Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 244 Heavy Bomb

The sword is unparalleled, the madness of madness, naturally also caused the attention of the paragraph of the Tianzong Dynasty.

While amazing, the strong people of all parties are amazed, and they also look forward to the reaction of the bloody piercing.

Bloodyu, after all, is one of the hegemon of the Tianzong Dynasty, or killer organizations, have always been a synonym of terror, and if they are arbitrarily slaughtered, they have never taken slightly.

If you don't, you will have a heavy bomb from the bloody rush to the scene of the sword.

This heavy bomb is a bloody invitation letter from the Zongmen of the Tiansong Dynasty.

However, there is a certain amount of power in the Tianzong Dynasty, which has received this invitation at this moment.

The information conveyed on the blood color invitation, so that the entire Tianzong Dynasty is very sensational.

The invitation letter is written like this ...

"This is the second, the original Tianlong list, the second, the rush to the Yangjian peak dozens of years, half a year ago, I invited the parties of all parties, I will invite all the parties to the powerful, in the next month, before Come to celebrate the common celebration ... "

This is a letter to the party to the party to the party. There are a lot of letters, and the letter is mentioned in the letter. At the beginning of the party, the bloody field will decide the sword to sacrifice the heavens!

After the invitation letter, the Tianzong Dynasty immediately broke the pot.

Extraordinary into the Sheng!

Bloody floors landlord, extraordinary into the Sheng?

Since the establishment of the Tianzong Dynasty, the second brought to the superior to the high-strength, born!

There are countless people shock.

Task, yin and yang fake and extraordinary, seems to have only one step, but it can actually have a heaven and earth.

Similarly, it is too difficult to cross this step.

For the past, how many strong people, how many days, and they are sleepy in this step.

Like the first emperor, the first day of the day, I have been sleepy on the peak of the yang.

Like a knife crater that once made the entire Tianzong Dynasty, the strength is heavily, heges for the first decades of the Tianlong list, but it has never been super extraordinary.

Now, this mysterious, very little show, and less than the bloody landlift of the guild, but did not have a breakthrough? Become the second super-class super existence in the history of the Tianzong Dynasty?

This news is too shocking.

At the same time, many strong powerful people are also a bit surprised.

They are surprised, which is the case mentioned in the invitation letter to deal with the sword on the day of the party.

"Who is Jiannan, who?"

"Which Jienan Tian, ​​how did I have never heard of it, why is the bloody house to execute him during the party?"

"Haha, Jiannan Tian, ​​once also a very amazing ultra-tie character, I don't know why sinful bloody ripple, being chased by the bloody ripple, and the Ji people of the Jian Tianyi once one of the eight classes, and there are still There must be a relationship, it is said that the reason why the Ji's family was destroyed by the bloody house, that is, because this sword is in the south, and this sword is a father! "

"Sword is unparalleled father? This is no wonder!"

"Hey, say anything, according to me, this is clearly the trap of the bloody rush, wants to use the south days, forced the sword, no double appearance in the party, the bloody ruster, enough. "

A lot of strong people are there.

And this invitation, but if you receive the throne of the invitation, you don't dare to have a slightest, and you will have a reply will go to the 11th of the island next month.

Dragon Palace.


"This is a trap!"

The beautiful face of the White House is a little distorted at this moment, and there is a cold in the eyes.

"It is indeed a trap!" The black palace master next to him also nodded.

The White House is low, "So obvious trap, the sword is unparalleled, but he knows that he knows that he is very deep, he is afraid of knowing that it is a trap, I am afraid he will not hesitate. Stepping, about his father's life and death, anyone can't stop him! "

"The death, the trick is really despicable!"


Yes, it is indeed a little despicable.

No one knows, there is no fairness of this world, Cheng Wang defeated, this is the rules of this world.

Therefore, even though this is a trap, it also shows that the measures of the bloody ripple are not brilliant, but there is no more saying.

And within a division of the Rain Pavilion, Tang Wu has also found the sword unparalleled, and handed the invitation letter to the sword.

Listening to the Rain Pavilion is now a big rose at the Tianzong Dynasty, so I have also received a bloody invitation.

The sword is unparalleled, and the invitation is detailed, and it is lost to the side, sitting alone, and not send.

"Boss, this invitation letter, it is a trap, a trap that hoses you, so don't impulsive." Tang has no greatness.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

How can you see this obvious trap?

In this world, some things are known to know, but it is as defined.

What's more, you have to deal with the party, but his father!

Life, raise him, step by step to teach his swords, the most respectful father in his heart, the most prominent father!

"The big husband is a lifetime, there is something, no matter!"

"As a person, my father is a meat of the knife. If I regard it, I am not filial!"

"My sword is unparalleled to open, can you be filial?" The sword is unparalleled.

"But the boss ..." Tang Wuyi also wants to say anything, the sword is unparalleled, but it is directly to interrupt him.

"Don't say it, I have already taken note, who advised me to use it." The sword didn't double, I saw the Tang Wuyi, and then picked up the invitation letter again and continued to look. "

"Next month, the next month is the twelfth lunar month, the distance is now, just a month!"

"One month ..."

"Fortunately, this bloody phener is also given me some time."

"Tang has no greatness." The sword was unlocked again to Tang.

"Boss, there is an explanation." Tang said with no poles.

"You listen to the best of the rain is the intelligence collection. In this case, the speed of the spread message is naturally fast, I need you to help me let go, be sure to be in the shortest time, let the Tianzong Dynasty everyone Know, have any questions? "The sword was unparalleled.

"No problem." Tang Wuqi Zheng head.

"Very good." There is a strong spring in the sword.

"This paragraph, you can listen." The sword was unparalleled, and then slowly opened.

The sound is hot in this secret room, and there is a heavy killing surround.

"The twelfth lunar month, white snow, no heart island, ."

"The mountain opened, the lake is broken, the blood is dyed, the sword refers to the demon."

"Old Tianshun, my old Tianchang, God is called him!"

"But seeking a sword in hand, smiling ... Antuity is unparalleled!"

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