Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 238 killing

Mo Feng also couldn't sit again, and a yang deficiency suddenly broke out, and then he was directly in the sword.

Task, the whole nine emperor, before, because the sword is unparalleled, the vitality is great, now after the recovery of the year, it is not easy to reach five in the yin and yang of the nine emperor, and now, it is only a sword in a moment. Two?

Who is doing, it will feel distressed.


The sword is unparalleled as a ghost, and it is easy to float through the void. After the two in the two yin, the sword is unparalleled, and the middle of the Chinese-year, this purple robe is the nine emperor. The contemporary door owner, Quantu.

The icy sword light lit again.

"What?" Quantu was shocked.

"Stop, save your hands!" The rushing Mo Feng is even more bursting.

The sword is unparalleled, but the cold sword is covered with great power. At the same time, there is still a killing, and the Quantu has reacted, and do its utmost to do our best. withstand.

The gap between the megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload

"Small generation, !"

Mo Feng roared, but he saw that he saw the sword light from the neck neck of Qu Nan, and then the head of Su Nan also flew.

"Looking for death!" Mo Feng's old face turned into the moment, his eyes released cold light, watching the sword unparalleled, but I didn't know when a huge hammer appeared.

This hammer looks at it, I have to have a thousand kiln, but I was easily held in my hand, and then the giant hammer slammed.

The moment, a ripples spread, these corrugations seem to have waves, and these waves contain terrible impact, and give some people who are fighting around the battle.

Booming ~~~ giant hammer roared, has already appeared on the side of the sword.

"I ridicily." The sword is unparalleled, and I don't look at this Mo Feng. The anti-hands is a sword.

A very ordinary sword, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the extreme.

It is much more powerful than the power of yang deficiency, but it is much more powerful than this just stepped into Yang Yu.


A loud no hammer, the thousands of hammers fiercely sounded, and then there was a strong anti-shock to pass along the giant hammer to the Mo Feng.

Mo Feng was a horror, and the face became pale, and the figure was stunned. He looked at the sword without double, but found that the sword is unparalleled, and this is actually rushing him. Come.

"If you rely on you, I still say that I am looking for death?" The sword is unpaired, "I can kill the Quantu, and you, I can also kill."

When the voice fell, he saw a shocking and killing.

The strong extent of this killing, even if Mo Feng has never seen, and when the sword is unparalleled, Mo Feng does not help but take a meat, the next consciousness thinks at this moment, not a human It is a good fortune from the region.

At this time, the sword is not swinging again.

A sword of light fluttering, it looks weak, but this sword contains a killing that is completely ice-colded around the world.

When this sword really appeared in front of Mo Feng, Mo Feng was blocked, and an unprecedented death crisis turned in his heart.

He is not doubt, this seems to be light and weak, and you can kill him at all instantly.

"Save me, Mr. Bit, save me!" Mo Feng shouted.

I heard Mo Feng shouted, and I have been hidden in the darkness of the old man who is in the face of the leader.

On the speed, this vicissitudes are actually better than the sword.

The sword has just waved, and it has not really fallen to Mo Feng. This vicissitudes have appeared on the side, and they are full of light, and the dry yellow palm is flattened. A spiritual force surged, followed by the pawl directly to the sword sword sword sword.


The claws are caught in the long sword, and in this moment, the long sword can't be moved again.


The sword is unparalleled, and the swords in the sword suddenly skyrocket, and a terrible killing has formed substantial, turned into a stream of stream, and directly grabbed this vicissitudes.

"Well?" The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes have a different color, and the palm of the sword is immediately released, but the other is only the palm of the leading cane, but it is the leading crutches, and the land.

The moment of the leader crutches, immediately had a thunder, and this Thunder flashed.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

The sound of the adjudous criterion sounded, and each time hits formed a impact. After several times, they formed a heavy impact wave, and the four scattered.

Rumble ~~~ The whole void is shocked, and the sword is unparalleled with the vicissitudes of the old man. At this moment, there is also a detonation. As the two are separated, the entire battlefield suddenly calm down.

On the battlefield, I came from the nine emperor and listening to the wind to listen to the wind. At this moment, I have a shock.

Even those who are hidden in the dark, everything is unique.

It's too fast, just that moment is too fast.

From the sword, there is no double, and then kill two nine emperor's yin 's senses, then kill the nine emperor door main Qu Nan, then it is easy to slap Mo Feng, forcing this vicissitudes, old people suddenly shot Save, and this vicissitudes have a fierce collision with swords and swords.

All this happens too fast, too sudden.

When many strong people around, swords are unparalleled with vicissitudes.

On the ground, there are three bodies.

The three bodies, two are the elders of the nine emperor, and there is one person, but the door of the nine emperor.

Can you be killed by the sword without a double in just a short moment?

What strength is this?

"This person, is I listened to rain?"

"It's not listening to the rain, but it is the helper invited by the rain."

"Haha, we have hope."

Many strong people listening to the rain immediately became exciting.

"Boss." Tang said that the sword was very excited.

As for the few passengers listening to the rain, they were nearly desperate, but now I saw the sword unparalleled, but I re-ignited the hope, and I saw the sword unparalleled and the thrilling strength, this silk hope is more and more Big.

In contrast, the nine emperor is not good.

In the void, the sword is unparalleled with the vicissitudes. As for the Mo Feng, I have already retired next to it. Although he is a good fortune, he is very clear, this battle is not him.

"The old guy, you have hidden in the dark, and finally be willing to show it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The old man is only hidden for a while, but what about you?" The vicissitudes of the old people went in indifferent, "Since the end of the Hunter Hunt, you will disappear without a trace, my bloody feet is the same, I will search for your trail, but the half year Come, but you seem to have disappeared, until today, you finally appeared. "

"The sword is unparalleled, you can let my bloody rush to find a good hard!"


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