Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 258 is half anxious! (Fifth!)

Snow, still under.

On the island, the battle of the world is still going on.

However, this world is now only the sword is unparalleled with Lin Xian, and the three people in Luo Sheng. As for the many power of Wang Yuan and others, at this moment, there is already very tacit, standing outside the island. Watch this in the Tiansong Dynasty.

And when everyone saw the sword, there was no double, and the whole is is is completely boiling.

"Scorpio, actually take an enemy!"

"That is the legendary super strong, he actually played two, did not fall in the wind?"

"How is this possible? This sword is unparalleled, how can it be so strong?"

"The sword is unparalleled, the people are famous, there is no parallel, he should be 20 years old this year? Twenty years old, you can cut off a half-palm of the Holy Ground, twenty years old, you can take a self Anti-State ... is incredible! "

"Monster, real monster!"

"My Tianzong Dynasty has created since hundreds of years, there have been never had a monster!"

Numerous strong people are amazing.

Those who are young people are more crazy.

"The sword is unparalleled, good sword is unparalleled!" Tianyuan Jianzong's Ling Feng also held his hands. In the low screaming, the enthusiasm and worship of the merits have reached the extreme.

"Unbelievable, incredible, older is living for so long, never seeing a peerless genius like him, I am also a Zongmen dominated by Kejian, but if there is such a genius in the first day, even if as long as you Surrounded by half of this sword, the old man killed dead. "The Sword of Tianyuan Jianzong, the Tong Yanhe old man said.

And the beautiful woman Jian dream standing on the side heard this sentence, and his head has already been completely complete.

After all, the black man in the center of the battlefield, the whole of the Tianzong Dynasty, called the world's unparalleled super enchanting, is a sword with a thousand relationships with her.

If the result of the sword is unparalleled, she has made her shocking, that is now, she is a completely desperate.

She is very clear, the sword at this moment is unparalleled, the power is strong, single one is enough to sweep her Tianyuan Jianzong!

Among the voids not far from the island, a gray robbery is stationed here, and the turbid eyes are also agreed to watch the world's battle.

"The year is only twenty years old, I can compete for two contexts alone. Although there are some special means, it can still be incredible, the young master's brother, it is indeed great."

The elderly from the gray robe is the six elders from Danmen, and even he also shocked by the strength of the sword.

The same is in another void, there are also two portions.

These two people, one of them is the national monarch of the Tianzong Dynasty. As for another person, it is a red robe man.

Light is a long-term phase, and the red robes seems to be young than the emperor, but the emperor is standing behind this red robes. After all, after all, this red robes, the man is the Tianzong Dynasty. The true top beam column is also the founder of the Kaisan Dynasty, the creator of the fantasy, and has been extraordinary in the super existence that is extraordinary.

This red robes are famous for the Reduction!

"Good little guy." Red see everything on the battlefield, can't help but praise.

"The old ancestors, is we really look like this?" The emperor couldn't help but ask in the red virtual son.

"Otherwise, what can I still say this, the sound is also obviously helpless," I want to come to save him, but once I shot, it is right with the Holy Palace, my Tianzong Dynasty is just An ordinary small dynasty in Nanyang, there is nothing behind the mountain, what to take the holy palace? "

I heard this, the nature is also changed.

Indeed, the Tianzong Dynasty is not as super forces such as Danmen, Ice Valley.

They are not afraid of being confined to the Emperor Palace, but the Tianzong Dynasty, an ordinary weak dow, once sinned the holy palace, the Holy Palace is afraid to give them.

"Hey, my Tianzong Dynasty is not easy to show this genius, but the result is a holy palace, this battle, I am afraid it is the last battle of this little guy." The red dongger secretly shook his head.

"The last battle? The old ancestors, this sword is not still in the wind?" The emperor doubt.

"He is now not in the wind, but it will be immediately." The redness is still shaking, "I see that this little guy's strength has increased so much, because of the way a special means, it should be A practice, or is a unique martial arts, absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth. "

"This absorption, hurting days, and the damage to the body is definitely very huge, he doesn't have to stick to it."

"In addition, Lin Biao, who is fighting him, has not used all efforts now." Red Duo.

"What?" The emperor was shocked, "Lin Biao has retained strength?"

"Of course." The redness is stark, "the Shengda strong is so simple that the sound of Luo Sheng just breaks through the sacred border, so it will be simply cut by this little guy, but the south of the city is different. He broke through the sacred borders, and even the Holy Book was shaped, it was much more powerful than that. "

"Look, he uses all the best ..."

The emperor immediately saw the past.

On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the world. The swordsmanship will be perfect. It is hard to generate the offensive of the two people who have joined the Lanyan and the Southern Luo Sheng.

It can be at this time, the Lin Biao Nan suddenly broke out.

Lin Xunan directly appeared in front of the sword, and then his whole person turned into a peerless beast, his hands, fingers, fingertips, elbows, shoulders, knee body part of the part of the weapon. .

boom! boom! boom! boom!

I saw that the air-covered offensive was coming, and the speed was amazing, and the power is more powerful.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately puts the swordsman to resist, and the swords will collide with the body part of Lin Biao. It is not able to open his body, and Lin Biao is more awkward. The sound waves are unparalleled.

The sudden sound attack, so that the sword is unparalleled, and his mouth immediately spurting a blood, the top of the sixth of the sixth has been severely hit, and the body shape is like the shells, and it is squatting. On the surface of the island, the ground is smashed, and the breath on the sword is unparalleled.


"I lost!"

"Even if you have been against the sky, you can eventually defeated!"

There are countless strong people around the island to see this scene, not only embarrassed.

However, it was bombarded on the ground, and the breath has been completely wilting. It seems that the sword that has lost his war is nothing. It doesn't have a horror and not sweet. Instead, it is a smile that means a deep smile.

Because ... half an hour, already arrived!

PS: Today, the five chapters first, there is a chapter of the chapter, it is estimated that it is about 9 o'clock, because I am now updated this chapter, I swear that I have no one chapter. After the code is five chapters, now I haven't eaten it, I will eat it first, and then the sixth chapter code will come out.

Brothers, look at the hard work of death, or feel the cool, write the wonderful words, don't forget the big reward!

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