Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2296, everything, the reason (on)

The sword is unparalleled on the bed, next to a parallel woman lying down, is Luo Xinqin.

"Mother, you see, the younger brother's nose is the same as your mother," said Zhuo Peng in front of the bed.

Luo Xinqin smiled slightly, looking at the sword unparalleled eyes filled with soft and pet.

But the sword at this moment is unparalleled, and I have already been embarrassed in my heart.

"What happened, I actually became a baby? This is ... The turn is there?" The sword turned.

Can be quickly, a message introduced into the sword.

That message is that his teacher is left to him.

He also finally knew that he would be a model now.

"It turned out, I was originally dead, I was resurrected by my soul against time and space, and then sent me into the reincarnation channel, let me have revived the turn back." The sword didn't know, but he didn't know, Not only one of him, and his wife is cold, the soul is also sent to the reincarnation channel, and it is estimated that it will turn back to the world.

At the same time, the message left to him, but not only these, there are more messages, it is the reason why it is all.

The sword is unparalleled to browse this message.

"Annual, no accident, you should now regenerate the world, then you will grow up in too early gods, and you should know that all this is. First, is the identity of the teacher In fact, you should have already guess the difference, the teacher is the huge head of the green circle, that is, you are in the intake, the ancient picture of the ancient view, "

Seeing this, the sword is unparalleled, and it is still calm.

He is really guessed.

From seeing the ancient pictures, the sword did not have a double, and the battle of the game was full of gangli, which was very likely to be his Master.

Because the ancient picture is obviously ancient war, and the vigorous man is forced to have a desperate situation. Subsequently, it will make the heavens and earth collapsed. If the sword is unparalleled, it is the banned large array of the ancient chaotic world. The ancient chaotic world is completely isolated from the Tai Chu.

In the beginning, the ancient chaotic world camp and the three imperial camps broke the battle, and Xuan was shot, but the waving was mobilized.

It is natural to manipulate the ban, and Xuan Yi is naturally the owner of the ban.

The sword is unparalleled to continue.

"I came from the beginning of the god, but the unique chaotic life of the Taijun gods, I was born, I would shoulder a mission.

This mission, is incomparable, but I have to do it, I am with the two major creators of Qixing Xuanzong, it is a life and death brother, and when I have been working hard, I have a good help with Qixing Xuanzong, I am mission. Only one step away.

At the end of the last, the three major sacred, the four gods, the eight parties, and the Taijie gods have countless top strong, directly entering the seven-star gods, that battle, war During the fluster, I will have the truth, and the seven-star Xuanzong is also the absolute hegemony of the Taijie God, but the end is a widow, plus some small people, the battle, my side, completely defeated.

Seven Star Xuanzong, because of my relationship, it is about to face the crisis, may not have, I can only display the treklet, and completely banned the seven-star gods. It is completely isolated from the Taijie Shenjun. It is a seven-star Xuanzong to retain some healthy power, for this domain A small vitality is saved, not being completely erased. "

Seeing this, the sword is unparalleled.

The process of ancient war and the end of the end of the end, he is not known to be a specific reason for ancient war.

But now it seems that the ancient war is at all because of his master.

His division is a unique and perfect chaotic life, born with mission, and seven-star Xuanzong is fully supporting him to fulfill this mission.

Just at the end, it was blocked by the power of alliances in the gods, and was blended.

This is also no wonder that the mysterious strongest of the seven-star Xuanzong who sleeps in the independent space of the eighth nest, will have no comparative pain to his teacher.

That battle was from the time of his teacher, and the seven-star Xuanzong was destroyed by his master, and the seven-star Xuanzong had a complaint, it was normal.

But the sword is unparalleled, and the mystery is the perfect chaotic life? As a perfect chaotic, what is the mission of life, what is it?

There is no more thinking, but continue to have seen it.

"After the battle, before I died, although the seven-star gods were completely banned, but the trendy means of using it, she did not only consume a lot of strong sophisticated blood and the power, and the seven-star gods were extracted. The original cultivation environment is the most beautiful seven-star god domain, which has become a barren land, and the heaven and earth aura becomes unborn thin.

With the operation of the ban, the heaven and earth aura is more large, which leads to the first era of the next time, the second era cultural environment is getting worse, the birth level of the cultivator is also increasingly The lower it, as for the same day, it is also born.

Under this situation, the remaining strong in Qixing Xizong must not have to fall into sleep, and the meat is dead, but the will is not completely annihilated. I will start moving in this world, while thinking about how to solve this difficulties. .

That battle, I am so defeated with Qixing Xuanzong, but no matter what I am, or the rest of the seven-star Xi Zong is full, it is not willing to be trapped in this banned world, not willing to have a mouse, hiding Here, I have wanted to re-kill the gods!

However, if you want to re-kill too early gods, what is hard? "

See this, the sword is unparalleled and can't help.

Indeed, ancient war, Qixing Xuanzong lost too badly.

Numerous strong people do not say that even the seven-star gods are only because the ban can keep it.

It is necessary to show the ban, the seven-star Xuanzong and the seven-star gods will completely become a history. It can be said that Xuan Yi's banned big array is a chance to preserve a seven-star Xuanzong and the seven-star gods.

But this kind of opportunity is too embarrassing.

First of all, the banned big array is advantageous, and the division naturally retains the seven-star gods, but the disadvantages are caused by the seven-star gods to become poor, and they are not born again.

Second, the strong people of Qixing Xi Zong have been trapped there, and there is no chance to leave the world, and even they can only keep sleep, they can keep their realm.

In this case, they even have endless, but how can I re-kill the gear world?

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