Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 235 I will help you

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning, he led many Jinlong to enter the nine emperor, gave the nine emperor's hit, and now it is less than a year, and the nine emperor wants to recover the vitality.

Now that the nine emperor knows that listening to the rain, there is an Ouyang nationality, but still dare to say that you have to listen to the rain in the three days. If there is no bloody phenoted, it is not so big. Force.

"The original nine emblem came, I listened to the Rain Pavilion with Ouyang's team to do the back shield, but also not afraid, who once thought that after the Jiuhuangmen came out of this sentence, the Ouyang nationality turned his face." The Tang has no extreme sound.

"Ouyang's national is said, unless I listen to the Rain Pavilion, I will combine with them, otherwise, when the nine emperor is killed, their Ouyang's family will not shoot."

"It is merged, but it is actually swallowed me to listen to the rain."

"Is this?" The sword has no double brow, "What do you plan now?"

"The soldiers will block, the water is hidden, in short, I will never promise the Ouyang's national conditions." Tang said helplessly.

"Hut Master ..." a guest just frowned.

"Understand." The sword has no double nodded, and immediately look at the Tang's helplessness, laughing: "Tang has no greatness, the Ouyang family does not have to pay attention to the rules, the nine emperors are not small, even Ouyang's team is going, it is impossible to block them. "

"Well?" Tang has no pole.

"But you can rest assured, I just have a little grievance with the nine emperor, I want to find them account, so I will help you." The sword has no double.

"Boss, do you help me?" Tang Wuyi immediately happy.

At the beginning, he knew that the sword was unparalleled, and his reason why he listened to the rain can be recreated, and it is also because of the relationship between the sword, so Tang has no pair of swords with absolute believe.

"Reassured, I will help you, the nine emperor absolutely can't listen to the Rain Pavilion." The sword laughed.

However, his words were just finished, and the guests listening to the rain will be unfull.


"Hey, good tone!"

I saw one of the black old people, and the figure stood up, stared at the sword and worsen, low and low: "Little son, I don't know what is the relationship with the owner, but now you have to make it now Listen to the rain to send it! "

"You are a small age, where do you know the strong horizontal of the nine emperor?"

"Don't say anything else, the light is a strong, the nine emperor is not enough to be in five, and it is said that their too long is more than a long time, reaching the yang deficiency!"

"Such a strong strength is enough to sweep the wind."

"At this life and death, I listened to the rain to do to pull the Ouyang family, there is an Ouyang clan to support us, and to ensure that the rain will ensure innocent!"

"Although the conditions proposed by Ouyang clan are strict, it can be merged into the Ouyang's national dark hall. For me, I don't want to see the bad things!"

"And you now, actually advise the main people to give up Ouyang family, completely trust you?"

"You have a little guy who has no long, how can you be resistant, and what you say, what are you, the nine emperor does not listen to the rain Court? It's a ridiculous, ridiculous ..."

The old man of this black dress has not finished, and the sword who is quietly sitting there is unparalleled.

At his moment, he looked up, rumble ~~~ killing this source of fierce, terrible killing instantly swept away.

Suddenly, the entire secret room is quiet.

Not only dead, but also cold, like a cold winter.

The black old man is still at this moment, he is wide and horrified, and the sword is unparalleled.

Not he is him, the other guests who listen to the wind, this is also a horrible, fierce, no double.

Encover the source of killing, killing, killing, why is it terrible?

Although these passengers are all Yin deficiency, they are only yin deficiency. As the sword is unparalleled, this moment they only feel that their breathing is paused.

It seems that there is a sword that has arrived in their throat.

The black old man encouraged the throat, and the moment, at this moment, the life was swallowed by him.

Shock, fear!

Everyone's eyes are staring at the sword.

Old days, just just killing, there is a fear of the heart, and this black jade is really shot, how will the scene?

"Boss ..." Tang said that the sword was unlocked.

The sword is unparalleled with the wine bowl, gently shaking the wine, and the shares will slowly converge.

"Someone is coming." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" Tang has no great embarrassment.

The door of the secret room suddenly opened, followed by a middle-aged man wearing a luxurious robes and smiled in.

"Mr. Ouyang."

"Mr. Ouyang."

The few passengers listening to the rain watched this middle-aged man and immediately shouted.

"Tang Palong, how is it considering?"

The middle-aged man did not pay attention to these passengers. After entering the secret room, it was very familiar to sit down on a seat, and smiled and smiled.

"Mr. Ouyang, I still have a word, if I want to listen to the Ringer to attach to your Ouyang family, there is no problem, but if I want to merge the Rain, I will be in the dark hall of the Ouyang clan, but it is impossible." Tang No extremely cold.

The middle-aged man who laughed and smiled, heard this immediately, "Tang Wu" Hey, I am an Ouyang's nationality as one of the seven classes of the Tianzong Dynasty, and the large amount of power is to attach the head. I want to attach to us, and I am on the mountain, I still need you to listen to rain Pavilion? "

"To be honest, my Ouyang's national is willing to give you a reliance on the mountain, just because you value the ability to listen to the rain, you don't have the Ouyang family, you think that you have a few fat on your body. Rain Pavilion can reach this in just six months? "

"You listen, the old man is merged into the dark hall, so you listen to the rain, do you have a line of life, otherwise ..."

Tang has unpredictable face.

But the sword of the side is unparalleled, "Haha, good Ouyang family, the Tang Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Seven Top Testered, the original passession of the passession?"

The middle-aged man is cold, and it is unparalleled with the sword.

"Where is the boy, I am talking to Tang, I have your mouth!"

"Give me out!"

The sound is falling, this middle-aged man is a waving, a strong spiritual force comes to the palm, and directly in the sword.

This middle-aged man can be a spiritual force of Yin deficiency, and he will go down this palm, even if it is like Tang Wuyi, it is full of golden Dan, which is afraid to kill it on the spot.

And see this palm, the sword is unparalleled, but the glazing is a cold.


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