Sword Master of All Dao

The 232th chapter is three products, one product is respect!

The sword is unbounded, and the sword of the three kills is light, and the three killing swords are slightly trembled. It is like having a spiritual and general. In that surprise, the sword is unparalleled. fluctuation.

"Three killed swords, I feel completely different before it." The sword did not help.

"Of course, it is not the same." Jinling smiled, "can be used as a letter of trust entered the ancestise, this three killer sword is it a general? Just because of the silence of the first few years, the Sword of these three swords has already slept, but I just just woke up it. "

"Sword Ling?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Kid, you don't even know the sword spirit?" Jin Ling looked over.

The sword is unparalleled.

"It's really aloud." Jin Ling smiled, but immediately shook his head, "It's also right, Jianzu has not completed this, and the eyes are naturally low."

"You listen, three killed swords, not a general weapon, but a soldier!"

"The server divides three products!"

"The three products are the spirit, one product is respect! Every product is divided into low-order, middle-age, high-level three levels!"

"This handle is three kill swords, the peak is the second high-level god soldier, and the second grain soldiers are all spiritual, but they must be your father and the strong, causing three years ago. Killing the sword spirit is damaged, caught in a sleep, the power of the sword will be buried. "

"Now, I have awakened the Sword Spirit. The power of these three kills has also returned a lot, but Jian Ling still has not completely recovered, so the current three killings have weakened to three high-level levels."

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the three kill swords will not be shocked.

The only three kids now give him a feeling of terrible, but the power of the three kill swords is not completely recovered?

"How can I restore the peak power?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I said, the three killing swords are a sword of the killing, it is like killing, you want to restore its power, it is as good as possible to kill, the more you kill, the stronger the people of the kill, The faster the three kills recovered, even if the three killer swords will return to the peak in the future, you have been killing, and you can also upgrade the three killing swords. "Jin Lingdao.

"I understand." The sword has no double heart, and the three killer swords in his hand have been in the bottom of the hand.

The power of the three kill swords will resume to achieve the peak, and even more stronger scenes.

"In fact, there is not only the soldiers divided into three products, those host cheats, the same is also," Jinling suddenly. "

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The source cheats are divided into three products. The same is divided into low-order, middle-age, high-level three levels, like you have received the two original swords, then there is no sword with the blood empty sword ... "

"In the two swordsman, there is no sorrow, the sword is the three-character middle-level cheats!"

"The blood is sword, it is the three high-order cheats!"

Jinling said that this stopped and continued to look at the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, until today, he knows that the soldiers will be divided into the source of the source.

"None of my swords and blood empty swords, I seem to be very good, especially the blood empty sword, but it is just a three-piece swords cheats, the second sword, even the highest level What will be the sword of the sword? "The sword is unparalleled.

Three products swordsmanne can be strong.

Two swordsmanship, the one-piece sword

"For the cheats, you can go to the three products, and the power is not the same. After all, most of the source cheats are not the color of the flow. If you get the no, the sword is actually good, at least Now you are enough! "

"As for the swords of the two products, I don't want to have a strong, and if you are extraordinary, you will come to the ancestral place in the future, and you will get the second heavy test. Big big, two swords cheats, you can also get it. "Jin Ling smiled.

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.


He took the ancestral lake in the ancestise to skyrocket, and it only reached the peak of yin, it was still far away from the extraordinary.

At that level, it is not necessary to break through this simple.

"Okay, I will tell you, you can tell you, you can leave, wait for the future, come here." Jin Lingdao.

"Thank you for two."

The sword was unparalleled, and then he came to the leader of the wooden mountain, and he left the ancestral place in front of the spatial worm.


Dark Sen.

A shadow sound rushed to the sky, the strong breath spread, and suddenly made a chicken flying dog jumped in the entire darkness.

"Half a year." The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the corner of the mouth exposes a smile.

The last time he stayed in the ancestral land for two years, and the progress was great.

This time, although he only stayed in the ancestral half a year, it was more amazing.

The spiritual force is carried out, directly from Jin Dan, crossing the peak of yin yong, and broke through the four realm!

At the same time, he also comprehend the source of killing and entering the way of killing.

The rainy palace is a month to enlighten, the world's origin has a huge increase in the source of killing, and the same is true.

It can be said that in just six months, his strength has developed a change in the sky.

"Some years ago, I went straight to the ancestral place after returning from the pool, and I didn't know how to have a half-year day." The sword is unparalleled, "it is not anxious, I cultivate the big days of cultivation, enter the yin yang deficiency The situation is the yin and yang, and I don't know how to be a letter. "

The sword is unparalleled to find a place in the darkness of the Dark Sen, and then start to run the big day.

Daily creation, step by step, step by step.

From God's nine days, the ultimate sea, no golden Dan, every step is much more powerful than the ordinary military.

The yin yin and yang, the yin and yang, naturally also is also universal.

The sword is not drilled with a trick, and it will finally understand the yin yang.

The sword is unparalleled, with the spiritual power, gradually has a thick spiritual force comes out from his body, in which the spirit is also wrapped in a light.

This light image is a baby, but the size is very small, with this light and shadow appears in the void, then the vast world is crazy, and the baby is completely packaged, and then a spiritual force is getting more and more, gradually, one Whether it is a figure or a picture of the sword, the same person appears next to it.

The sword is unpacking opens his eyes, seeing another one next to him, his mouth can not help but show a smile.

"Yin Yang is divided into it!"


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