Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 263 East Tang Dynasty!

"Five years?"

Jian Nan Tian looked at the sword and unparalleled, and the latter was the responsibility of the mountain. "Then I will wait and see."

And Wang Yuan next to heard the dialogue between the sword without a double and Jian Jian, but couldn't help but praise.

In the entire Nanyang continent, I dare to say that I have a flat holy palace within five years. I am afraid that only swords have no blessings.

Jian Nan Tian turned his hand, and took a cheat from Qiankun, "this is given to you."

"Is this?" The sword has no double picks up the cheats, and the doubts are.

"This is some of the personal feelings about the source of the top, I haven't intended to get in the outside. It is now not much useful for me, but it should be not small for you." Jiannan Tiandao.

The sword is unparalleled, and this cheat is accepted.

Jian Nan Tian also took out a pot of wine, "Let's come back, our father and son drink a cup."

"Okay." The sword is not a hyper point, when picking up the pot.

After the two, the two were drinking a pot, and Jiannan was smiled.

It's said that it's hard to finish.

Jiannan days, the branches are arrested, and there is no buckle.

What he has is destined to be a survival of the wind and rain.

And the sword is still standing in the room, looking at the shape of the Jiannan sky, but it flashes the thick light.

"After five years, I will definitely keep up with you." The sword is unparalleled with hands and secretly thinks.

Half rang, the sword is unparalleled with the king source at the same time.

"Old three, what is going on next?" Asked Wang Yuan.

The sword is not double-finished. "Originally, the best state is to find a strong door, to find ways to improve the strength, but the relationship with the Holy Palace has been fully opposite, the whole Nanyang mainland will not have a few blocks. Willing to accept me. "

The sword is unparalleled.

The Holy Palace is a well-deserved hegemony, the Holy Palace is trying to chase, and there are still a few sects of the Nanyang mainland.

"Danmen is able to resist you, but Danmen is not I said, but I am old, I will mention your business with him last time, but he is just a smile, nothing." Sources are some dissatisfaction.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Old three, those who are probably now, but I know a place, you can't practice there, may not be better than you enter those ancient gates." Wang Yuan suddenly said.

"Where?" The sword has seen the past.

"Nanyang First Dynasty, East Tang Dynasty!" Wang Yuan said.

"The First Dynasty?" The sword was unparalleled to reveal the color.

"Datang Dynasty, is the first dynasty recognized throughout Nanyang, the territory is vast, is more than ten times more than many large dynasties in Nanyang, and the Dang Dynasty dynasty strong, the whole strength, than those of the ancient gates To be strong! "

"Nanyang Continental Division, although it is a palace, one, three valleys, eight big, Wan Qian dynasty, but the overall strength of the Datang Dynasty, absolutely above the three valley, even my Danmen and the Holy Palace It is quite taboo for the Datang Dynasty. "Wang Yuan said.

"So strong?" The sword was unparalleled.

Even Danmen and the Holy Palace are quite a jealousy.

East Tang Dynasty?

"In addition, the Datang Dynasty also has two other names, killing the dynasty! Death country!"

Wang Yuan's voice is low. "In other Dynasties in the Nanyang Continent, although it is also the same weak meat, how can I have some bottom line, and there are some rules systems developed by the Dynasty, but there is no rule in the Datang Dynasty. No bottom line, some is strength! "

"As long as you are strong, even if you are in the palace of the Datang Dynasty, no one can manage you."

"Strong strength, even if it is a crazy slaughter, a city, but the thousands of people, as long as you are happy."

"There is no rule, no constraint, purely relying on strength!"

"So, said that the Datang Dynasty is a moon, that is never too!"

"But the more crazy places, the attraction of some of the war is more attractive, and the Nanyang Continent will have a large number of battles who are eager to kill and travel to the Datang Dynasty. The same Datang Dynasty will also I have died too much of the martial arts, so I have the title of death! "

"There is a hell of killing, the hell of the kind!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is flashing in a light.

Killing Dynasty?

Death country?

Killing paradise, kinderian hell?

Nanyang mainland, there is still such a dynasty, and is still unlaguable first Dynasty?

"Datang Dynasty, too crazy, it's too horrible, the strong is even more than the number, natural there is also the most suitable to experience, like the second, he was taken to the Datang Dynasty." Said Wang Yuan.

"The old two also went?" The sword didn't have a double look, but the bottom has been excited.

Task, he is good at the sword, the sword, is killing!

He also realized the source of killing!

In his bones, it is even a good battle!

Like the Datang Dynasty, it may be difficult to accept, but for him, it is very eager to yearning. Even if there is no other reason, he is eager to go to this Dang Dynasty, let alone now him. It is completely eye-catching by the Holy Palace, suitable for him, and is limited to his growth.

This Datang Dynasty is undoubtedly his best place.

"I decided, I will go to the Eastern Tang Dynasty!" The sword was unparalleled.

And Wang Yuan wonders also couldn't help but shrug. He knew that the sword was unparalleled, so he will say it.

"Old three, you have to go to the Tang Dynasty, there will be pass through the North Domain, and I have a good thing to find you, and this is busy, I believe you will not speculate." Wang Yuan smiled.

"Oh? Talk to see?" The sword watched the king of Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan immediately said.

"How do you also know how Nanyang Continental Pattern, I have been very subtle in the situation in Danmen and the Holy Palace, although I have never really erupt war, but the contest in the darkness is indispensable, and the big top Zongmen ...... "

"The big scribes have come to the past years, they have not been angry, they are getting more and more, they are going to be named from the eight tops of the top, but this time, this big scribe is in the Holy Palace, and it seems to be Because of the old three your relationship. "

"I don't want to see the surcharge of the Sword of the Holy Palace, so I can only use some means, I will remove it. After a month, we will do it, and you need old three you help."

"You don't want to deal with the Emperor Palace, destroy the Swordsman, for you, put on the interest."


PS: The second volume is complete.

The third volume, stirring the world to start tomorrow.

Brother, the next volume of the plot will be more refreshful.

Passionate has begun, everyone can stop this!

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