Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 252 Starlight Sword

too fast!

Fast people don't know when the sword is unparalleled, and when is it shot.

That Mo Lingtian is noticeable, but it is not an urgent reaction, and the sword is unparalleled.


Mo Lingtian directly spurted a big blood, and the body shape was like the shells, and finally squatted on the campus, so that the whole campus is one of them, the ground is a moment of cracking.

"Ling Tian's brother."

The man who came to Mo Lingtian came to see this scene and was shocked.

Mo Lingtian struggled to stand up and got up, but he was swollen with a buns at the moment, and his mouth was also covered with blood. He trembled, his eyes were cold to the extreme.

"This is only seven months, this child's strength has improved this level?" Mo Lingtian is also horrified, but immediately looks to the male and a woman next to it, solemnly: "This kid is a bit weird, We used to use the star radiant sword to kill him. "

"Star Swords?" This man is a woman.

The big swordsman, famous in the sword, not only has a lot of swordsmanship swords, but also some swordscent arrays.

These swordsman's power can be unfounded, and there is no small name throughout Nanyang mainland.

These swordsms are generally used to join hands to fight against the enemy, but the sword is unparalleled, just a yang yu, a small year?

How do they use the sword arranging from the three Yangfu peaks?

"Don't look at him, hurry up." Mo Lingtian looked at.

That man, a woman, looking back, and no longer hesitate.


The three-handed shadow is standing in parallel, followed by three swords, and immediately broke out.

"Well?" The sword didn't looked up, and some of them were surprised to stand together.

"Hand." Mo Lingtian low drunk, the three people were in the same way, and the moment appeared in front of the sword.

Then three people suddenly appeared at the same time.

" " "

Three swords light, every way is not comparative, and the power is also amazing.

It is clear that the three people simultaneously sword, and the three people seem to be integrated in this three swords, and the three swords are also integrated into one.

This sword is more embarrassed, stronger and fierce, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword has more hands in the hands of a green sword. This is a common cyan sword.

When I saw the sword, his wrist moved, and then the long sword also slammed.

No sword, fourth form!

World source, burst.


Two swords were crossed and broke out.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double look, and a force came along his hands in his hands, and his body was not refunded out from the autonomous face.

The sword is unparalleled and retired from tens of meters away, and the side stopped, lifting the head, and reminding the three people in front of the Mo Lingtian.

"Sword Array?" The sword also flashed a strange color.

"Kill him!" Mo Lingtian was cold, a low drink, three people kill again.

"It is a bit mean." The sword is unparalleled, and the body is immediately greeted.


The terrible swords will once again, this is the three people who use the sword. At this moment, it seems to be a whole, and the three people go out of the sword. Whether it is the speed of swordsmanship or swords, it has been greatly improved.

What's more, his three people are the peak of yang deficiency, unite together, and the combat power has reached a higher degree.

And the sword is unparalleled at this moment, but also promotes the world's origin and killing this source. It is only quite with these three people in a short time.

"This sword is, this is it?" The sword is unparalleled.

Mo Lingtian three people, if he just alone, he can easily kill, and even if the three people teamed up, he can also face it calmly, then break it.

It can now present this sword in this sword. Three people are like one. The overall strength is increasing. He also uses the world's own source to kill this source, and it can't occupy the wind?

The sword is unparalleled is only surprised, but the three people in Lingtian are horrified.

"I, our three people teamed up with the star swords, but they didn't help him?"

"He is so talented, the strength is so terrible?"

"The source, he realized the source, but more than one, and his strength is far more powerful than normal yang deficiency, afraid that it is not more than the yang."

"This world, there is such a yang yang in the world?"

Mo Lingtian three people feel incredible.

After all, they use the star radiant swords to join hands, even if they encounter Danyi, I have encountered Danyi, I can try to fight, but now I can't make the sword unparalleled zone a yang deficiency.

"Your sword array is really good." The sword is unparalleled, and the sound of the sword suddenly sounded.

Mo Lingtian immediately saw the sword.

"However, it will come here." The sword has no double scorpion, the wrist moves, has recovered the cyan sword in the hand, and it is slow to keep the three kills that will continue to be loaded behind him. Out.

The three kill swords were scattered, and there was a terrible odor disconnection.

Mo Lingtian's three-person face is a sink.

"Hey, can you change your sword?" Mo Lingtian snorted, "Don't waste time with him, use the trick directly!"

The three figures breath, and they will halt again.


Mo Lingtian is even more bursting, and the three people show their tricks at this moment.

I saw three ginseng Tiangyun, almost simultaneously.

The tricks of these three people were different, but the power of Weiner was shocked, and the moment, which made the whole of the whole no heart island, even even in the island, those who are fighting. They also got a look at it.

It is tight that these three tops will be combined with the swords of Weilong.

Time, it seems like a star of the dark void, , !

Boom! ! !

The cold sword light pierced the air and torn everything in the world, and then appeared in front of the sword.

The sword is unbureed, feeling the cold, the three killed swords in his hands.

! Sword is clear.

Subsequently, the sword is slowly slow, the three kill swords in the hand, the way it is unsatisfactory is the fifth style without my sword!

This fifth style is called blood.

Different from the quarter, the blood, it is a stroke of pure payments.

The pounds of swords will come immediately.

This sword, very slow, slowly swallowed, as if there is no power, but the sword really hits the light-looking sword light from the Mo Lingtian.


Terrier roars, the world is one of them.

Subsequently, this majestic shadow is like the smashing of the sword light directly, followed by the three people who followed the three people.

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