Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 261, father and son, double enchanting, heaven and earth!


The battle of exciting people, as the bloody building was killed by one by one, finally came to an end.

After the end of this war, many strong people present were found that there was no current island that stands in the center of the lake, has completely disappeared!

That's right, it will disappear.

In addition to some four-fold five-zero straw land, the main land has been shattered to the lake.

In addition to the island, there is a large number of strong people who come to this party. They have seen this world-hand battle. Their mood is exciting, and they can't calm down for a long time. Everyone is discussing just that battle.

Until the dusk, these powerful people of these forces will be scattered.

On the next day, the millennium chapter from the life and death of the Warrhe is described.

And this battle was named "Attacking World" by the millenis, and the earth! "

This millennial thing describes all the scenes that happened to this battle in the noin island. From the beginning of the hill, the lake is broken, and the sword is unparalleled and sweeping the swordsman three big yang, and then he has a hard work Two San ...

The description is very detailed, and many details will be described.

And the millennium was also particularly mentioned by the sword unparalleled age, only twenty years old!

"Twenty years old, Double Sheng?"


"Unbelievable, he is 20 years old, which is strong?"

The Tianzong Dynasty numerous warrior saw the description of this Millennium This is incredible.

Extraordinary, in all of them, it is almost like the spiritual existence, and the result of a 20-year-old little guy is alone, and one of them will cut off the two contexts, and one of them has cut it half. palm.

The terrible talent strength, naturally make everyone amazed.

The final side of the millennium, I also said that Jiannan Tian ... first describe some of the experiences that Jienan has not been taken away by the bloody ripple, then mentioned that Jian Nan Tian is in the island, the gorgeous two swords .

Under the two swords, the two bosces are strong, all die!

Seeing this, the martial arts of the Tianzong Dynasty were excited.

Holy Genting, extraordinary into the Saint, was killed?

At the same time, it was killed two, and Jian Nantian only used two swords. The average sword was killed, and the most important Millennium Ji also said that Jiannan Tian himself did not truly enter the Holy State.

One of the people who have never been eager to enter, but only two swords killed two extraordinary to the high-strength.

Everyone feels the head of the head, a incredible.

There is a sentence in the end of the millenis, there is a comment on the two people who have no father and son.

"Father and son double enchanting, heaven and earth to fight!"

This sentence, there is no number of people, but it also agrees.

The father and son are all enchanting, and they are really great.

After the Millennium Commission, I have a huge change in the landlord from the Jinlong Temple.

The landlord list ... Previous swords have always occupied the first dragon list, but now his name has disappeared within the landlord list.

Tianlong list ... Tianlong list recorded the Tianzong Dynasty's 18th Yang Shufeng, like the left and right two of the bloody ripples, but by this battle, the sword is unparalleled, and the second is Falling, the Tianlong List has naturally changed.

Tianlong list reinsure ranking.

"Tianlong list first, Jiannan Tian!"

"The second, sword is unparalleled!"

"Tianlong list third, emperor!"


Tianlong List directly positioned the Jianlong list first, and the sword was unparalleled in the second.

And this ranking, the entire Tianzong Dynasty did not dare, even the original row in the first emperor, there is no opinion on this ranking, because no one is clear, no matter whether it is Jian Nan or sword, there are Qualification occupies these two rankings.

He has been recognized by the records and is unquestionable.


At the same time, the entire Tianzong Dynasty was shocked by this surprising battle, Tian Yanxun Province Baoquan County Jianhou Province!

At the time of the year, the sword is unparalleled again to the Jianhoufu.

In the courtyard of the sword, there was a robe, and there was a robe, and there were a thick breath. In addition to the courtyard, the disciples of the swords Houfu gathered in that, and the eyes were watching these A violet robe, one is excited.

"These people are the super power of the legendary Yin and Yang."

"Yeah, it is a yin and yang empty, so many people, one is much stronger than our house, but these strong people are now giving our unfooked brothers as guard!"

"There is no family, it is too hard."

After the sword has no double, after returning to the sword Houfu, the news about the surprises on the island is also known by the disciples of the swords.

The entire Sword Houfu is sensational, all disciples are unparalleled with unprecedented worship.

Purple robe in front of these yin and yang, in front of these Houfu's disciples, it is the legendary existence, but now these vioo people are respectful to stand outside the room, which is obviously acting as a guard.

Yin Yang is defeated by escort, these Houfu disciples have never thought about it.

In the room, the sword is not double-colored, and there is no one in a stool, and the Jian Nan Tian and Wang Yuan are next to him.

"Old three, how is this hurt, I will swallow you a few levels of great healing Saint Dan, this is three days, your injury is still gone." Wang Yuan frowed.

The sword is unparalleled, "I am hurt, it is to show some special means, even if there is your medicinal medicine, there is no ten or a half months, I want to recover."

The sword is very clear. He has a second volume of the secret surgery to the body's load. Don't say that he lasted for so long, and even later, he was seriously injured by the Lin Biao, it can keep a small life. It is very good.

And the Sword South is always moving. I saw the sword. I have seen the scene of the sword where there is no one-way display, and I also guessed some of the taboos of the sword unparalleled means, but he didn't say much.

"Yes, the old four?" The sword didn't have a double suddenly asked.

"Walking." Wang Yuan opened, "After sending you back to the sword Houfu, the old four leaving her person, it should be rushing back to the ice valley."

"Oh, then urgent?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, the old four naturally is not anxious, but the son behind her is afraid that I have been in a hurry." Wang Yuan is a little cold.

"Mon?" The sword is unparalleled, "Wang Yuan is old, you also mentioned the son behind the old four, and seeing you, it is very dissatisfied with the son, what is going on?"

"I am dissatisfied with him, that is because the guy I always always leave, the guy stays around, I am afraid nothing." Wang Yuan Road.

When I heard this, the sword was unbounded.


PS: Today is normal four chapters updated Ha, there is two chapters left at 8:00

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