Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 249 The sword is unparalleled, come!

A man wearing a rough cloth, is slowly brought to the campus under the gaze of countless strong people.

This man has a silver-white hair, a chair of life, still left awning, and there is no spiritual fluctuation. After being brought to the center of the campus, this white hair man slowly lifted.

His eyes look deep as if it contains endless void. From Qi Luo, from there, then I swept from the scene of the people in the field, but the end of his eyes were calm, no change.

After sweeping an eye, he used so many strong faces, directly obliquely, took out a pot of wine, and started to drink it.

This scene, the many strong people around him felt weird.

"This person, is it Jiannan?"

"The father of the sword is unparalleled?"

"He is Jian Nan Tian? It seems to be very general."

Everyone was almost all in the name of Jiannan Tian, ​​who had a curious thing in Jiannan, but now, most people secretly, think that this sword is south, but so.

If there is no surprise, if not because of his identity, I am afraid everyone will only put him on the spot, even as a beggar.

"I heard the name of this sword in the Jiankian, knowing that this Jian Tian will be appointed in this party, but I thought he had to be resistant, but I didn't expect it to be such a person?"

"The sword is unparalleled, is this kind of goods?"

"Too general, put it in the street, I am afraid that there is no difference between the flowers."

Many people talk about this, of course, some people, most of them are those who have a very high-level strong, and the eyes are slightly narrow.

"This person ... is not simple!"

"So many people we stared at, and even the bloody ripple immediately went to death, but he did not have a different emotion!"

"It is indifferent, right, he is too indifferent, as if everything is unhealthy with him, whether we are from all parties forces, or the people of the bloody feather, there is no difference in his eyes ... "

"It is indifferent, but in other words, it is a bit, super!"


One mentioned this word, these people can't calm down.

That's right, they ask yourself, if they are now the same situation as the sword, what will be?

Who has the supernatural psychology, can ignore someone in the court, is it indifferent to drink alcohol?

Who can do it?

This is a single order, it has been explained, the Jiannan days, it is not simple!

"Less Lord, is that person is your brother's father?" On the void, the old robe is a slight smashing.

"What happened?" Wang Yuan looked over.

"Nothing, just think that his mood is not as common, I lived in now for more than two hundred years, I can be in the state of mind, I am afraid that he is not more than him, but his Dantian is destroyed, otherwise his The mood is completely opportunistic to enter the sacred! "The elderly of the gray robe seriously.

"Oh?" Wang Yuan's look, his eyes smashed, "the father of the third three, the previous bloody ripples have been detained by the Lock Law, and now his father is directly to the campus, nor Is it afraid that the third is not coming? "


On the high platform of the island, the bloody monster is also looked at the sky, and the icy voice rang in this campus.

"All, this person may not be familiar with you most of you. This can be introduced here. He is called Jiannan, and he has a famous gas in the Tianzong Dynasty many years ago, but he fell in me. In the hands of the bloody ripple, my bloody ripple was in order to catch him, but there were a lot of hard work. "Qi Luo was laughed.

"In addition, this person, still in the past few years, the whole day of the Tianzong Dynasty is very moving, is known as the first day of the first day of the world, the first day of the father."

Many strong people on the campus are listening carefully.

"In recent years, the entire Tianzong Dynasty is not peaceful. My bloody ripper is more frequently challenged, and even some people have the stronghold of my bloody ripple, killing my bloody tower, who is this person? I don't want to say this, everyone should know. "Qi Luo Sheng Road.

This is a lot of strong people in the campus.

Because many people know that it is the bloody feather building frequently assassinated swords and unparalleled first, and swords are unparalleled to retaliate.

And this, Luo Sheng, but said that the sword is not a double active provocation bloody building?

In recent times, I want to move, I want to eat the sorrow of the fish! "

"Bloody Pool, or the bloody feather!"

"As the hegemony of the Tianzong Dynasty, the bloody ripple, never allow anyone to provoke!"

"Dare to provoke bloody piercing, no matter who is, you have to die!"

After the voice falls, suddenly, there is a horrible perimistrate.

This percentage covered the entire campus, making the many strong people in the campus becomes unslentable, and some strength is weak, but also the color of panic.

However, this kind of Luo Sheng has just finished, and suddenly, a cold drink from nine is suddenly sounded.

"Quotive bloody ripple, you have to die?"

"I don't see it!"

The sound of the sound, rumbling ~~~~ a horrible to the extreme killing is also in the direction of the distance.

Terrible killing, under the sweep of the killing, straight outside the Jiuyi cloud.

Time, the whole world is silent.


"Is it finally here?"

"But seeking a sword in hand, smiling among ancient times!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The entire campus immediately became turns, everyone's eyes were brushing to the source of the killing.

The killing is from no heart island, even a distance from no heart island.


A large amount of yin and yang fumes have been in this moment, standing in the void to see the direction.

"Well, it is still behind the mountain, so far?"

These yin and yang are very shocking.

The surroundings of no heart is the lake, the lake is four faces, and the shares are coming from one of the big mountains, and there is still a very far from the unhappy island. It is already awkward.

Everyone looked at the direction of killing, but they saw there in a mountain in front.

Others, Boom!

At the end of the sky, there was a stream of Jian Ying. This Sword Ying was still very shocking, and he felt his palpitations, and then this Sword Ying was actually directly in front of the mountain. .

"What is he doing?"

Everyone feels inexplicably, and it can be seen from the Sword of the Jian Ying, and the big mountain is rumbling, the mountain is rumbling ~~~ crazy tremor, the next moment is actually Directly open.

The most central, from the top, from the top, have been opened with a road with ten meters wide.

At the end of the passage of the split, a portrait of the long sword appeared in front of everyone.

He, it is a sword!

A sword is in the hands, ancient times!


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