Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 256 half palm!


"Leave this island."

"Scorpio, no heart island, it was built for two halves!"

There are countless strong people inside and outside the island, watching this scene.

The big noin island, it is indeed a one to two, and if it is because the sword is unparalleled or the Luo Sheng's attack is completely coming to the island, this is the island to smash the island.

But the key is that the reason why no heart island is divided into two, just because of the remaining batches of his two collides.

A remaining wave, makes an island in a foot-in-one areland?

What is this concept?

Everyone was scared, many of the many strong people on the island were very tacit, and they had a range of unhappy islands, and they left the entire island battlefield to sword unparalleled with Queon.

At this moment, the voids above the island are still squeezed in the crazy collision.

One of the explosive power is crazy, which makes it within a hundred meters, and has formed a huge energy storm. No one dares into this energy storm, even if it is a yang deficiency, once it is broken , Next, I will be afraid to land.

At the core of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled, and the continuous swords from him.

As for the color of the Ni Luo, it is slightly. He didn't expect that he had to go to the front of himself, it was unparalleled by the sword. Although the unparalleled strength of the sword was skyrocketing. There is still a gap that cannot be leapded with extraordinary into the San.

He did not know, the sword was unparalleled and the is a big day.

Yang deficiency peak is revoked, and the power outbreak is ten times that of the same order.

And the most important, is the sentiment of this source, the sword is unparalleled than this Queon!

At the same time, the three kids in the sword in the hands of the swords are two low-level gods, and the swords of the show are also the three-piece high-order swords, and the monsoon?

Whether it is a weapon or a trick, it is far away from the sword.

"." The sword was suddenly sounded, and the cold eyes saw the past.

"Well?" The nephew of Luo Luo also looked up.

"You know, this sword, I only used the seven-point." The sword said.

"What?" "Lu Luheng was shocked.

He has all made all efforts, and the sword is unparalleled only with seven points.

How can this be?

"There is a saying called with the way, now I have it, now I have it in you." The sword is unparalleled. "Next, I will let you look, my messenger!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the power that has always been retained is fully explosing at this moment.

Rumble ~~~ I have been in the sword of swords that have been squeezed with the ancient giant fingers, and the power will suddenly skyrocket.

The original two offensive has been fighting for a fight, but now, with this , then, then the ancient giant referred to the order.

! The ancient giant finger that was completely gathered by the spiritual power, was abrupt in the center of a hole, this cave appeared, this giant referred to no resistance, and the time is actually crushed directly. Come.

The giant refers to being crushed, and the strong impact is swept away, even if it is the body shape, it can't stand behind this moment.

It can be seen from his side, and the murder of the pound is also covered in his body.

"Not good." Yisheng's eyes suddenly turned away, and the bottom of the heart was also a sense of strong crisis.

" I saw only swords and shadows, very gorgeous, directly toward him.

Sword Yings took out, the long sword was still crazy, and a sword was sent, so it was very hungry and is difficult to resist.


After all, Luo Sheng was a superior to the high-strength, even if he faced the crisis, he didn't panic. He only heard him, his left hand palm aggregated, formed a dark crystal, these crystals Just as if the armor is general, then the palm of the palm will take the gorgeous sword.


The sword has no double laugh, the strength broke out, the three killer swords have burst into a cold rays, and then they have the lacquer black crystals of the Luo Sheng's palm, but this lacquer black crystal is only a three-killer sword, then Three killer swords are like cutting tofu, directly cut from this lacquer crystal, and they have passed from the palm of the .

laugh! Five fingers flew out.

"That sick sword ..."

In the emperor, I took a shower, I looked at the long sword in the hands of the sword, and then the body is not comparative to the far away.

After returning to the body, Yoronheng is holding his own broken half palm, squatting, the bloody monster mask on the face, there has been broken in the just fierce confrontation, and it is directly burst at this moment. Open, revealing a face of unparatorared and ugly.

At this moment, this face is more completely distorted.

And the large number of wears outside the island saw this scene, all out of it.

They shocked.

The shocking first is the strength of the sword.

The whole is superior to the high-strength, and it is even more than half of the palm!

At the same time, they also shocked the blood of the blood, showing the face of the Luo Sheng, which is an extremely ugly old woman. This old woman is a big name, which makes the Tianzong Dynasty numerous power. Yu Lou landlord?

"I didn't expect that the legendary bloody loft landlord was such a wife."

The sword is unhappy to hold three killer swords, and the sword is still rushing, but at this moment, he has already appeared next to Jiannan Tian.

"The Soldier? The sword is unparalleled, and the little guy in your district is, it has a soldier? And look at this goddene, I am afraid it is not only a common three-character god." Yumo's face is twisted, slow Solving the beginning, the eyes are a three-killer sword with a slap in the hands of the sword.

The soldiers are absolute treasures throughout Nanyang mainland.

Like the Tianzong Dynasty, he never had a goddess.

She only saw that the sword in the sword was very extraordinary. But I didn't expect the sword where the sword was actually a soldier, but I borrowed this soldier, the sword didn't have a sword to cut her half. Hand palm.

"However, you think that Light is like this, you can bring your father from this no island, it is too real." Qi Luo Sheng suddenly laughed.

"Well?" The sword has no double eyes, and the heart is hidden.

"The south of the people, you will shot." Qi Luo lost low, and the voice spread.

In the moment of the Luo Luo Sheng, the horror of the horror, the horrible pressure is swaled, oppress the audience, before this stubborn, it is more important than the full day. Strong a bit.

Time, the whole is still quiet inside and outside.

Everyone has become shocked at this moment.

No one thought that in this no island, there is still a sustained supreme existence!

And this person, is stronger than Mi Luo!


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