Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 259, a sword, South day! (Sixth is more reward!)

"He is laughing?"

"Every time, I still laughed?"

"Is he crazy?"

There are countless strong people outside the island look at the sword lying on the ground. There is no double mouth.

Can be next moment! A .

"this is……"

Many strong people outside the island will not be seen in the source of the breath.

Including Lin Biannan and the four people, and also seen it.

I saw the original campus of the original island, and the white-haired man sitting in the market has slowly open his eyes, and this strong horizontal breath is from this white hair.

This breath is much stronger than the extraordinary yang yu, but it is better than the truly extraordinary entrance level, but it has to be part, like the holy border and yin and yang.

"Halft to the Shengjing?" Lin Henan took this breath, and the look did not help.

In addition to the heart island, numerous military doors are engraved with their heads.

"Jian Nan Tian, ​​it is him!"

"Is it him?"

"He, is he not destroyed from Dantian?"

These martial artists are full of shock.

Insightly, when this gathering started, they saw Jiannan Tian, ​​but the Jian Nan Tian, ​​which was already destroyed, it was an ordinary person, and his appearance was too much, many people I saw people at a glance, even I feel almost the same as the street.

Now, this is such a person, but it has a far more than the present, and only the two people in Luonan have qualified to cover his horror.

Is this really the same person?

The Jiannan Tian, ​​who is stared by everyone, slowly standing, and a bit of the ethereal eyes, but looks at his own hands, with his palm of his hand, a horrible force aggregates in his hand.

"One turn back Chifeng Dan, I still want to completely press the potential of ****?" Jian Nan Tian smiled from self-laughing, laughing, there is a slightly free, but more is the domineering of the world.

Before the sword, there was no double to give him a turn, and he had said that he said that he turned his potential to the maximum extent to enhance his strength, but he still did not hesitate to turn this. Yan Dan swallows, because he has full confidence in his potential.

As a result, a turn of Chifeng Dan recovered his Dantian, but also pressed his potential, but his potential was only crushed in some of them!

There is no way, his potential is too huge, even if it is a turn of Chifeng Dan, there is no ability to resist it, and there is no eligibility to squeeze it, and after crossing this part of the potential, his spiritual force is also directly skyrocketing. Halvering the hierarchy.

"Half-step hustle, it is all over the eye." Jian Nan Tian smiled, and the pace moved to the front of the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled has been held by Su.

Jian Nan Tian looked at the sword unparalleled, the latter also looked at him, the father and son were looking at each other, and no words were needed. The two will smile.

"Double children, borrow you three kids swords." Jiannan days open mouth.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three kill swords in the hands will be thrown to the Sword South Day.

I took a three-killer sword, and the breath on the sky in Jian Nan immediately changed.

It was originally very easy to ethere, like the people in the cloud, but now there is a horrible to the ultimate killing, this moment is a killing of the world.

His face has also become cold, becoming stunned, slowly turning, Jiannan **** Lin Bunan looked at the past.

"Extraordinary into the Sheng, and has also shaped the Holy Body." Jian Nantian is still murmured, but the body shape is sharp.

! Jian Nan Tian appeared in front of Lin Biao, only less than one meter from Lin Xiannan, and the three kids in his hand were arbitrary.

It seems very casual.

The three kids sword, the speed is not fast, even in the many strong people, this sword is still very slow.

Slowly swallowed like a sword with slightly.

Such a sword, made many people in the scene frown, because this sword is too ordinary, don't say that his opponent is a strong inner, change to any yin and yang email estimation You can easily avoid this sword.

Lin Xiangnan is also slightly, just ready to shoot, it can be discontinued, and a horrible killing instantly covered him.

Booming ~~~ Lin Bunan only felt that his head was rushed by thousands of Thunder, and he immediately slammed it. He still stood in the void, but his eyes became empty, and the whole person became awkward.

The swallowed swords and shadows came over, and Lin Biao was as if it was a stupid standing. It does not move, let the sword are in his body, his body is extremely hard, before the sword The unparalleled full sword can't puncture his skin, but now in front of this slow swallowing, it seems to be tofu.

! Sword Ying has eagerly cut from Lin Biao, and then the Jian Nancian recovered the long sword and stationed there.

Until this moment, Lin Biao came back to God, he immediately visited the sting of his body immediately, and he also felt his own vitality in the lapse.

His eyes have been rolling, and there is an unprecedented fear, and the last moment of life is about to dissipate, he shouted next to the nephew, "Narrator ... Express!"

Shouting the last voice became incomparable, and finally, there were countless strong people in the surroundings, and weakly fell down the ground.

Even if you have a decree in the Holy Games, even the branches of the Holy Branch, a sword is killed!


All the martial arts inside and outside the island, whether it is the yin and yang empty, or those who are young people, all crazy at this moment!


"A sword killed extraordinary into the Sheng? How could this!"

"Fake, this is definitely fake!"

"Safe, how can it be so easy to kill?"

"Is it true to get a super powerful person? Why is it like a chicken in this sword?"

Everyone has grown up his eyes and cannot believe this scene you see.

Only the sword is unparalleled, Wang Yuan, Su Guang, Danjiu four people, they used to see the Jiannan Tian out of his hand.

That is in the nine emperor, the Jiannan Tian, ​​Dantian is destroyed, and the spiritual power is not, but the results are still only used a sword to kill a yin deficiency, the horror is an incredible strength.

Today, Jiannan Tian's spiritual power has been upgraded to half holy.

Half-holy repairs, a sword kills the sacred border, what is it?


PS: Today is coming.

One day, I have a very limit. I will die now, I will die, continue, honestly tell the heart, but I believe that this six chapters today, everyone should also look very cool, , if everyone is satisfied If you remember to reward, you will find a few chapters to see you more.

Finally, I won it, ask for reward! Ask everything!

Also thanked "Xiaoha" big brothers 20,000 books reward, thank you, big brothers can enter the group and kill, group number 317601474

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