"Wild Swordsman?" The sword was unparalleled.

If you change to other zone, he may have some hesitation, but the wild sword ...

At the beginning of the pointer hunting, the lotus swordsman's Mo Lingtian sleaved to set his death, after in the no current island, the strong Sword of the Swordsman also wanted to kill him, and the big wild swords are now told The Holy Palace came together.

The newly hatred is together, and the sword is unparalleled is very happy to deal with the wild sword.

"This is busy, I am helped." The sword nodded, "I don't know what to do?"

"There is an enumeration here, you are holding, rushing to the northern domain within a month, go to the Nine Dowen of the Tiansong, you will hand it to him, and he will naturally tell you how to do it. "Wang Yuan smiled.

"Daren Tiansong?" The sword has no double nodding, "can."

"What are you going to start?" Wang Yuan asked.

"After a few days, wait for my injury to restore some." The sword is unparalleled.

"OK, you can get there within one month, I will give you a map of Nanyang Continental map, you should use it." Wang Yuan smiled.

After staying in the swordshoumen, Wang Yuan returned to Danmen with his people.

As for the sword and unparalleled, after a few days in the sword house, set off, left the Tianzong Dynasty, and began his real experience.

The eagle spread wings, and the sky is vast!


After a month, the weather is still cold, and the ground is also covered with snow.

The northern field is in the north of Nanyang, the territory is vast and far from the northwest.

There are hundreds of northern singles, and even the large dynasty is not under ten, and there is a master-level zone in the northern domain. This parade is one of the eight top of Nanyang's top eight top. .

However, the wilderness of the scribe has been in the past few years, and the disciples of the strong.

And in the northern domain, there have been a Zongmen who have a complete ability to compete with the big romper. This is the Tiansong.

Da Luotian Zongmen is located in the top of a huge mountain, and at the moment of leading to Dali Tianzong, the black robe man with a long sword is slow, his pace is very slow, every step is there. There is a deep footprint in the snow.

"Potters ... weightlifting, if it is light, drive the heavens." The sword is walking, while the cheats are gave to his father.

That cheat is a perceived feeling of the source of the source.

In terms of cheats, this source understanding can be divided into three levels.

The first level, "potential"

The second level, "domain"

The third level is "extreme"

The sword is unparalleled to the world's own origin, the source of killing this source is just the first-door threshold, and the first level "potential" is far away.

Walking, the sword has no double shape but suddenly stopped, followed by the three kids behind him, just in this snow, one person drifted the sword.


The sword is waving, and every sword is slow, nor does it have much.

You can wave each sword light, but the snow that has been landing is not from the autonomy.

The sword is unparalled in the exercise of swordsmanship, and at this time, it is a void above him, and the two people have just passed.

These two are two women, they are very young, one of which looks quite a little longer, but no more than 30.

"It's going to go back to Zongmen. After going back, you are honest, this time you are in the outside, although it is not big, you can also bring some troubles to me, punishment, it will definitely, but it should not Too heavy. "The elderly white woman said.

"I know the teacher, after returning to Zongmen, I will naturally get a penalty. You have said it all over this way." Another young girl who did not exceed 20 was spit and said. It is obeying that the green girl is watching the ground below, just seeing the sword of the scene in the snow.

"Sister, you can see, there is a person, where the exercise swords." The green girl immediately shouted.

The white woman immediately saw the sword of the next, and this looks, her look does not help.

"Hey, this person is not big, but the sword is really very generous. It is too slow. Although I don't drilled the sword, I can also see his swordsmanship." Green girl sizes.

"Shut up." White robe woman is awkward, "What do you know? This person's swords look still very slow, but it is actually very subtle, in the sword, I am afraid it will not be lower than me. "

"What?" The green girl could not help himself.

"Here, the Zongmen of Da Luo Tianzong is not far away. This person appears here, but also in this drill sword, it is difficult to rush me, the big Luotianzong is coming, is it coming to worship?" White robe woman couldn't com.

In her thought, a young swordway came to Dalu Tianzongmen, and it must be under the door of Daru Tianzong.

"The sister, this person's sword is repaired, it is really not weak than you?" The green girl came over.

"I don't know now, but I don't know if I don't know?" White Robe laughed, and then the body shape was falling down.

The sword is unparalleled, but it has only lasted for a moment, and stopped.

"Introducing the heavens and the earth, how can I push the law?" The sword was unparalleled, and the heart was still confused. He looked up at him. Just saw the white robe woman fell.

The two women are very handsome, especially the white robe, the white robe, and the ice of the eye, the ice cream, the bones, is a full beauty, even the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but admire.

The sword is unparalleled is the repair of these two.

That green robes are also done, 20 years old, can achieve Yin Yu Xiaosheng, but the woman in this white robe, it seems to be the age of 278, but it can be repaired as a sword. Less and say that yang is also a big, or even higher.

Such young, spirituality is so high, if it is in the Tianzong Dynasty, it is almost impossible to see.

"Sure enough, I have always been just a frog in the bottom of the well." The sword is not sigh.

"In Lower Da Luo Tianzong Junyi." White Robe woman appeared in front of the sword, but the attitude was quite modest and did not have a slightly.

The sword has no double touching the nose, smiles slightly, "My name is the swordsman."

"Swordsman?" Junyi frowned, : "I just saw the unfair of the swordsmanship of you, I would like to be very high in the swords, but I just drilled into the swords, so I wanted to ask you a few tricks. I don't know you. willing?"


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