Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2299 waiting for me!

After understanding these, the sword is unhealthy, but it is not contest!

This is an admiration for his master!

It is clear that it is dead, but it is still enough to call the wind.

Relying on a new retroactive system, you can build the second perfect chaotic life in the world, what is incredible means?

Don't look at the Xuanyi's Xuanyi seems to be very easy, but the sword is unparalleled but it is clear.

You must know that Xuan Ye began to prepare from the ancient times, and in the law of drilling the reversal.

Then I have experienced the first and second ages of the second feet, I finally completely improve this reverse repair, so that he has the possibility of becoming a perfect chaotic.

Among them, how many years have you been?

From the ancient times to the first era, is it very long?

Then there is a long time in the first era, and then go to the second era. How many years have you experienced?

The sword is unparalleled, but the sword is unparalleled, the birth of a single blood circler has exceeded 40 million years! !

The fire industry is obviously in the second era, if it is counted in the first era and the time of the ancient times, the Xuan Yi is carefully prepared for hundreds of millions of years, and even hundreds of millions of years.

"Millions of years?" The sword couldn't help but done.

Since he cultivates it, even if it is reincarnated now, it is only 100,000 years.

Ten millions of time, he is not clear what concept is.

Can Xuan Yi, in order to create the second perfect chaotic life, the students are carefully prepared for so many years, and have experienced countless attempts, countless failures, single-in-one and patient admires.

What's more, the purpose of this move is not for yourself.

His is a numerous creative of seven-star Xuanzong, which is trapped in the banned big array.

He is giving a living person, creating a chance to get off! !

And finally his purpose is really reached.

The sword is unparalleled, if it is changed to yourself, I am afraid that it is impossible to have a lot of patience and strength.

Single is to prepare for a hundreds of millions of years, he is not cold and chestnut, and he will not think about it.

But Xuan Yi did it.

"Master him, it is great." The sword is unparalleled.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled to continue to see the remaining message.

"Apprentices, send you into the reincarnation channel, let you go back to the world too early, I will do it, I can do it, I have been tired, I should have a good rest. And the future, I can't help you again, everything can only rely on yourself! "

"You can only rely on your own ability, continue to rise in the Taijun gods, don't say to the point of our peak, at least to achieve a point where to follow the thirteen shoulders, you can use the perfect chaotic life That is huge to incredible power, as well as special abilities, relieve the ban on seven-star gods, and help the strong people in Qixing Xuanzong, and countless cultivators in the seven-star gods. "

"However, once you choose this to do it, then you have to do it well in the face of countless forces of the gods. Of course, there will be only one person in the face, the strong people of Qixing Xi Zong will be fully help you."

"I am in the seven-star gods, that is, I also left a hand on the battlefield where your hometown is located, it is arranged in the sky, that is quite mirroid, which can make the heaven and earth on the ancient battlefield. , Slowly improve the cultivation environment, even reached the point of the seven-star gods during the peak, and the strong people of Qixing Xuanzong, on the battlefield, enough to restore the strength. "

"Their combat power is extremely strong, enough to help you, as for the mission of our perfect chaotic life, wait for your strength to reach that, don't know, you naturally know."

"Finally, I will give you the last opportunity of you, this is the strongest five secret surgery in the peak period, and is the most complete, including the strongest magical" "of my own. You, you look at the practice. "

"Little guy, you will be worth it."

The message is completely dissipated.

And the five strongest secrets of Qixing Xuanzong, and the detailed manner of "" completely printed in the sword.

Browse full information, the sword is unparalleled, but it is very heavy.

He knows that after his master is conveyed to him, his will should completely dissipate.

That is to say, his teacher is honored, and the real smoke is disappeared.

Although his Master is already a few years ago, it has fallen when he is ancient war, but there is still a will of return.

But now, this will is completely dissipated.

"Master ... The next thing is given to me."

In the state of the sword, it seems that there is a dark eye.

He was born in the seven-star gods, and he was born in the hot community that had his own head. It was a hard work of Xuan Yi for so many years, plus the efforts of countless strong people, and finally sent his soul into the turn of the Taijie. The channel has also created the second perfect chaotic life in this world.

In this way, he has a responsibility to carry a burden of the seven-star god.

He must contact the seven-star god domain. He must lead the seven-star gods countless cultivator, re-killing back to the gods!

In addition, he must have to complete the mission that is a perfect chaotic spirit, the next child.

"My parents, my brother, and my many relatives, I am also sleepy in the world, the whole seven-star gods, only I have come to the first gods, can say that I am the only hope, I am afraid it is also The last hope, this hope, I can't break. "The sword has a flame in the burning in the sword.

This is a champion that is decided.

"All, waiting for me!" The sword didn't smash.

Of course, he also knows your current state, it is impossible to reach that step in a short time.

He has to take time to constantly improve your strength.

And clear all the priorities, and also know that your current situation, and after the things you should do, the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is so calm.

"According to the teacher said, I have reached the success of the world, and I have already reached the eighth step of the reversal, and I also made a perfect chaotic life, but I don't know this perfect chaotic life, what is the difference with ordinary life?" Sword? " There is no double with a curious, and immediately begins to find your own body.

He is now just born, but it is only a baby. It doesn't have a powerful force at all, but he is the soul of the back, his strength is not weakened.


PS: Today's four is more!

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