in the forehead, it is the main way to burn the Moon City, the main Yunfeng.

"This is a few hours, the little scorpion is not born?" Zhuoyunfeng walked, while it was too dark.

"Father, don't be too urgent, you have waited for nine years of nine months, there are several hours of district, and what is it?" A hexadecimal cold youth smiled.

This cold youth is the eldest son of Zhuo Yunfeng, Zhuo Peng.

Zhuo Yunfeng has a total of a woman, he still has a big daughter, but is not in burning the moon city.

"What do you know, just because the little scorpion is nine months in your mother's belly, I am in a hurry." Zhuo Yunfeng.

Zhuo Peng smiled, but did not say more.

Just then, a servant hurriedly came in.

"Master, there is a person outside the door." This servant said.

"All the time, what is the people who don't know, I can't see." Zhuoyunfeng waved, he is now anxious, and however, I have time to see a non-coherent.

"Master, the people claim to be a mysterious god, saying that as long as I tell you his name, you will definitely meet him." This servant said.

"Xuanzhao Taoist?" Zhuo Yunfeng suddenly turned away, and Zhuo Peng next to him also exposed the color.

Xuanzhao Taoist ... That is a big figure in Anjiji in recent hours. It is said that even the county of the county is strong, respectful to this Xuanzhu people.

There are many big families in Anjikun, and many top scorpions have said that they are a god.

Even many people guess, this mysterious Taoist may be a super power.

And such a big figure is not a sin of this little city, he wants to see each other in the weekdays, but now this Xuanzhu people, actually come to visit?

"Is it a mysterious god?" Zhuoyunfeng did not dare to determine.

"I don't know, but he said this." The servant said.

"That's soon." Zhuo Yunfeng dared to finish, but immediately waved, "No, I personally welcome it."

Said, Zhuo Yunfeng and Zhuo Peng immediately went outside the government.

Soon two people came to the door of the house, indeed a green robe, and the red feet old man holding canvas smiles there.

Zhuo Yunfeng closed his eyes, the light was in the end of the dress, and the people in front of him did exactly the same as the legend of the mysterious gods, and this person also gave Zhuo Yunfeng a deep feeling, as if the other party is Wang Yang. The sea, he can speculate is only a drop of water in the sea.

"It is definitely a mysterious god." Zhuo Yunfeng is very big, and immediately, "Zhuoyun Feng, met the long."

"The Lord Zhuo City is polite, it should be that the poor pass has been seen by Zhuo City," Xuanzhu people also returned to a gift.

"I don't know what to come here, what is it?" Zhuo Yunfeng modally, if it is usually, Xuanzhu people come to visit, he will definitely ask Xuanzhu to go in to see more, no matter what the other party is, Today, he is anxious to the inner court, so he did not want to have too much cold in Xuanzhao people.

"Zhuo City is the owner, the poor road is specially designed for the upcoming the world of the inner hospital." Xuanqi said smiled.

When I heard this, Zhuoyunfeng was shocked by Zhuo Peng.

The servants next to those servants are also showing a surprised color.

Task, the city owner Luo Xinqin is pregnant nine years from 1999 that children have never been born. This is not what is worthy of procurement. Therefore, I will spread any things in the inner hospital very early before, like today Luo. The piano belly is about to born, except for some of the inner courtyard of the city owner, this matter is not known.

But now, this mysterious god doctor, but it is unfamiliar, know that the fetus is coming soon.

"Zhuo City, don't you ask for a poor pass?" Xuanqi said smiled.

Zhuo Yunfeng immediately reacted, "which dares, please, please."

Under the leadership of Zhuo Yunfeng, Zhuo Peng's father and son, Xuanzhu people also came to the door of the inner courtyard.

As soon as you think of the situation inside, Zhuo Yunfeng can't be calm, and continue to be gone.

On the side of the Xuanzhu people see this, but smile, "Zhuo City owner does not need this kind of urgency, and the lady will not have anything in the abdomen, but the time has not yet arrived, so the fetus has not born."

Zhuo Yunfeng immediately stopped, and the people of Xuanzhao saw it.

"When the night is half a child, but still half an hour." Xuanzhao people smiled.

I heard this, the people present were frowned.

"Sports God, why is it so certain?" Zhuoyun said.

Although the outside world has always sent the god of Xuanzhu, Can Zhuo Yunfeng have seen it in your own eyes, and the heart is still suspicious.

"The poor Taoist view of the sky, the burn of the moon in this city, the last half of the snow in the night half of the night, will completely stop, to that time, this big snow, just nine September 199 days! "

"Nine, is the number of heavens, three, and the number of levels of the series, this step, this big snow should also stop, naturally make the son in the belly, will be born." Xuanzhu Dao.

I heard this, Zhuoyunfeng suspected more.

And Zhuo Peng next to him is directly: "Taoist, what you said is too hanging? What is the number of three nine, if you press you, the mother is in the abdomen, if it is nine times later nine times , Isn't it the nine hours nine times in September 9? Isn't it the number of four nine? Also, how do you know, my mother's belly is in the abdomen, is a man? "

"Peng Chung, there is no gift." Zhuo Yunfeng said, but in the bottom of the heart, he is actually thinking.

Solid God said too much, he can't believe it.

But in the face of questioning, the mysterious gods just smile, "Look, it is."

time flies.

"Master, it is already a child." A servant.

"Well." Zhuo Yunfeng nodded slightly.

After half an hour.

"The master, the last half of the time." The servant said again.

But this servant's words have not been finished.


A crisp baby is crying, but since the house is awkward.

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