Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2298, everything, (below)

"Wan Dao was not created, the second reverse repair of the fire industry was born, and this reverse, it is you!"

The sword is unparalleled to continue.

"This time, I have a previous trial, I have a great grasp after I have a great man, so I am ready to show you, and I personally give you.

Therefore, when you have not yet born, when the beads containing the reverse model, I started waiting for your arrival in the green circle, and in order not to die, I joined an old door as an eternal cultivator, and even three pro-disciples were received.

The three pro-disciples, that is, the three brothers, I just see them pleasing, and they have received them, and they also gave them a lot of help. As for the final achievements, they can only look at themselves, and I am in ancient gates. After tens of thousands of years, you were born, and soon quickly truly entered the road of reversal.

The next thing is in order to enroll, when you come to the green world from the ancient world, I will accept you as a pro-disciple with ancient giant sword palace master, and teach you to you, let you get complete The reverse repair method, then you will grow up step by step, and it is completely among my expectations, and I even gave you the blood peak sword and the mountains and rivers.

But later, the emergence of Jin Guo, the fire industry faces the crisis, I have to show it, but I will expose a lot of things, I will let you notice my side, so the best solution, I have disappeared in front of you. Let you have no chance to ask.

So I will work two points, one is dissipated in front of you, and the other has already hidden in the mountains and rivers. It looks at your growth. In addition, if you really meet the life and death crisis, I can save you in time. "

The message left by Xuan is not said, but it is actually the sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world, and several energy insurance is a secret, which is a secret.

For example, in the eighth nest, facing the champion of countless star magic people, the Xuan Yi secretly passed the stars secrets to the independent space, leading the dragon seven to find that the dragon seven shot will be rescued.

For example, in the foundation in the Vatican Sea, in the face of the murder of Huangquan Palace, nearly the bureaus of the death, it is also the power of the mysterious secrets of the mountains and rivers, awakened the deepere of the Vatican waters. Stars, this has a scene of a star, and even a star is still deliberately gives the sword unparalleled aim, in fact, a star has been in the sword.

There is also the ancient battlefield around the fire industry, in the yin wind, the sword is unparalleled for the first time, the emperor thirteen does not shoot him, still leaving a mark in his body, because of the emperor Thirteen awareness of the awareness of Xuan Yi in the Mountain River Society.

"Your growth is still fast, you get a retrieval of the seventh step from the Bai Di, and finally enter the seventh step, when you achieve the perfect chaotic population, hidden in the mountains and river I'm a sense of consciousness, I feel a truly perfect, with Bai Emperor, the Qing Di is completely different, you already have all the conditions that become a perfect chaotic life.

I know, you are the one who can be created, the second perfect chaotic life between the world!

However, after having a perfect chaotic body, I want to really become a perfect chaotic life, but still needs a step, this is also a crucial step, that is the round back World, this is the eighth step of the reversal, and finally one step! !

Only this step is taken out, you can be able to get in the gods, the identity of the perfect chaotic life, true.

Therefore, I will start to set up.

When I decided in the world and the three imperituals camps, I revealed in the world, not only to help you suppress the blood emperor, and I also sent a message to the Emperor, let him replace, let him prepare A small turn back.

This small reincarnation, just in the round, the Emperor thirteen borrows a star of the stars, let you think that it is only a treasure of the reincarnation rules, but in fact, the round back bead is the key to true.

Later, I learned that the majority of the Great Sacred Genting in the Great Games will open the heavens and earth channels in the end of the day.

After all, although the small reincarnation has created it, the small reincarnation needs to connect to the height of the Taijie Shenjie, but it is not easy. Under the limitations of the heavens and the earth, even if the Emperor is thirteen, a star waiting for people to join hands to do it very difficult However, if there is a few of the Lord of the Holy Grouting to open the heavens and earth channels, it is completely different.

So, a perfect plan appeared.

That is, when I took the Lord of the Holy Grouting, I opened the heavens and the earth, when the Heavenly Will had returned, I also launched the turn to turn the wheel back to the turn channel and sent you into the reincarnation channel.

However, this program is very important, that is, it is to send a reincarnation channel. It can only be a sense of soul. It is impossible to send the body to the soul, and the soul of the reincarnation channel must be very peaceful, there must be no one. Struggling and resistance, the best way, this person's soul is falling into sleep, but if you want to hurt your soul, you will sleep, but it is too difficult.

If you want to do this, there is only one way, that is, let you fall, then reverse the time and space to resurrect your soul. "

The sword is unparalleled to see this, but the mood is hard to calm for a long time.

At the same time, he has had a lot of doubts before, and it has been completely unspeakable.

"It turned out to be like this."

"This is the reason for everything ..."

His Master Xuanyi, in order to let the seven-star gods worship the world's dilemma, try to create a retroactive system, only for the creation of the second perfect chaotic life in the world.

The birth of the fire industry is born, and all the previous preparations are just for this purpose.

As for the reverse repairs in Bai Emperor and the World Chaotic World, it is a failure product that is constantly trying to make a trial in Xuan.

And the retro system, a total of eight steps.

Previously, the sword has already stepped into the seventh step, reaching the seventh step limit, only the last step, this last step needs to go back to the World.

This has a step plan, with Xuan Yi, Emperor 13, a star of their previous steps.

They carefully designed, and even counted the main one of the three holy bits of the Taijie Shenjie. With the power of these three holy powers, opened the turn-back passage of the Taijie Shennian, and eventually passed the sword unparalleled soul. Reincarnation, send it to the genoven yield.

This is the purpose of Xuan Yi, from the ancient times, it began to plan the true purpose of the desire to achieve.

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