"Dead, dead?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yi is smashed, I can't believe this half-step gods, I really will die under his sword.

Although his sword is strong, he has the ability to kill the half-step god, the strong people of the half-step gods are not a fool, and they will not let him attack, they will resist.

But in fact, this is just no resistance.

"It's a soul attack, this is just a great huge soul attack, and this soul attack comes from ..." Lin Yi's eyes were directly in the sword.

He just saw it, it was because the soul of the sword was unparalleled, which caused the soul of the anavimousness to hit the soul, so that the latter lost the ability to shield the resistance in a short time.

"How is it, there is no double friend just just a pure sunny, how can we show such a horrible soul attack?" Lin Yixin is full of shock.

He didn't know that the sword was unreasonable, but the strength of the soul is more than him, but it is stronger than him.

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled to show the golden light of the Three-pole gods.

"Unfortunately, when I turned around, the Tani Magic Pear did not reincarn with me. Otherwise, I made the soul attack on it, but I just made this an aeable soul." Sword is unparalleled.

In the last world, his soul attack is strong, and there is also a soul attack in the treasure of the treasure gossip.

The soul of the soul of the magic beads is very high, and there is a huge impact on the sword unparalleled soul attack.

But unfortunately, when he sent him into the reincarcation channel, he only sent his soul to go in. As for his treasure, he also sent himself to the sword, and the mountain river community was sent into the reincarnation channel, of which blood peak The sword comes with the sword without a pair, but the mountains and river Society is unparalleled.

And his other treasures, such as the five treasures, the soul of the magic beads, the five fire gods, etc., but stay in the vast chaotic world, the sword is unparalleled now.

"Lin Yi Shu, this is a disaster, but it is also a strong force of a half-step god, it should be not shallow, you will take a look at her Qiankun." The sword is unparalleled.

"Qiankun ring?" Lin Yi eyes lit.

A strong man in a half-step god, and is still strong from the big rivers, and the family is definitely rich.

But Mi Lin Yi brows is also a wrinkle, and said: "There is no double friend, kill the aesthetic, I don't have too much force, purely a little friend, you just show the soul attack, so this is an injustice and there The four chaotic boulders should be owned by a small friend. "

"No, there is a pure sunny in our district, but you can't kill a half-step goddess. This is an injustice. It is Lin Yi uncle, you kill, not only that, there is also the four chaotic bodies, and also die In your hand of Lin Yi, Lin Yi, is Lin Yi, can I listen to it? "The sword didn't look deep deeply.

Lin Yi's heart is moving, and it has already understood the meaning of swords.

Sword is unparalleled, don't want to pay attention to it.

After all, a pure sunny, a sword kills the four chaotic bodies, and the soul attack of the show is still strong, it is necessary to pass it, it is really incredible, don't say it in Anji County, even It is enough to cause a shake throughout the Wusha Bay.

The sword is unparalleled because the sword is unparalleled, and it is very attractive in Anji County. If it will spread today's record, when it is afraid that there will be countless power, stare at him.

"I understand, rest assured, I know how to do it, today, I will never reveal half of anyone, even if my Lin family is in person, I will bite it." Lin Yi Road .

The sword is unparallled by his sword, and his sword can break through, but also a sword is unparalleled. Lin Yi is very grateful to the sword.

And today, he knows that the bismuth of the sword is unparalleled, of course, will help the sword without double concealment.

"Then, I am Xie Lin Yi Shu." The sword is unparalleled smile, "as for the treasure of the four chaotic bodies, nature is also from Linyi Uncle, give me some medicinal herbs that can improve the power, or genius Di Bao, it is enough. "

"No problem." Lin Yi nodded.

I immediately took a tired of the four chaotic bodies, and I started carefully.

He is unparalleled with the sword. It is worthy of this majority from Shuixian. It is much more rich than the general half-step god, and there are several treasures in it. There are many three pieces of foot, which makes Lin Yi surprises, but the sword is unparalleled.

The last sword is unparalleled, as long as some Tan medicine that enhances the power.

The treasure spot is in place, and after the distribution.

"Unparalleled small friends, we are here, I will arrive at the strong, I will arrive soon." Lin Yi Road.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

The two are waiting quietly to wait for this mountain range.


The number of streamer is galloped at an amazing speed, soon appearing in front of the sword unparalleled and Lin Yi two.

"Master." Lin Yi looked at Lin Tiefeng and others who were rushing.

"Lin Yi, what is going on, don't you say that you encounter Zhuge's family?

"The owner, we have encountered a truncation, the other party is a lineup of the four chaotic bodies, but the half-step gods did not imagine the power, on the way, he It is too big, I am killed by me, and the four chaotic bould also die in my sword. "Lin Yi directly.

This is also what he thought before.

Sure enough, Lin Tiefeng immediately questioned. "You said that you will kill the half-step gods?"

To say that Lin Yizhen killed the four chaotic bodies, Lin Tiefeng believed.

However, Lin Yi has kills a half-step magic, he will not believe it.

"Yes." Lin Yi Road.

He knows that Lin Tiefeng will not believe, but he can only say this.

And the sword next to it also said: "Lin Shu, the half-step goddess is indeed dying in the hands of Lin Yi Shu, Lin Yi Shu last closed the door to the swords, and it has truly entering the sword threshold, strength is stronger than before. Too many, I have barely have a half-step god, and the other party is too small to Xia Linyi, this will let Lin Yas have a chance. "

"Is this so?" Lin Tiefeng frowned.

Although there is still some questioning, but see the surrounding scenes, it is indeed filled with the traces of the war, even if the void is filled with strong swords, the sword is indeed, and the sword is not a pair. In this way, Lin Tiefeng also barely believes in a bit.

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