Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2295 Tianzi Shen Jian, Sword is unparalleled!

This crying, like the sun, the sun, while the void, the snow is full of snow in September 199, but it is awkward.

Endless snow in the moon city also melts, and the shacks are full of hikes in the city, and this smoke is disappeared.

"Snow, really stop?"

The people in the inner courty have a horrified color.

At this time, the front door opened, an old woman took a wrapped baby from the room.

"The owner of the city, congratulations, and the lady born a big fat child." The old woman laughed.

"Hurry up and give me a look." Zhuo Yunfeng said.

The old woman is about to hold the baby, and Zhuo Yunfeng is explored.

"Is it really fat boy?"

This is, even Zhuo Peng and Zhuo Yunfeng can't help but encourage the throat.

Just after the Xuanzhi people said the child, when the child was half an hour, the baby boy in Luo Xinqin will be born, and the snow will be completely stopped in a born in the moon.

Now, whether it is time, or heavy snow, and even the baby boy, all the same as the Xuanzhu people.

"The Taoist is the gods, Zhuo's eyes, and also look forward to the redemption." Zhuoyunfeng immediately lodged to the Xuanzhu people.

"Xuanzhao Taoist, just have to be sinned, please also invite the road to atone." Zhuo Peng also immediately looked down at the sin of Xuanzhao.

Before they just heard that the famous mysterious trend, they did not really see it, it is inevitable.

But now it is seen in your own you, this mysterious God is clearly the ability to have a prophet.

This is definitely a god.

Even Zhuo Yunfeng can be sure, this mysterious dragon is inevitably a tenth day.

Don't say anything else, at least in the rules of fate, I must have reached the point of breathtaking.

"Small things, the two don't need to be careful." Xuan Shen said smiled slightly and did not care.

After getting up, Zhuoyunfeng took a deep breath and looked at the baby, and immediately seriously said: "Taoist, please give this little guz."

"Give the name?" Xuanqi Taoist brow one, "The poor road came today, this is known for this little guy, but there is a thing to inform Zhuo City, the poor road is not only to give him the name, but also change your name for him. "

"Change the name?" Zhuo Yunfeng and Zhuopeng are all changed.

This baby boy is in Zhuojia, is Zhuo Yunfeng's son, which is a surname, but now this Xuanzhu people, actually change the name?

"Zhuo City is the owner, the son is unusual, his surname, is the centriline." Xuanzhu Dao Human.

Zhuo Yunfeng frowned, but still said: "Please advanise."

"Don't worry, first, wait." After the finish, the mysterious god passer is looking up and dark void.

Zhuo Yunfeng and Zhuo Peng also looked up, but in addition to the black sky, did not see anything.

"It's coming." Xuanzhu people once again opened.

With his voice, the dark voids above the top, ~~~ Tiandi fierce shock, there is no darkness to dislike, followed by a light, it is actually the empty empty empty, this The rays are getting brighter and more eye-catching, and is coming to the bottom of the incredible speed.

call out!

As the meteorite will be from the sky, the blink of an eye has come in the inner court of the city mainfate.

This inner courtyard is bombarded a big hole.

Zhuoyong Feng, Zhuo Peng, etc. in the inner court, have been completely shocked.

When they scattered, they looked at the hole of the ground, but found that there was a sword where they were inserted!

This sword, the sword is four feet, there is no sword sheath, his sword is scarlet, it is like immersed in the blood.

"this is……"

Zhuo Yunfeng and others looked at this sword.

This longjut is in a strange, but Zhuo Yunfeng and others are in this sword as if they see a slightly hell, hell, the bones are all in the land, the blood sea is nothing.

This is definitely a sword of the murdered sword.

"The terrible sword." Zhuo Yunfeng muttered, and at the same time was more horrific.

Because this silk sword is dropped from the sky.

Tianzi Shenjian?

"Zhuo City, now you should see, your little guy in your arms, because of the sword, the sword is surnamed, as for his name, he stayed in his mother in the nearly 999 The day, the number of three nine, is unique in the world, and it can be done in the world. "

"So this little guy should be called unparalleled words!" Xuanzhu people said.

"The sword is surname, unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled ... sword is unparalleled?" Zhuo Yunfeng one, but it is a bright spot, "a sword in the hands, there is no double, good name!"

"Thank you, the director gave the name." Zhuoyunfeng is grateful.

The Xuanzhu Dao is a smile. "It is said that the name is already the name of this little guy."

After that, the Xuanzhu people did not turn away, but the baby in Zhuo Yunfeng looked at the baby, although the baby was born, but the eyes were completely open, the black eyes, but only Juan Juan God people.

"Little guy, you are related to the poor road, you will meet in the future."

The voice falls, and the mysterious people turned to the government.

"Gong Dao Long." Zhuo Yunfeng said with Zhuo Peng.

"Haha ~~~" Xuan Shen Taoist is free to smile, simple two steps have completely disappeared in everyone's sight.

"Xuanzhao Taoist, it is really a high person." Zhuo Yunfeng saw this incident.

"Father, let's really want to say according to Xuanzhu Dao, giving your brother name called sword unparalleled?" Zhuo Peng next to him later.

"Of course, this is the name of Xuanzhao's leader personally, there must be its intention, let alone this day, you have seen it, your brother is indeed because of the sword, of course, the name is just a name. We can call him swords in the future, and we can also call him Zhuo Wushuang. "Zhuoyun laughed.

"This is." Zhuo Peng nodded.

The father and son are all unhappy because of the newborn of the baby.

"Right, let's hurry, let your mother look at it." Zhuoyun said, then two people walked towards the door.

However, his father and son did not pay attention to the fetus in Zhuo Yunfeng, and the black big eyes were flashing with a strange gloss. The eyes were deep, and they also took a shock, his eyes It is never solidified in the direction of the mysterious gods.

"Who is this person?"

The sword is unbearable, but the mouth can't say a word, and the words say it is the cry of the baby.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still not clear what you are now.

He only remembers that he has been in the sky, he has got his wife's cold as a frost, and it can be pursued by the main challenge of the two contexts. It should be completely dead.

Who knows now that it is now reminded, but everything has changed.


PS: Today's four is more!

The 18th volume is too early, officially started.

The sword is unparalleled in the Tai Chuan Shen Ren. Although it is reborn, the strength will be quickly restored. You don't have to worry, and the next rise process will be quite exciting. Everyone will wait and see.

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