Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 260 Bloody Pool, smoke and elimination!

Everyone outside the island is crazy.

Those who look down on Jiannan, think that Jiannan is so, and even feel that Jiannan has no difference with the martial arts on the street. At this moment, he encouraged the throat, a shocked.

Swordsman, a sword kills, and the most important thing is that Jiannan Tian has just had that sword, it is very general.

It is indeed very general, and a yin and yang fake in the reason can be avoided.

But the key is that this sword waves, the Lin Biao is like a fool, it does not flash, and he kills him.

This means is even more impressive.

In the nearby void, I saw this scene, but I couldn't help but exclaimed, "Domain, Domain!"

"Domain?" The emperor after the red virtual body came to the past.

"It is indeed a domain, and it is possible to lose self-awareness of a context of the Shengshi. This sword is controlled by the domain, and it has reached the point of Dengfeng, which is much higher than I have." Have a shock.

It is important that he broke through the sacred border for hundreds of years, and the strength is naturally more terrible.

Like that Lin Biao, he didn't put it in your heart, but it was even him, and he couldn't kill Lin Ban.

That is to say, the strength of Jiannan Tian is likely to be stronger than him.

"Enchanting, whether this sword is still sword, the two fathers and sons are enchanting."

"It is only twenty-year-old to fight against the stunning strong, and the other, half-sea repairs, a sword killed the branches of the bodies, ..." The red virtual son can not help but admire.

There are countless strong people inside and outside the island, but also a lot of mercy in the past.

Lin Bian, who has formed a holy body, was killed by Jiannan Tianyi sword. This will be fine in the neighborhood?

At the moment, the song has been shocked by the scene that is just the scene. When the sword is in the heart of the heart, when the eyes of her, Qi Luo is scared, but at this moment, she immediately killed Lin Biao. What is said before.

"Nature, right, I have a space." The Yisheng's eyes spoke, and then the complete right hand trembled from the Qiankun ring, it was a light gold The inquiry is also filled with a layer of vast energy.

After Qi Luo gave it out, I just wanted to crush.

The awkward swords have no signs, from her arms.

"Ah!" Yisheng sent a scream, then she found that his right hand finish was cut off, and the enforcement in his hand also flew out, a palm stretched out It is easy to grasp the inner.

Baking this, it is natural that Jian Nan Tian.

"This, should it be the empty nature that I just said," Jiannan Heavenly color is indifferent to the hand in the hand, "I also heard this space. It is said that there is a space insect hole, once pinch Locking characters, this space insect caves have been urged, and the strong people in the Holy Palace can immediately arrive here with this space. "

"It's very good, but have the opportunity to achieve?"

I saw that the space fell into the hands of Jiannan Tian, ​​and her right hand was also cut off, and the Luo Sheng suddenly took the water, followed by Jiannan.

It is also the slow swallowed sword that is slowly swallowed.

This sword still seems to be very ordinary.

This time, everyone is dead and staring at this sword, I want to see the mystery of this sword.

Napoisheng stared at this Sword, and she desperately wanted to resist, but the horror killing is covered, and the emperor is immediately changing.

Like the previous Lin Biao, this Qi Luo also seems to be completely stupid. Let the swords of Jiannan sky open from her, and this famous Tianzong Dynasty, the whole day of the Tianzong Dynasty The horror exists, the landlord landlord, will die!

It is still a sword.

Clean and neat.

I saw this scene again, and a lot of strong people around him couldn't help but breathe.

They still don't understand how the Jian Tian is killing these two bodies, and no matter who is clear, the seemingly ordinary sword of Jiannan is the same, it is extremely horrible.

After all the two big bodies were killed, the Jiannan turned to the sword.

"Give you." Jian Nan Tian handed the three kids to the sword.

"Father, this three killer swords." The sword is unparalleled. "

Three killed swords, I have always been controlled by Jian Nantian. Later, Jian Nan Tian knows that he was staring at himself, and it is difficult to have a way to get a way to send three kills to the sword. There is no double control.

"You are more suitable for this sword more than I." Jian Nan Tian smiled indifferent, followed by it directly to find a place to sit down, one waved out the kinkup, and started from self-drinking.

The sword is unparalleled, no more, but the eyes are the strong people who have been residual toward the bloody feather.

The strong people in the bloody ripple are still there a lot. It is still still still there, but it is still there, but at the moment, the two of the two, the bloody kill killer, all in the heart Three chestnuts.

After all, their top beam column, their hearts in the heart of the landlord, already died, was killed by a sword!

"The people of the bloody ripple, it is really hindering, all killed." The sword is unparalleled.

"No problem, give us." Wang Yuan grinned, and the Dan and others next to him also showed a smile.

When the Bloody Pool Tower is killed, the top beam column collapsed, and the bloody phenoto is not enough, and the remaining strong people are already a plate of shackles. It is necessary to deal with it naturally.

There are countless strong people in the field, whoever saw this worldwide to go to the present, bloody feet defeated, defeated, and even the bloody Yu Lou landlord is directly killed, it can be said that the bloody feather is over.

And the most important thing is ... The wall is pushing.

The bloody ripper is not very good at the words of the Tianzong Dynasty. There are too many enemies. Many enemies are also in this party. Now I see the bloody ripple to the edge of the collapse, and naturally one people who don't hesitate to fall into the poodles. .

The whole of the whole is still is again chaos again. He is headed by Danmen, Ice Valley, and the Dragon Palace. Subsequently, there is a lot of strong enemies with the bloody ripple or the powerfulness of the power, started against the bloody tower. Murder.

The bloody feather is even more than a lot of strong, but can be murdered at this time, it is not a long time, soon being killed, a large number of strong people are killed, like there is around the two, it is also One kills.

Until the entire battlefield is completely calm, the sword has no double ring around a bloody sea, and it flashes a silk.

"From today, this world will no longer have a bloody down!"


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