Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 257 Wars Twin Holy!


A white-haired white robe suddenly appeared next to Qi Luosheng, the same superfluous, even more points, and his identity also wanted.

Extraordinary into the Sheng!

"There is still one person." The sword is unparalleled to see this white hair, and the face has become ugly.

If you are just a yang deficiency, even if it is a yang yufeng who compresses the source, he will not care, but now, it is a super power that is extraordinary.

And this white-haired white robe appeared, and Lian Luosheng shouted him adult, so I can see the strength of this white hair white robe.

"Lin Biao in the Holy Palace is him?" Wang Yuan saw the people, and the face was sudden.

"It's this old monster." Dan is also a time.

, half a year ago, it is the most common and weakest sacred.

But this white hair white robe is Lin Biao, Wang Yuan is all known to Dan, and he at least decades in the holy border.

"This old guy, but shaping the holy body, it is much stronger than that of the Luo Rong!" Wang Yuan couldn't help but

On the strong, Danmen will not be less than the Holy Palace.

But this time, Danmen is completely the will of him. The wishes of the Lord of Danmen, can't represent Danmen, so he can't call Danmen's strong, but the Canal Palace is different.

Bloody Pool Tower is the claw teeth of the Holy Palace. This time, in order to prevent the sword, the sword is unparalleled with Jian Nan Tian, ​​and the Holy Palace specializes in a secret.

Today, this context came out.

" ." looked at the people, and the look was respectful.

"The landlord, although you just broke through, you can also have a genuine contest, and even a small guy in the yang is not, even by this little guy, half a palm, if it comes out, Your face can be lost. "White hair white robe old Lin Bunnan gave a look at .

"" It is so strong that it will be strong. If you continue to put it on him, it is a huge disaster. "

"You don't have to remind, since the old man has come, this kid will naturally run." Lin Xiangnan struggled with beard and looked very confident.

The sword is unparalleled, and then it is a wave, and the Jiannan Tianzhi next to it will go.

When the Jian Nantian took the street, he opened the palm, and there was a brown Dan.

"Father, this is a turn of Chifeng Dan, which can restore your damaged Dantian, but also make you strong, but this medicinal medicine will completely squeeze the people's potential, you swallow up, future realm I am afraid that it is difficult to get improved. "The sword is unparalleled, and the effect of this medicinal medicine is said.

"Oh?" Jiannan's eyes moved, but did not have too much hesitation directly swallowed the turn.

After swallowing the Dan medicine, Jiannan immediately sat down.

"Give me halfway." Jian Nan said, then closed his eyes.

"Hemorexia?" The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

The time of the half is not long, it can achieve their extent, the time, it is enough to fight many times.

"The old four!" The sword was unparalleled.


Southern Suofei immediately appeared next to the sword.

"Take the law for my father, don't let anyone bore him." The sword said.

"Okay." Su Port, her means, her means is extraordinary, she is not good at positive killing, but if it is the ability to protect people, then the strong people are in the field, there is absolutely no one can go to her.

There is Su Mug instead of his father, he also rest assured.

Of course, all the premise is that the two contestants have never shot.

"These two holy bits are given to me." The sword is unparalleled. "

"I'm old, have you sure you can live?" Su Fu saw it.

"Try it." The sword was unparalleled, but the scorpion was deeply crazy.


A terrible waves have urged, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is hunting.

" The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is screaming, and the sound of Luo Sheng and the two people in the forest are easily moving, and this sword is rooted from them.

Booming ~~~ That is divided into two sides of one of the island again by this sword light everything.


A Cang old body is silent in front of the sword, there is a unparalleled, it is that Lin Biao, this Lin Yuan has a sword where the sword is unparalleled. Then one hand is clawed, and the sword is straightforward, and the speed is fast, like lightning.

The sword has no double shape, swords and shadows flutter, and there is a white light in the surrounding snowflakes.

Lin Bunnan laughed, his hand claws broke into a fist, and he went to this white light.

Hey! The sword is unparalleled, and the result is like a metal impact on top of the fist.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

My own sword, how strong is the strong, plus three killed swords, like a sword in the prince, cut off the half-palm of the Luo Sheng, then, then, Mi Luo, formed a layer of transistor in the edge of the palm. The army is still not possible to block him.

It can now be on the fist of this forest, and the three kids can't be smashed.

"The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately in your child's hand, there is no way to violent the heavens, you can't make this sword." Lin Xiangnan is laughing, and then the hands become punch, connected at this moment The sword has no doubles.

Every punch, all overbearing, the power is more strong.

The sword is unparalleled, and the long sword in hand will welcome it.

While the sword is unparalleled with this Lin Biao, the next next to the emperor finds the opportunity, and suddenly appeared next to the sword.

"Kid, go to death."

The old face of the old face is terrible, and the only hand of the palm gathered the horrible power directly, the sword is not a double forehead.


The sword is unparalleled, I don't want to see the emonation, and the sword has passed the sword. I will force the Luon.

At this moment, Lin Biao in front of him, there was a giant image behind him.

This giant is the same as a mountain, and then the body shape of Lin Bunan has also turned into a mountain directly, the sword is unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is a ghost, there is a dragonfly in the ghost, and the surrounding void has appeared in the residual, and Lin Biao will only hit it on one of them, and the next moment, a cold sword is told.

This moment of the sword is unparalleled, the battle is hevant, there is a power of the world.

At the same time, we will fight against the two contesthesiars, and there is no obstacles in a short period of time.


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