Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2323 kills!

From the beginning, although this is also shot, but just drive the magic dragon to suppress Lin Yi, so that the latter has no chance to make a hand.

However, a genuine short step goddess is strong, and it has already sent it to the existence of a trace of rules, and its means is not here.

Now, this is finally going to go all out.

"Unparalleled small friends, you have to be careful, the strong people of the half-step gods, the strength is unfounded." Lin Yi reminded.

On the way to remind, Lin Yixin is some complained.

He complained that the sword was unparalleled. Why didn't you agree directly?

In Lin Yi's view, the big river is like a lot of genius to fight, but the sword is unparalleled, there is no chance to put in front, but there is no cherish.

And the most important thing is that he is still judged in a great crisis.

If you just promised, what happened.

But now, they have to face a strong man who is full of half-step gods.

"Now I can only find a way to drag for a while, dragging to my Lin family, rushing." Lin Yi hit his hands.

When he was intercepted with killing, he immediately sent it to the Lin family, and Lin Jia rescued the soldiers have already been dispatched, but they will definitely take a certain time.

"A half-step goddess is gone, but with my strength, add a parallel small friends to join hands, barely support for a while, should be." Lin Yi is dark.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, Lin Yi, "Lin Yuxi, the fighting power of this half-step god, is not now I can fight, so I can only hand it over."

"Give it to me?" Lin Yixi was stunned, the bottom is not roaring, "You know that we can't resist, how do you just arrived, but I want to think about how to get it?"

Lin Yixin thought, the sword was unparalleled, and it was a little smile. "Don't be too nervous, a half-step gods, with Lin Yi uncle, you have to kill him, it is easy."

"I ..." Lin Yi is an angry.

Kill a semi-step god, light and easy?

What is joke.

But at this time, the sword is unparalleled, but "Lin Yuxi, you listen to me, directly to show you the strongest sword to attack the power."

"Well?" Lin Yi doubtedly watched the sword unparalleled, did not understand the goal of the sword.

He now only thinks that the way to drag it is half a time, since it is going to drag the other party, then you have to save the power consumption, and the other party is entangled as much as possible.

The sword is unparalleled, but he wants him to make a whole, to show the strongest sword?

Although doubts, Lin Yi is still a machine, and chooses to listen to swords.

"In this case, let's fight, anyway, I can escape with my strength, and I am a sword."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi no longer hesitate.

! ! !

The pounds of the sword swept, this invisible sword is actually formed in an instant sword storm.

Lin Yi is the most intimate in this sword, the whole person is criticized for a sword.

Swords have not yet been displayed, but the swords have become.

Lin Yi squinted his eyes, the whole person was extremely indifferent, and the void around him became ice cooled.

"Such a big sword, this sword is afraid that it is weak." The sword is unparalleled.

He can feel the extraordinary of Lin Yi to show this sword, and immediately began to prepare.

The sword has no double shape, the blood peak sword in the hand does not move, but it can be accommodated in his sea, but there is a pound of soul.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled back to the world, although the realm is repaired, but his soul is kept intact.

His soul did not suffer more damage, its soul strength, still maintaining the most extreme, and should even be a hierarchy of half-step gods.

Just wait for his realm to restore the chaos god, his soul will also change to the chaotic god level.

The soul of the half-step gods, was mobilized by the sword without double crazy at this moment.

On the empty, Lin Yi's sword finally felt, directly bursting.

I saw a bright sword light, lit up in the world, the glamorous light couldn't help but close your eyes.

This sword seems to have opened the world.

After Shi Lin Yi's hand, it was proud of the void, and there was an antaim of the antaim.

That huge swordsmanship also went with this sword.

This sword, the power is extremely good.

Under the unparalleled perception of the sword, this sword is absolutely comparable to a full-scale hit of a half-step magic.

Such a blow, killing those chaotic peaks should be more than enough, but if you want to kill a half-step godmore, it is very difficult.

At least in Lin Yi himself, the sword like this is absolutely unparalleled.

When I saw the sword where there was no pair, then the anaving didn't smile.

"Firefly light, also dare to fight for glory in the sun."

Too tired sounds, the body is exploding, and if you want to show the sword of Lin Yi directly.

But at this time, the sword standing next to the void is unparalleled, but there is a surprise and killing.

"The soul secret, triodes !!!"

call out!

A pale gold beam made entirely of the strength of the soul is bursting with an incredible speed.

This light gold beam is incomparable, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it, and its speed is too fast.

Obviously, the sword is slow, but the sword has not been really coming, and I haven't shown the means to resist the sword, but the sword is already hit by the antaim.

The power of the soul contained in Jinguang, I hit on the soul of the antaim.

Although it is a half-step god, the power of the soul is very strong, but there is no preparation, he is abrupt, and his soul is hitting.


A scream of whispering, the gods of the gods, the dispelling of the aircraft, all of them, her eyes are crazy, and they can't help but hold their heads, the whole person is obviously in a huge pain.

Under this pain, the niche is not able to show the sword of the sword to resist the forest.


The horrible sword is not hindered, directly impacted on the body of the antaim.

I am tireless is a half-step god, but I don't show my means to resist, and I can't block such a terrible sword.

The whole body of this antaim is bombarded, and it is directly crashed.

In the blink of an eye, this half-step goddess from the watercown island is already killed, and it can't die again!


PS: Today's four is more!

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