The martial arts, the second seven major, Ling Lihua Sea, the congenital goldenan, yin and yang empty, extraordinary into the Sheng!

The yin and yang is emptying, and it is normal to change from the original innocent gold to a baby. It is a babbit, which is the core of the military, is the core of the military.

It is also a big day to reach the yin and yang empty, and it is also from Jin Dan to Yuan Baby, but the generation of Yuan Ying is not only one, but two!

Two Yuan Ying, a leading book, and the other is re-constructing the body, forging yin and yang!

This is the yin yang!

And the sword is unparalleled now, it has been forged.

Whether it is a pattern, or a spiritual force is exactly the same as him, the only difference is a sense of two.

Yin Yang is divided, although the dominant is dominated, it has independent awareness.

That is to say, it is possible to go to sway alone, to practice, to refresh the sword or the source, so it will not interfere with this respect.

It is equivalent to being from one person, changed to two people, and yin and yang, the present is fundamental, the present is not dead, the difference is not destroyed, even if they are killed, it can still be given new forged.

"Scary ability!"

"Scary big day"! "

The sword is unparalleled to look at your yin and yang, and it is full of surprises.


This can be an independent consciousness.

Can not be affected by him, go to the adventure!

This is equal to a person's refinement, but now two people are cultivated, and the cultivation speed is naturally doubled.

Moreover, with the present, you can separate it, and it can be integrated.

As the sword didn't have a double, I saw that the yin and yang shared by him was slowly close to him, followed by him to integrate, followed by his yin and yang again.

The yin and yang after separation, but the body is getting angry, it becomes incomparable, spreading a terrible killing.

And his own breath is becoming followed, it becomes enough.

This is standing with yin and yang.

A inclusive everything.

A killing world!

It is completely different from two kinds of breath. If you don't look at the long phase, no matter who is afraid, you can't see this is the same.

"From today, yin and yang is concentrating on killing this source, and my present is to enlighten the world's source, division of labor." The sword is unparalleled.

Yin and yang, even the sentiment of this source can be divided into two.

Nowadays, there is no more than half of the murderous origin, only the sentiment of the world's origin.

This source is enlightened by the world, and the killing of the world is separated. The two are completely distracted.

If both are integrated, the present can also take into account two origins of the world with killing.

This special ability, the sword is unparalleled.

With the yin and yang, he will be too much too much in the future.

Not only for the sentiment of this source, but also a lot of things, the present cannot come to process, then let go of the borders, and if it is to explore some danger, it is also divided.

After all, it's okay, you can still forge again, just need to spend some time.

Of course, the sword is unparallled, and it is that after breakthrough to the yin deficiency, the force that is originally unsound Jin Dan has been greatly weakened.

Originally there is no golden Dan, directly in the explosion of spiritual power.

But now, after the golden Dan is turned into Yuan Ying, the spiritual force broke out, only ten times.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

Just like he broke through Jin Dan from the sea, he was the ultimate sea, the spiritual is endless, and it can break through the unpaid Jin Dan. His spirituality is also weakened to only ten times the ordinary military.

"I am now the peak, the spiritual outbreak is the ten times of the same order, then my spiritual force is equivalent to the top of Yang, and even more stronger, it should be barely comparable." The sword is unparalleled.

Just just the strength of the power, it is comparable to the yang deficiency. If you add to swords, the source of this source, his war is much stronger than the yang deficiency.

As for how strong, he is not clear, you still need a suitable strong person to practice.

"Go back to the Tianzong Dynasty."

The sword is unparalleled, and then it will go to the other side of the darkness of the dark.

However, he just didn't have a long time.


The sword has no double shape to stop in a void, and the eye is overlooking.

A fierce battle is out of the ground below.

Originally like the darkness of the Sen, such a place to be a beast, suitable for experience, the fierce battle is normal, the sword is unparalleled, but now he chooses to stop, because one of the strong people wear, he I have seen it in the nine emperor.

"Nine emperor people?" The sword didn't have a double look.

The ground below.

"Haha, little girl, let us go, caught you, I don't believe that the fat man is still notified." A purple old man smiled coldly, in front of him, there is a beautiful woman with a body .

This enchanting woman is beautiful in the moment, but it is cool, the silver teeth are bite, and the bloody hoist in the hands is crazy.

At the same time, I will sieving this beautiful woman's three people. The three people are in the middle of this fascinating woman. Although the beautiful woman is full of power, it is still full of compression, but it is just a morning and evening.

And next to it, there is a rare numerous bodies lying there.

Those bodies were originally a teammates of a beautiful woman, but now they have been killed.


A Jianfeng greeted from the enchanting arm, the beautiful woman's arm was immediately opened, a stinging, a stinging, a woman's palm of his hand, the bloody gun is falling in the ground, but the beautiful woman is still fighting Resist.

"Hey, it is really tenacious." The cold old man is smirk, and there are several nine emperors of the nine emperor to stand there, and it is interested.

In their view, this beautiful woman is already inserting.

It is at this time ...


A shadow suddenly appeared in front of the beautiful woman.

The three people who siege brightening women immediately, but the power of the offensive is not reduced.

The sword has no double eyes, seeing these three offensive simultaneously, and did not see him, but he was surprised to form a strong wind and swept it.

That three offensive immediately landed, and even three golden Danqiang who gave a demon woman, he was blown directly at this moment.


"court death!"

"Where is the kid, dare to manage my nine emperor?"

There is only a few people who have a few people who have been watching, and they are not brought directly to the sword.

The sword is not a double still does not shot, but just raises his head, and time, on him, a horrible killing explosives!


PS: Yin and Yang, , very unique ability, now you can't see anything, you will know how strong this ability, haha!

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