Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 254, three fingers

The words of Mori, so that the whole of the inside and outside the island can not help but be horrified.


Just that Wei Neng made everyone feeled in the heart of the thrilling, he actually used a three-pointed road?

"Is it three a force?" The sword didn't straighten it.

Extraordinary into the high-strength, far more than what he imagined.

Just just that finger, he has went all out to show the blood, still in an absolute lower air.

That referred to, only only used a strike.

The three power is so, that 60%?

"Kid, ready, this second finger is coming." Qi Luo smiled faintly, followed by his right hand finger, reached out again.

Rumble ~~~ The sword is unparalleled before the void is again broken.

Similarly, it seems to be extends from ancient ancient extensions. It is the same as before the big finger, but it can be strong in strength, but it is obviously too much too much. When this giant refers to, the terrible percentage makes the whole world. Quiet.

The sword is unparalleled, staring at this giant point, and the next moment in the hands of the three killed swords broke out.

The second product low-level god soldiers have been urgent. Then the long sword is high, the strength is instantly accumulated, and the sword is directly smashed.

No , sixth style!

No , is the main source of the world, the power is better than one.

Before the ancestral land, after a rush of the rainy palace, he took a fourth style, fifth style, fifth formula, only one step away from the sixth, and left the ancestral land. For a month, he also finally cleared this sixth matcher while connecting to the bloody feather lounge.

Now, he will show this sixth style and show it.

Unparalleled sword.

A sword is smashed, as if you can split all things.

However, even if it is such a strong sword, when the ancient giant fingers hit really collided with, rumbling ~~ The strong power crazy squeezed, but just instantly, this gorgeous sword light Directly defeated.


A giant passed, the sword has no double shape again, and this time he is a mouthful of his mouth, wow, a big mouthful of blood.

At the point of six points, the sword is unparalleled.

"There is also a finger."


The Luoni voice fell, his third finger pointed out.


The sword is unparalleled, and a big hole is suddenly broken. It is followed by a giant referral to extends from the broken hole, and rolled down toward the ground of the sword.

This point is much more terrible than the first two fingers.

When this refers to the moment, there are countless strong people in the field, they can't help but absorb the air.

Such a terrible finger, even if it is in an instant to kill the 10-volume, the peak is normal.

Seeing this point, the sword is unparalleled.

Just a 60% strength, it is seriously injured, 90% of the power ... this point is almost exceeded.

"No matter what, I have to try my best." The sword didn't lift his head, and the time, the time, the killing of the sky, broke out.

Killing this source swept his whole body, and he looked at this moment as if he came out of hell.

The three kids in his hands were once again lifted again, and he lifted his sword. He was shocked by the sword in the sea. Subsequently behind him, there is a huge vain.

This vain is more than ten feet high, which is a giant to look, his body is tall and tall, and the cold eyes do not take the sky.

This eyes contains the absolute domineering, everything, after he stands behind the sword, as if it seems to have a World War.

This giant also lifted with the sword, raising the hustle sword in his hand, and then squared with the sword.

Blood empty swords, first style, a sword hill river!

Gay a sword!

Kill sword!

Direct out.

It is insiscible that the attack is more powerful, and the source of killing is stronger than the world.

And this blood empty sword, is also the strongest trick in the sword, and his killing of this source is out of the outbreak.

This sword, strong energy, even if there is that Qi Luo Sheng, can not help but be surprised, but it is still a laugh, "the sword is good, but unfortunately, the strength gap is too big, in front of the absolute power, everything is Floating cloud. "

The voice fell, and the ancient giant refers to the ancient giant finger, even if it hits the front of this killing sword.


Tianshure crack.

At the end of the two, it has formed a shock wave that can be destroyed to destroy everything, crazy swept.

The shock waves swept the strong body of many fierce battles around, and these yin deficiency and even the power of the yang fumes exposed the color, and then their figure was not from autonomous.

"Death." ,,

! When the sword did not have a double color, he had a giant figure behind him, and immediately dissipated, and the ancient giant refers to crush his swords directly. Then it is even more unrecognizable on his body, continue to The lower part of the bombardment, but it is a fierce bombardment above the ground of no heart island.


The whole of the island is a burst of shaking. After everything calm down, everyone can't help but look at the most central people in the island, where there is a diameter of more than ten meters, and the circular pothole cave is not seen.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is the bottom of the pothole, and he is not known.

"very scary!"

"This is the strength of extraordinary into the high strength?"

"No, he has not toldly, he just only uses nine points for the force, resulting in the result ..."

Inside and outside the island, countless strong people, this moment is in the heart.

It's too horrible, extraordinary into the holy level of the high-strength, strong strength, incredible!

Strong horror, strong suffocation!

"The sword is unparalleled, is it dead?"

At the same time, all parties are shocking, and the eyes are also invested in the bottom of the pothole. Everyone is curious, and the sword is unparalleled. Under the horrible offensive, it is survived.



Wang Yuan is a concern.

At the same time, there is also the Jian Nan Tian, ​​who has been lying in the campus, self-drinking, drinking, in this moment, and looks slightly, and I saw the past.

The top of the pothole, a sergeant, the

"There is a yang in the district, which can make me use nine points, even if you die, you are also worthy of pride." Qi Luo sneered, and suddenly his laughter was tried.


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