Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 262 I only need five years!

In this world, the sword is unparalleled, in addition to his father's sword, it is his own brother.

Old Si Su soft, the sword is unparalleled to take her into her own sister.

No matter who it is, I want to be unfavorable to Su. I have to pass him.

"The little girl you said, I can see that her physical fitness is very special." Jian Nan Tian also looked over, indifferent: "Generally, the more special physical fitness, the more likely, the more likely "

When I heard this, the sword had no double-colored suddenly sinking, and then he looked to Wang Yuan, asked: "Wang Yuan is big, you are the Danmen Lord, can you find a way to secretly protect the old four?"

"Although I can't compare with my Danmen, but it is also a large zone, and I have been in the ice valley. I have no chance to enter the Ice Valley, how to protect it?" Wang Yuan Shake your head, "But I can find a way to keep the Ye Chen, once he finds that he wants to be unfavorable to the elder, I will immediately have a chance, I will give this guy directly, I have a hundred."

Wen said that the sword is unparalleled.

I have been in the ice valley, and he has no ability to help the old four. You can only hope that Wang Yuan is.

"Father, where are you going to go?" The sword walked in the past.

"I want to do something." Jian Nantian directly.

"What?" "The sword didn't have a double question.

"This matter is related to your mother." Jiannan Tiandao.

"Mother?" The sword is unhealthy, and it is said: "Mother ... isn't it dead?"

His mother, Ji did not dream, isn't the bloody tower, who is overwhelmed by the bloody ripple, is it being killed by the bloody ripple in the battle of the bloody feet.

"It's not a month to tell you, your mother is dead?" Jiannan **** sword didn't look at it.

"Yes." The sword has no double heart.

This matter, including the Ji family is alive, he is heard from his little .

"That's no wonder." Ji Nan Tian shook his head smile, "When the Ji Nationality was involved in me, suffering from the disaster of the top, could not be present, did not have the disaster, so she thought that she was conscious. The Gijian all race, including your mother, is killed by bloody rice, but you can actually die. "

"What?" The sword was shocked.

His mother, did not die?

"Mother." The sword is not a pair of brains.

He has never seen his mother from Xiaoyao, and he has been full of curiosity, and after he learned his mother's death in the unstead of Ji, he was still in anger.

But now Jienan is telling him that his mother is still alive.

"No dreams, it is still alive." Jian Nan Tian said, "The new disaster in the beginning, the many strong people of the Ji nationality were directly killed, only your mother, did not die, but as I I was arrested, and her is a young man. "

"Young man?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I will always remember that person." Jiannan Tian Na's vast eyes were suddenly a bit violent, and there was a heavy killing swept in him, and the whole room became cold.

"That young man, a golden robe, looks some Wen Wenya, and his eyebrows still have a vertical scarlet mark, the mark should be a sword."

"He is very powerful!"

"At the beginning, the Ji's family is also one of the top eight top clauses, and it is still ranking, even if the bloody pool wants to completely destroy the Ji nationality, it takes a long time to follow the price. The result is that this person shot, and the many high-rise of the Ji people will be all over, leaving only your mother and take him away. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also invincible.

"Waving a lot of high-rise slaughters in the Hi people, so powerful, at least the sacredness, who is he?" The sword didn't ask.

"I don't know." Jian Nan Tian shook his head, "His identity is very special, even if the landlord of the bloody piercing does not seem to know his true identity, I have seen him again before half a year."

"Half a year ago?" The sword is unparalleled.

Half a year ago, at that time he was in the ancestral place, he accepted the first test of the ancestral land.

"When I met, the strength of his show made me feel unlearability, and he didn't know what method used, and took my sword soul." Jiannan Tianzheng.

"What?" The sword was shocked.

"Sword Soul? Father, your sword soul is taken away?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is really shocking.

The sword, he is awakened with his father, and he learned from the ancestone, he learned from the Kimina. Only the real sword genius was qualified to awake the sword.

And the sword soul is what they awake. If it is destroyed the sword soul, the sword is unparalleled to believe that someone can do it, but take the sword soul?

This is like a spiritual force that will be refined by a person, completely deprive and then passing to another person, and this means, it is a tangible.

"That person, the means is indeed, the strength is more unleadable." Jiannan Tianzheng said, "Even if I am now, I am afraid that I am not qualified to face that person, but that person's identity, I have to get Clear, there is also your mother's fall! "

"I am a life, innocent, innocent, only to your mother, full of embarrassment to the Ji people, no matter what, I have to find a way to find your mother!"

"I understand." The sword has become a good fortune, and immediately said: "Father, I will go with you."

"You?" Jiannan looked at the sword and was unparalleled, shocking, "You are too tender, strength is too weak, and I can't help me."

"But my father ..." The sword was unparalleled, just opened, Jian Nan Tian suddenly waved his hand and smiled: "You want to be with me, premise you can pick up the three swords in my hand "

The sword is unparalleled.

Just even enter the Sheng, and shaped the forest of the Holy Branch, you can't walk through the sword in the hands of Jiannan, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Double, if you really want to help me, you will cultivate it, leave the Tianzong Dynasty to go more vast world, so, the elderly can turn into an eagle, and your road, there is still a long time." Jiannan Tian Laugh.

"The Holy Palace, I will leave you, your first step is it."

"Ten years, if you can take the flat palace within ten years, it is really qualified to help me."

"Do you take a palace within ten years?" The sword has no double eyed, "Ten years, too long, I only need five years!"


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