Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 25, the mountain is open, the lake is broken!

Everyone looked at this scene shocked.

A sword is directly smashed by a sword!

Following countless eyes to see the shadow that appears in the end of the road to the road to be opened.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"A sword in hand, there is no double!"

"My Tongzong Dynasty is the strongest peerless genius!"

The entire island is boiling immediately.

Those who have reached the yin deficiency, you can come to participate in this party, there are some young militors.

These martial arts were led by their own elders. He came to this party. He saw the sword unparalleled. These young men were immediately excited. For them, the sword was a true myth.

Countless young militors, all have blindness and worship!

I can lead the Tianzong Dynasty, a small dynasty, put all the northwest Wang Dynasty in the foot on the pool hunting?

Try, who can reach the peak of yin in the age of 20? No, it is already yang deficiency.

I can let the hegemony of the Tianzong Dynasty, all the traps, put down such a big squad to deal with him?


He is the real first person in the history of the Tianzong Dynasty!

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A handsome man in the campus is holding hands and excited, and the eyes are actually fanatical.

In this handsome man next to this handsome man, it is more difficult to see this expression of the former.

Life and death fighting ground, the gathering, Bai Chong strokes his empty left and sleeve, and looked at the sword of the end of the line, but his mouth slowly revealed a smile. "Use me, exchange a one Such a surprised super genius, value! "

On the place where you gathered, Jianxin Hong also saw the sword is unparalleled, the complexity is comparative, excited, surprises, gratified, but more is worrying.

"No matter what, this battle must live." Jian Xinhong is low in the bottom.

"Old three."

The void near the island is hidden in the dark, Wang Yuan, who has seen the sword with Su. The eyes are bright.

Want's attention.

Everyone's eyes are completely solidified with the swords of the end of the passage.

And the sword is unparalleled to kill the sky, and his eyes are also looked up, and the hole wears void will look at everything on the island.

Subsequently, the pace begins to step out.


Step stepped, on the ground, but there was an invisible corrugated diffusion, making a slight sound, but this sound is constantly getting bigger.


The sword is unparalleled. It is very slow, step by step, every step, his killing will be a bit.

The eyes of everyone on the island have been attracted by the sword.

Soon, the sword has walked through the passage of the split, came to the lake, his pace did not stop, and immediately turned over the lake.

Just when his foot is on the lake, it is rumble ~~~ The whole lake is instant, and the large lake is crazy. It is like being broken with the whole lake. The gully of the bottom.

This gully foot is a wide range of tens of meters wide, and the surrounding lake is madly injecting the gully injection. It is impossible to fill this gully at all.

Seeing this scene, many strong people on the island can not help but take a detachment.

Everyone remembered a word at this moment.

"The mountain opened, the lake is broken, the blood is dyed, the sword refers to the demon!"

Among them, the mountain opened, the lake is broken, and it has already appeared, then the next is blood staining!

After the lake is cut off, the sword has no diverse pace has not stopped, and continues to move towards no heart.

At this moment, near the vicinity of the void, dozens of stories rumored.

"Haha, the old three, I will help you!"

The cool laughter echoed in the world, followed by a fat big fat man appeared on the side of the sword, behind the big fat man, there was still more than 20 Purple roves, these Purple Signs Everyone exudes a heil.

More than 20 people, the light is a strong sense of ancestors, there is no one in ten people, the rest of the people are all Yin Yongfeng.

This lineup, in the Tianzong Dynasty, it is horrible!


, Just just some yin and yang, how can it? "

The words of Lu Luo have just finished, and there are more than ten stories to rush, and there is no double behind the sword.

"III." Su Mou lightly opened.

And the sword is unparalleled.

"Ice Valley?"

"The sword is unparalleled, I will wait to help you!"

A low drink suddenly raised in this world, followed by a row of six people.

The six people are the woman in a white robe, seeing this white robe woman, and the whole island is immediately shaken.

White House Lord? "

"White House of the Dragon Palace?"

"The White House is coming from personally, is the Dragon Palace be inserted?"

At the scene, all the top power from all parties will recognize the White House at a glance.

"Bai Ling." Lu Luheng saw the White House of the White House, the completion of the face, low and drink: "The Dragon Palace is hard to do not want to be lonely?"

"Haha." I have already arrived on the black palace owner on the island, but it is a little smile: "The monk of the building misunderstood, just yesterday, Bai Ling, there is the four palace of the original dragon palace, and announced the exited of the Dragon Palace. Now, they can only be considered Jinlong's Jinlong, and there is no big dry department with my Dragon Palace. "

"Oh?" Yoroni browned.

Many strong people in no heart is a weird.

White House owner suddenly left the dragon palace?

"The people of Danmen, the people of Ice Valley, and the Bailing of the Golden Dragon Palace, hey, it is all, and the province will go to you one by one." .

The White House owner has also appeared behind the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The White House is deeply seen in the sword. After her, there is a palace of the four original dragon palace, and there is one person, the sword is unparalleled, the night is like the wind.

The sword is unparalleled to the end, but it is still looking at the no island in front. His pace has never paid, still slowly walking forward, and the killing of him is getting stronger.

Finally, the sword has walked through this lake. He really stepped on the island, and then slowly went to the center of the campus, appearing in the front of the Navon, and the positive of many strong people in the bloody house.

Until this, the pace of swords was parked, and his eyes also looked up, and the cold eyes swept.

"Three years ago, when I was hopped in the blindstone, I said that if I returned to the day, I would like to be the magic!"

"And today, it is the day of the bloody festival!"


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