Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 245, Laughing, Audience!

"The twelfth lunar month, white snow, no heart island, ."

"The mountain opened, the lake is broken, the blood is dyed, the sword refers to the demon."

"Old Tianshun, my old Tianchang, God is called him!"

"But seeking a sword in hand, smiling ... Antuity is unparalleled!"

During this passage, from listening to the wind, in just a day, the entire Tianzong Dynasty, so that the entire Tianzong Dynasty is full of strong, and countless strong people are shocked.

And those young wear, after hearing this, it is a bloody, passionate!

"Haha, you should fight, this sword is unparalleled, you should fight!"

"But seeking a sword in the hand, smiling the ancient times! Sword is unparalleled, it is really good!"

"I don't know how to know, this sword is unparalleled, people are famous, ancient and modern is unparalleled!"

"I am now getting more and more expected to the gathering of the twelfth lunar month!"

This topic is talking about the entire Tianzong Dynasty.

The name of the sword is a unparalleled name, and once again become the focus of the Tianzong Dynasty, his front is no two, and even covered the superfluous bloody lounge landlord.

As the sword in the protagonist, when listening to the randamo, he has come to the Tianzong Dynasty Imperial City, in an ordinary commercial shop, this shop, Wang Yuan has taken him.

The sword is unparalleled, and a waiter in the shop will immediately ask him to the inner hall.

In the inner hall, he saw a slightly fative robe middle-aged, this purple robes are Danjiu.

"Mr. Danjiu." The sword was unparalleled. He told this Danjiu once again, and he met each other.

"Unparallel, my family will stay in this, it is to facilitate the communication with you, I don't know what to do this now?" Danjiu smiled.

"I have something, I want to find Wang Yuan's old helper." The sword did not double directly.

"Although the son said, I will convey your words to my family." Danjiu.

"I need two unmetive pure Yang Dan!" The sword has no double.

"The unligated pure Yang Dan of the impact Yanguo?" Danjiu looks, : "Empular pure Yang Dan said is extremely high, but it is nothing in my Danmen, and I will add the identity of the Lord. It is not difficult to get two, it is not difficult, I will immediately pass the news to my family, I have an estimate of the day, and I will have a message. "

"Do you have a few days? Well, I will wait for a few days." The sword nodded.

And Danjiu immediately passed this in Danjiu to Danmen.

Danmen, situated in a deep mountain, at this moment, in a Jufeng peak, Wang Yuan carrying the hands standing there, Dan respectful standing behind him, waiting to send back.

"Old Tianshun, my old Tianchang, God is called him!"

"Haha, old three, really enough!"

Wang Yuan laughed, and there was a bromnion in his eyes. After his scorpion, he looked at the Dan. "That is to say, he will kill the island alone in the next month."

"It seems like this." Dan is one point.

"The bloody ripple is nothing to do in the entire Nanyang mainland, but only three people, I want to fight against the whole bloody feather building, I am afraid it is still a bit bare."

Wang Yuan is slightly smilling, but immediately, I will go to the three elders, let him give you two unpredictable pure Yang Dan to send it to the Tianzong Dynasty. It is what I want, and you give Danjiu Communication, Let him tell the old three, just say the next month's twelfth lunar month, I will go to the Tianzong Dynasty, help him! "

"Yes." Dan should have a sound, followed by it immediately.

And Wang Yuan didn't look straight around the front.

"Unfortunately, I am very subtle in Danmen and the Holy Palace. I can't directly use the power of Danmen to destroy the bloody ripple. I can only rely on these Danqi, and the old two and the old four ..."

"The Second Master of the Second Master is so late to come to my father to ask for a purple fireworks, and he is with the wine to travel to the territory. I am afraid that I can't drive back the Tiansong Dynasty. Fourth, will you come out? "Wang Yuan sink.

One palace, one, three valleys, eight big, thousands of dynasties.

One of the ice valleys of one of the three valleys.

"Bono." A small girl, a smaller girl, Suiro, came to a golden robe man.

This golden robe is full of luxurious, handsome, and his face is full of warm and comfortable smile.

At first glance, this golden robe man is almost impeccable.

"Little soft, is there something?"

When I saw Su Sucheng, the goldpass man immediately saw it.

"I want to go back to the Tianzong Dynasty." Su Sofu opened.

"Oh?" The golden robe man browed, "is because the brothers who worshiped with you?"

"Yes." Su Guang nodded.

The golden robe man looked at Suofeng, but I found out that Suofei's eyes were stubborn, and immediately said slightly, "Go, put the pro-guards."

"Thank you." Su is surprised.

"Nothing, because this is the last time, it will come back after things, and the next few years, you must not leave me one step, you must help me, you can understand?" Golden robe man.

"Yes." Su Can bite his teeth and neites it.


Dragon Palace.

Black and white palace is sitting together.

"Old white, do you make sure you have to do this?" The Horizon mainly colored and looked at the White House.

"OK." There is a slice in the owner of the White House. genius!"

"The gathering of the twelfth lunar months, it is aimed at his trap, I must stand out to help him, so it is worth the identity of the disciple of the Dragon Palace!"

"But ..." The Black Palace also wants to say.

"Don't say it, I have gone." White House owner waved directly.

However, at this time, the surrounding temple was suddenly opened, followed by a golden royal and robe.

Seeing the people, the black and white two palace owners are all, and the two people immediately greeted them.

"I will see you!"

"Get up." The emperor waved, followed by self-sitting on a seat.

"If you just said, I have heard it." The emperor silend.

"Your Majesty ..." The White House is a little bit of the emperor.

And the emperor is slight smile, "I want to do it, let's go."

"Well?" The black and white palace owner was a bit surprised.

They thought that the emperors were reprimanded, who would like to do this will support them.

"The sword is unparalleled, after all, is my dragon palace genius, because some of the fate, I am unlocked by him, but I can't do anything, I don't do it." The emperor said.

The White House master is moving, and I will head, "I understand!"


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