Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 251 Wars, from!

The cold words echoed throughout the island, which makes the strong people in the island.

Today, it is the day of the bloody floor.

"If you rely on you, you will dare to say that you want to come to the ground. It is really ridiculous." Qi Luo lived disdain, followed!!! A large amount of figure is broken, then falls in the most central campus.

These people are all wearing a black robe, with a purple mask, I am looking for nearly 100 people, and the head is the left and right of the bloody piercing.

"so many people?"

"It's all aspigenic killers, is the strong in the yin and yang!"

"This is the real strength of the bloody ripple?"

The strong power of all parties in the scene saw this scene and shocked.

Yin and yang fake, in the Tianzong Dynasty, the top strong, and some of the top of the Tianzong Dynasty, some of the tops of the Tianzong Dynasty can have a number of yin and yang false, and the bloody ripple, this suddenly came out. Nearly 100!

Although most of these purple killing is only a honesty, there are ten digits.

This lineup is equally strong.

"These people are handed over to us." Wang Yuan looked at the sword and unparalleled, solemnly.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"Today, don't want to leave one." The voice of the sound of the sound of the voice, the palm of his palm is slightly lifted, but it is suddenly awkward. "

In the moment of his palm, nearly 100 purple killing hands in the center of the campus, instantly moved.

"On!" Wang Yuan made a low drink, and immediately behind him, the Ice Valley also had a strong person from the Dragon Palace, which was simultaneously blusted at this moment, including Wang Yuan himself, this moment Kill it out.

Two big camps, a large number of strong, almost instantly handed over the hands in this no island.

Wars, I immediately broke out.

Booming ~~~

As two major camps have come into contact, there is a terrible roar sound, and a strong spiritual spirit is swept around, this is still is also ushered in the end.

"Walk, go!"

"Hurry and leave, don't be given by them!"

"Leave no heart island."

In the island, the strong people who came to participate in the party were in this moment, and they were in the island, and they were afraid to be involved in this war until they had exited the island, and these strong people stopped, one The Dow is concentrated on this world.

The number of strong people, the bloody field is indeed more than the sword is unparalleled.

Inquiries, the sword is unparalleled, but there are too many.

People like Danmen and Ice Valley, the rumors of Yang have more than fifteen, the rest, that is also the peak of yin.

Although the Dragon Palace is only six people, the yang deficiency includes the White House owner, and there are three, the left is also the peak of yin.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled, and that is all the peaks of the yin.

And the bloody ripple, although there are many, but more are just some yin deficiency, between the big, in the yin yong, the peak is still a lot than the sword.

This leads that the overall strength of the two lineups is not big, and a fierce battle is caught in the stage of white heat. The two major camps are crazy to kill, but there is no obvious advantage.

The war has emerged, but the sword is unparalleled but has not moved.

Not only is him, but the sound of Luo Luo on that high stage is equally.

The sword is unparalleled in front of the battlefield, and then, he put it in the south of his father.

Jian Nan Tian, ​​still lying there, drinking wine, notice that the sword is unparalleled, the Jiannan Tianyi skin is moving, and the sword is not double.

The father and son gazed each other and did not need any discourse.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, and he stepped by step, directly in the southern day.

However, he only drove two steps, hey!!! The three bodies appeared in front of him.

"Well?" Seeing this suddenly appeared three people, swords were unbold, and the pace also lived.

These three people are not the killer of the bloody, but one of them, the sword is unparalleled.

"Mo Lingtian." The sword is unparalleled to see the triangular eye man who is heading the long sword in these three people.

Large old Swordsman law enforcement is old Mo Lingtian.

At the beginning of the pointer hunting, the sword was unparalleled with this Mo Lingtian, and this Mo Lingtian also helped the bloody tower to deal with him, if it is not Wang Yuan to arrive in time, he can be in this Mo Lingtian Live, it is really not necessarily.

"The sword is unparalleled."

Mo Lingtian's mouth with a brids, and the sword is unparalleled, and after him, there are two other people, the two men and a woman, and they are also carrying the sword, and the breath is not in Mo. Under the sky.

Yangyu peak!

This is the two of him behind him, and it is a strong in the peak of Yangyu, and the peaks of the three yang!

"The Sword of the Wilderness! That is the people of the romant!"

"How can they stir with the bloody parents in the eight top of Nanyang Continental?"

"Light is a bloody piercing, it is already very difficult to deal with it.

The parties of the War of Watching in the island, and the identity of Mo Lingtian three people has also been recognized.

The wild swordsman, it is also one of the top eight tops in Nanyang.

"The sword is unparalleled, we met again." Mo Lingtian coldly sword unparalleled.

"Yeah." The sword didn't have a little bit. "When I was hunting in the East, I said, come to the Japanese, I didn't expect to see it so quickly, and since I met, the grievance between me, I will have the grievances. "

"It's the knot, but I have a knot." Mo Lingtian said that the scorpion was awkward.


The voids in front of the sword were suddenly broken, followed by Mo Lingtian's body, and he held a sharp sword in his hand, swept it at this moment, and the speed is fast if thunder.

The sword is unparalleled. It seems that it is not enough to react, standing there, standing straight.

"Dry!" Mo Lingtian smiled, and he was more like a cold.

The long sword passed directly from the sword unparalleled neck, but there was no fresh blood left.

"Well?" Mo Lingtian did not surprise on his face, some were a horror, because he had already perceived that his sword passed and did not touch anything.

The residual shadow, his long sword is just a sword where the sword is unparalleled in the same place.

"Do you want to kill me?"

The cold to the extreme voice is coming from Mo Ling Tiandai.

"What?" Mo Lingtian scared, seeing next to it, I saw that I didn't know when there was a movie, and a shocking terrible killing was also instantly locked him.

"If you do your goods like this, I also equipped with my sword unparalleled life?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a hand.

The palm of killing the source is directly in the past.


PS: See a lot of comments, many people are talking about my gods, but they can actually have a climax, the chapter is wonderful, and it is a lot of chapters, at least ten chapters, no matter which chapter stopped, the effect The same, and I can't update all the chapters of this link at the same time. Because I can't do it, I have to keep four chapters of updates one day. It is already the limit.

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