
The sharp sword continues to be crushed, so that Mo Lingtian three people have aroused.

Star swords, and immediately land.

The three people have a shameful woman just stand firm, but! A ghost-like figure is on her side.

"What?" The gorgeous woman was shocked, but he was reluctant to turn, but he saw a cold sword light, and he constantly enlarged in her eyes. This graceful woman did not have to resist.


Sword is ruthlessly brushed from this graceful woman. This graceful woman can't even make a scream, and it is already unparalleled by the sword.

After killing this graceful woman, the sword is unparalleled, there is no stop, and there is another black hair in the middle of the middle.

This brunette middle-aged eyes have shrunk.

He saw that the sword was unparalleled, just killing the graceful woman, and the strength, he was close to the graceful woman.


A beautiful sword is light again.

The brunette middle-aged glance, with a madness on his face. At this moment, he tried his best to sword, trying to block the beautiful sword light, result ...

The sword is unattained, the long sword in the black hair is directly broken, and then the sword is not lighted and the throat is brushing.

"How can it be?"

The black hair is still incredible with a mid-term.

His arms will be directly smashed by the other sword?

In the successful killing of two yang deficiency, the sword is unparalleled and turned his gaze to that Mo Lingtian.

And Mo Ling has already been scared.

"Luo Shi, Yu Shi."

Mo Lingtian is a horror.

"This is only seven months, only seven months, how can this be a bit?"

Mo Lingtian is unbelievable, and at this time, he also noticed that the sword was watched over, when he had a sudden sudden.


Mo Lingtian did not hesitate to turn it out of this moment, and his fleeing direction was the place where the Luo Sheng was, and he also shed him, "the landlord, saved me, saved me!"

The bloody monster shadow, Luo Sheng, who did the end of the school, showed the icy eyes, "The people of the Sword of the Sword", it is really a waste, it is no wonder that even the top of the top of the top eight I can't keep it. "

Although it is disdain, there is still a slow to stand up.

With him, when there is a horrible pressure instant to spread.

On the entire island battlefield, a large number of strong people who are fighting in the battle are not allowed to stop the movements in their hands.

There are countless ways, at this moment, they are concentrated on the body of the Luo Luo.

"Do you finally don't sit still?" The sword was unparalleled with his eyes and stared at Qi Luheng.

, , extraordinary to the Shenghe existence!

From this war until now, it has been fought for a while, but this Qi Luheng has never shot.

But now, this Yuri stands up, he represents him, he ... he wants to shoot!

"Extraordinary into the Sheng!"

"He finally wants to do it!"

"Extraordinary into the high strength, how much is it?"

In addition to innocent island, a large number of strong people from all parties to Zongmen have also been excited to look at Qi Luo Sheng.

Extraordinary, in the Tianzong Dynasty, I have already belong to the legendary existence. Everyone knows that this super power has an incredible strength, but in the end, it is not a few people.

Most of the games, including a lot of yin and yang, unaudited, have never seen a high-powered to high-powered.

Now, they have the opportunity to meet.

"Extraordinary into the Sheng." The sword flashed in a double eye, followed by him, and a stunning battle rose.

Feel this war, the corner of the Queon's mouth on the high platform does not help with the micro-tightening, followed by the shape of the shape, appearing in the top ten meters long before the sword, just standing in the void, indifferent look Come over, "In front of this seat, it is not only afraid, but even so strongly, the gut is not small."

"The gall is not big, I just want to say, the legend is super fascinating to the high strength, there are more powerful." The sword has no doubles extend his tongue, squat, and smash the lips, war.

"Oh, depending on you want to see the real strength of this seat? Is it qualified?" , keep up with three fingers, "three fingers!"

"Under the three fingers, if you don't die, you are eligible to see the true strength of this seat."

The words of the Luo Sheng, obviously brought a trace of arrogance.

However, there were countless powers in the field, but no one dared to ignore his arrogance.

Because he has become extraordinary.

Extraordinary into the holy and yang emulsion, it is totally two concepts.

How much is the power of this level?

"Three fingers?" The sword was slightly tight, "Then I will wait and see."

"Will n't let you down." Qi Luo laughed, then lifted his finger, "You are optimistic, this is the first point."

The voice fell, the fingers of the right hand of Qi Luo were directly flattened.

It is very simple and very casual, but after this point, it immediately has a horrible breath.

The voids in front of the sword were suddenly broken, followed by a huge finger that was completely gathered by the vast spirit, this giant referred to extends from ancient times to extend, exudes ancient and strong horizontal Attention.

When this giant refers to the moment, many strong people on the island have exposed a colorful color.

The greatness of the giant referral is too terrible, so people feel the fear of fear.

The sword is unparalleled in this moment, it is also shrinking, and the three kids in the hands are not hesitant to anger.

"Nothing , fifth style, blood,"

World source, full outbreak!

When I immediately opened Mo Lingtian, the privilege was once again, and I was hit by the front of the giant finger, and the two strong power was crowded at this moment.

Booming ~~~ Void is shot, terrible power is crazy.

Can be abrupt, ! The privacy of the sword collapsed directly.

"Well?" The sword has no double, then then the giant refers to him, he can only force the three kill swords in his chest.

A loud noise, then the sword is unparalleled, it is incomplete to the wolf, and there are hundreds of meters, and they will retreat to the edge of the island, and they will stop, but at this moment, the faces It became a little pale.

"It is good, but it is good, but this is the point of this."

"Next, the second finger, this seat will use 60%!"


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