When the old man of the vicissitudes, especially when he finally read three words "sword unparalleled", it immediately broke the pot.

"What did he say? Who he just mentioned?"

"The sword is unparalleled? This is the sword, the sword is unparalleled. The first sword is unparalleled in the landlord."

"I have since created since the creation of the Dynasty!"

"Myths and legends!"

Everyone's eyes are concentrated on this moment, and the eyes are frightened, shocking, and there is almost blind worship.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is too famous in the Tianzong Dynasty!

Before he participated in the poetry hunting, he ranked first in the dragon list, which is the first day of the Tianzong Dynasty.

After the East Hunting ...

Task, the Eastern Hunting is over, and what happens on the hunting battlefield is also spread.

The natural sword is unparalleled in the pointer hunting. The surprises have also spread.

One person is alone, sweeping the two major dynasties of the northwest.

A sword, directly killing the Dawu Dynasty, the 14th genius, the 14th genius of Dawu Dynasty, any one put it in the landlord list, at least enough to force the top five.

In the end, the sword is unparalleled with a small Dynasty, and the other eleventh dynasties of the northwest are on the foot, so that the last points of the East Hunting, from the first to sixth, six places, all by the sky Zong dynasty package.

The Tianzong Dynasty created a myth.

And the sword is unparalleled is the main founder of this myth!

There is even news, saying that the sword is unparalleled in the pointer hunting, and he also collided with the killer of the bloody ripple, killing the killer of the bloody piercing, and even killed a yang deficiency.

However, although this news was passed, it has not been confirmed.

But the previous record, it is enough to make the sword.

The Millennium Chronicle, who has been writing like a life and death, has long sincerely known as the first day of the Tianzong Dynasty, and the full foot and ten pages of a full foot and ten pages are recorded in the sword.

Now, the myth that this makes countless strong people will appear in front of them.

"He, he is ..."

At a high-rise building nearby, Ouyang Xiu, Ouyang Xiu, who is in the heart, staring at the sword.

Just before, he still didn't accept the gas, think that two days ago, the sword was unparalleled to be seriously injured, purely he was too big, but now he knew that the sword was unparalleled, he immediately didn't have a slot.

The Confucian man next to Ouyang Xiu is a bit quirky.

"He is actually sword is unparalleled?"

"Haha, interesting, no wonder, so you can easily defeat Ouyang Xiu."

"Look at his current strength, it should be stronger than in the past half a year ago, it should be that it should be a breakthrough to the yin deficiency?"

This Confucian man is unparalleled in the curious sword.

Everyone in the surrounding is equally curious.

At this time, the old old man opened again. "In just half a year, your strength has improved to this point?"

"Even if the old man is just out of person, I can't let you have a moment. Your spirit is repaired ..." The old old man is dignified, carefully looks, even if the sword is unparalleled, there is a vicissitudes. After all, the old man is repaired as he is too high, and the station is close, it is still judged.

"Yin deficiency?" The old man blindly blindly, then the sound is gloomy, "In just half a year, it is a successful breakthrough from Jin Dan to achieve the peak, the sword is unparalleled, the old man has always listened to others, you said you are me. The first day since the Dynasty created, I was still in the nose, but now it seems that my husband is too small to lick you. "

Although the voice of this vicissitudes, although hoarse, it is still spread, and everyone around them will be clear.

"Yin deficiency ... is the peak?"

"It turned out to have reached the peak of the yin."

"How can this be?"

"Scorpio, this only half a year, he participated in the East to hunt half a year ago, can only be congenital Jin Dan?"

"I have been successfully connected from Jin Dan from Jin Dan, yin deficiency, yin deficiency, eventually breaking through the peak of yin, my day!"


The entire battlefield, including the void around the battlefield is a shock.

Everyone is amazing, and the death of the sword is unparalleled, watching this monster.

Successful from Jin Dan from Jin Dan to achieve the peak of Yin Yufeng?

No one can imagine.

While everyone is shocked, the sword is unparalleled, and he didn't wear a fight or mask to block the appearance. This vicissitudes can recognize that he is also normal.

The sword is unparalleled, and the old people have seen the vicissitudes. "I guess you are the people of the blood, but I don't know how to call it?"

"The old man is bitter!" "The old man is directly.

"Bitter Cliff?" The sword was unbeded, "I have never heard of it."

"Hey, my bloody rim power is like a cloud, you can hear it again." The bitter cliff snorted.

He is the fact.

Bloodyu is one of the hegemon of the Tianzong Dynasty, the strength is natural.

Like the gray clothes, the total person in charge of the bloodyout information department, the thesis is enough to take the top three, but the strength is general, only the yang deficiency is small, in the bloody feather building, There are many more than the gray clothes.

Like this bitter cliff, it is much stronger than the gray clothes.

"You have never heard of me. After today, you will never forget the old man, because you will take the resentment of the old man to Huangquan." The bitter cliff stared at the sword and cold.

" ?" The sword is unparalleled, "the shirt of your bloody ripple, I also hit me five times, could it be a result? I will die in my hand."

"Hey, is the old man, is it a gray clothes that can be more than the stupid goods. I will give you a chance again. You can not, especially the top of you, the old man will not have slightly., once, I will ignore you to kill you! "

The bitter cliff lifted his palm, and the palm of his hand gathered in that, the spiritual strength is far from the general category of general yang deficiency.

This bitter cliff is actually a peak that is not as good as the yang.

"The yang is satisfactory?" The sword was unbenhed.

Two days ago, he saw this bitter cliff in the first eye in the nine emperor, and you know that this bitter cliff is not a ring.

And just had a short-lived hand in the suffering, but only just test, both sides did not do our best.

Until the sword is unparalleled, the spiritual force of this bitter cliff is actually reached.

The strong breath is out of breath, this bitter cliff is gripped, the pace slows down, every step, the breath of his body will increase a bit again, while when his breath When reaching the extreme.

This bitter cliff directly shot.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are ready to die."

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