Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 234 listening to the rain

Surprised killing from the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a transparency that is completely grouped through the spiritual force.

These transparent sharp blades are directly framed, and the void appears in front of the cold old people.

"What?" "The cold old man is here to react.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

The transparent blade is easy to pass through a body, and the cold old man is full of eyes, and then turns into the ground to fall toward the ground.

In just an instant, all the nine emperors of the siege of the beautiful woman were directly killed.

"This ..." The beautiful woman was shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, but turned his head, looked at this demon woman, asked: "I just listened to these people saying, are you from listening to rain?"

"Yes." The beautiful woman looked at the head.

"Then I ask you, what is the relationship between the Tang Dynasty, the Tang, the Tang Dynasty?" The sword asked without a double part.

"Tang is unpolated? He is my brother, and now is the main owner of the rain cabinet." The beautiful woman is connected.

"Are you a Tang Wu's sister?" The sword did not have a double color as a quirky.

Tang Wuyi is he met in the way to participate in the pointer hunting.

And that Tang has no extremely ugly, it is a big fat man who is unclatted. I didn't expect his sister but so beautiful, the body is more enchanting.

"It is interesting." The sword smiled.


Listen to the rain, claim to listen to the wind and rain over the city.

A few years ago, he listened to the rain in the province of Tiannan, especially the intelligence capacity, very much.

I later listened to the rain to the nine emperor. It was directly destroyed by the nine emperor. It was half a year ago, and the young main Tang, who listened to the rain, spent a lot of money, once again created a listening to the rain.

And recreational, listening to rain, overall strength is much stronger than once.

Listen to the rain part of the rain, a tamper.

"All, this time, the nine emblem is coming, we must fully deal with it, otherwise, even if it is a little inadvertent, I am afraid that the Rain Pavilion will have to fall into the ground." The middle-aged man with a fat, the sound is low.

"The main, according to me, we still promised the Ouyang's national request, and the Ouyang clan gave us a support, we don't have to worry about the nine emperor." A swordfood man in the next next to him.

"I promise the Ouyang's national requirements? It is impossible!" Tang Wu did not shake his head. "If you just return or attach it, you can also think about it, you can listen to the Rain Pavilion to the Ouyang clan in the dark hall, it is impossible."

"Even if I listen to the rain, I will disappear, I will never promise the Ouyang's national conditions!"

The Tang's unlook on the eyes and flashed, and the voice was powerful, and he did not hesitate.

At this time, the door of the secret room suddenly opened, and a deacon of the rain will come in, respect the road: "The main, the Snow is back, and the lady said that there is a big person to find you, before the lady in the dark When he was swaying, the attack of the Jiu Emperor's strong, was the adult saved the lady. "

"Well?" Tang has no greatness, and it is a heavy angry, "Jiuhuangmen, it is really despicable," actually sent people to catch my sister! Let the snow come in with the strong man who saved her. "

"Yes." The delegate immediately retreated.

Not long after, the beautiful woman Tang Xueer walked into the secret room with the sword.

"Snow." Tang Wuyi saw this beautiful woman, and his face could not help but show a smile.

"Brother." The fascinating woman Tang Xueer is rushing to the Tang Dynasty, saying: "I almost fell into the hands of the nine emperor, this adult saved me, you have to thank him for me. Thank you. "

"Yes?" Tang said that he smiled and watched this only watched the sword.

At this point, the Tang has no very eye-catching.

"You, you are ... Old, boss?" Some intermittent intermittent sounds excited.

"Tang is helpless, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, boss, really you." Tang said that there was no double ran in the sword, and then pulled the sword unparalleled on the wooden table of the secret room. One waved, the table immediately appeared in the beautiful wine with wine bowl. .

"Boss, we haven't seen it for more than half a year, I want to think about you." Tang said.

"Don't you disgust me?" The sword didn't have a lot of Tang.

"Haha, come, the boss, let's drink a cup." Tang did not even gave the sword without double pouring wine.

The surrounding Tang Xueer followed the scenes of the guests of the Rain Pavilion.


Tang's unpredighed looks at least forty years old, and the sword is unparalleled is the age of 20 years old. The age gap is like this, but the Tang is unpredictable, it is called the sword unparalleled boss?

This is called, it is inevitable to make them feel weird.

"Tang is unpolated, see your look, is it a good thing?" The sword didn't drink a bowl of wine, and it was interested in Tang Dynasty to see it.

"Haha, this is not much for yourself." Tang has no big smile, "I didn't give me some money in the East Plain. The number of money is too much, I've listened to rain. More than enough wealth. "

The sword is not a double brow.

In the polar plain, he and the Tang said, it is gave the Tang's helplessness than the money, and the money is a lot of money in the Polar Plain.

As for the money, how much is it, he didn't go, but it should be a lot.

"I took it more than the money, I returned to the Tianzong Dynasty, and returned to the province of Heaven, I immediately called the old department who listened to the rain. I only used it for half a month to recreate listening to rain, then I then If you spend a lot, please invite a few Yin deficient guests, it is what you see now. "Tang did not poke several yin deficiency in the surrounding.

"There is a help of these passengers, I listened to the rapid rise in the rain, in just two months, in this day, the province of South China has already occupied a place, and I will find a way to follow the Seven Top Temples. Ouyang's family has a relationship! "

"There is an Ouyang clan as a mountain, I have naturally become more and more rapidly in the development of Rain Pavilion." Tang said.

"It looks very good, but why I just saw your look, it seems that it is very worried about it?" The sword laughed.

I heard the words, the Tang said, I was sighing: "I listened to the rise of rain, but I got the nine emperor of the rain, the nine emperor, I was stared at us in the first time." "

"In this half year, I listened to the Rain Pavilion and did not have less confrontation collision with the nine emperor.

"It can be yesterday, the nine emperor does not know what to do, actually coming out, saying three days, let me listen to the rain of the rain, the grass is not born!"


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