Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 236 is transferred?


The sword is unparalleled with the right hand, still the wine bowl is gently swayed, but the left hand is like a large plone, grab the middle-aged man's wrist, then one after another.


The sound of the bone burst sounded, and the middle-aged man turned into a pig liver, his mouth opened, just wanted to say.

The sword is unparalleled, and the slap is fanned.



The crisp slap sounded, this middle-aged man is flying out, and finally squatting on the wall of the secret room.

The wall is like a shock, and the middle-aged man has slowed down from the wall.

There are also many Tang Dynasty, and there are several guests who listen to the rain to see all this.

This middle-aged man, named Ouyang Xiu, is a strong man who has reached Yin and the Ouyang's family.

Today, today's listening to the wind, the strongest strength is the few guests, but it is only a small virtual small, so they are very respectful when they face Ouyang Xiu.

Can you now?

A moment of Kung Fu, this Ouyang Xiu is like a dead dog to fly out?

These passengers were scared, and they were unbelievable to watch the swords, and the black older is fortunate to be very happy. Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled without him, otherwise ...

That Ouyang Xiu is completely complete.

The sword is unparalleled to get together, and slowly walked to this Ouyang Xiu, the cold eyes overlook.

"Go back to tell Ouyang clan, saying that from today, listening to the rain will not have any associations with Ouyang nationality, your Ouyang's family is uncomfortable, it can come to me, or after two days, the nine emperor is killed When you can shoot one, I don't mind, I will clean up your Ouyang family. "

"go away!"

The sword is unparalleled.

That Ouyang repair stood up and cleared his hands and looked at the sword. It is full of grievances.

"Well, I have listened to the rain!"

"Wait, give it to me!"

"Two days later, I would like to see how you listened to how to kneel in the foot of the Jiuhuangmen strong!"

Ouyang Xiu left, one side is the curse of the grievance.

"Mr. Ouyang!"

Listening to the guests of the rain, I wanted to stay.

Only the Tang is helpless, it is closely frown, but there is no opening half of the opening.

When Ouyang was repaired.

"It's over!"

"This, I listened to the Rain Pavilion."

"Not only can I get the help of Ouyang's clan, but now I am sinful, but I have killed the nine emperor in the next two days. I listened to the rain, how to resist it?"

These days of the guests are nearly desperate.

Tang Wuyi is still not open, but it is a burning and watching the sword.

"Tang has no pole, do you believe me?" The sword was unlocked to see the Tang Dynasty.

"I believe." Tang said that he nodded unpretched.

"This is enough." The sword was unparalleled with a slight smile, did not explain too much, and sat down and started to drink.


On the night, in the nine emperor.

A dark body is covered in the mask of the night, floating into the nine emperor.

Although the nine emperor is guarded, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is too simple to quietly sneak into.

The nine emperor is deep, close to the garden of the mountain wall.

The sword is unparalleled in this courtyard, seeing empty space in the courtyard, the face is not changed.

"Sure enough, my father is not here." The sword is unparalleled although some regrets, this is also expected.

This court was used to detaine his father, but later with him with a group of Jinlong to kill this, although it did not rescue his father, it can be exposed, with the bloody phenantry to pay attention to his father, nature Will transfer his father in the first time.

As for whereast transferred, the sword is unparalleled.

After confirming that the father has been transferred, the sword is unparalleled, and when he passed through the Nine Emperor Hall, his pace was suddenly lived, and his eyes were watching the past.

"that person……"

The sword was unparalleled to see a vicissitudes of the taps, and the vicissitudes of the eyes.

This vicissitudes are not the strong people of the nine emperor, but they can be held in the center of the nine emperors.

The one like the nine emperor has been broken through the long and long-lasting, Mo Feng, who has achieved yang Yizheng, and sits beside this vicissitudes, and a face compliment.

"It can make the strong people of the nine emperors so compliment. This person is not small, and it is not a strong person who should be the highest level of the bloody ripple." The sword didn't think of it.

At this time, the calm sitting in the vicissitudes of the talked hall, and the eyes of the slightly smashed, and the figure has floated.

Next moment, this vicissitudes appeared in the void before the sword is unparalleled, but this flaint is not a half-skinned existence.

"Is it a illusion?" The old people muttered, and then returned to the hall.

In not far from the void, the sword is unparalleled to see this scene is secretly frowning. "This old guy, I am able to detect my existence, the strength is good."


Two days later, that is, after the three days of the Jiuhuangmen.

This day, when the morning of the morning sun, the large number of strong people in the nine emperors rushed out.

The nine emperor is still in the forefront of the four yin, and the breakthrough of the breakthrough is too old, all of which are long, and all dispatched.

In addition, there is a large number of congenital Jin Dan's disciples.

It can be said that the entire nine emperor is almost tipped.

"I nine emperor, since I was last hit by the sword, my strength was sharp, the Yuan gas was hurt! Even the status of the three four gates were shake, and the parties of the province of the province of the province of the provinces were waiting for me. The chance of the nine emperor is not falling, then taken! "

"Unfortunately, their hopes will end!"

"Today, the battle is like the power of all parties to prove the key to the strength of my nine emperor, which is not lost! So this battle, it is necessary to clean and destroy the rain, let everyone know, I know, I nine emperor No, what is the A cat, Dogs that provoke! "

"Is it clear?"

The nine emperor's Tai Shuo Mo Feng, looking around many nine emperors, cold and drink.

"Yes." The nine emperor of the surroundings should immediately sound.

Mo Feng nodded slightly, and then he looked at a vicissitudes of the crowd who did not afford the crutches.

The numerous strong people in the nine emperor are all breathtaking, and only this vicissitudes of the old people are generous.

"Mr. Bit, I will take you in the town in the dark." Mo Fengdao.

The eyelids of the vicissitudes raised, looked at Mo Feng, the sound of the voice: "I only responsible for dealing with the people who may appear, Ouyang clan, as for what listening to the rain, I will give you."

"No problem, the district listening to the rain, I have never put it in the eyes." Mo Feng smiled and waved.

"set off!"

When the Nine emperor's unity is deployed.


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