"Bessing?" The sword was not bought on his face.

"Whose is relieved, I only ask the swordsman, and there is no one to do with spiritual power, and I will continue." Junyi said.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled, and agreed.

In the exterior calendar, see a strong man, come out, not rare, and in front of this white robe, the attitude is modest, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is difficult to refuse.

"In this case, please, please." Jun Yi has a green sword.

"You, be careful."

Junyi has finished finishing, he! The body has a brush, and the whole people are all turned into a sword. They wear the layers of empty, appearing in front of the sword, and the sword is tatched, as if it can penetrate everything.

The sword is not bored here, not only emotion, this Junyi's drilling in the sword is extraordinary.

The sword is unparalleled. I saw the three kids in his hands were picking out. It was clearly the sword of Puttong, but the appropriate benefits hit the Junyi's sword of the sword, so that Junyi came. A sword, immediately resolve.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the three swords of Junyi.

Jun Yi is a horrible, and the long sword is in a mileage to resist these three swords, but it will face it back.

"Happy Swords." After the Junyi station was stabilized, he retreated to the sword. "It seems that I have to go all right."

The voice is falling, from the body of the dragon, a strong sword is burst, and the sword has formed a substance at this moment, and it has been a little fog, and the sword is unparalleled.

"What is this?" The sword was unpaired to see these gray fogs appeared around him. You can then feel a killing machine from these fog, he caught this fog, and the body shape could not help but Masonine.

"The means of strangeness." The sword is unparalleled.

And that Junyi has once again shot again, he! The shape is abrupt to the sword, and then the long sword is turned into a stream, directly attacked, and the speed is amazing.

The sword is unparalleled, the long sword is lifted, and a world source is contained in the sword.


A bison, Junyi's blue sword, even flying out, with the arms of Junyi's body and the arms of the wolf.

After standing stabilized, Junyi was shocked to watch the sword unparalleled. "I showed the sword. The result is still lost, and it is still thoroughly lost, his swordsmanship, it is so good!"

"What is the trick you just fiery into the fog?" The sword is unparalleled, but suddenly asked.

"The sword is like a fog." Junyi replied: "It is a trick in the swords of the swords in the Tiansong, the Tiansong."

"Sword area?" The sword is unbolded.

Just a trick, very special, he was in the fog, the fog gave him a great obstacle, let him act quite difficult, if it is not because of its own use, he wants to defeat Junyi, really Simple.

"You just said that you are the disciple of Da Luozong, just I have something to go to Dalu Tiansong, I don't know if the two can lead to me?" The sword laughed.

Junyi came with his body and laughed.

She both thought that the sword was unparalleled to Dalu Tiansong is a teacher, and I saw the sword without the double sword, but also a happy.

"You have to go to Dalu Tiansong. I am from the Tiansong naturally, please."

Junyi said, then it will facilitate the green and teenage girls in front of them, and the sword is unparalleled behind them. I didn't have to come to an ancient pass.

The ancient temples in the temple of the mountain range, the magnificent, the gas is very angry, and many of the many paramenors who have been seen in the sword have become huge.

There is a leader of Junyi, the big Luo Tianzong disciples guarding the door, there is no obstruction of swords. Junyi has come to a lobby in Dali Tiansong.

"You are here waiting for a while."

Junyi said, then he left the green girl, and did not take a brunette's old man.

"Junyi, this is the swordsman who you said in the swords than you than you?" The dark man looked at the sword.

"Yes." Junyi nodded, then there was no double in the sword: "Swordsman, this is the old man of Lu Tiansong," Qiu Jie is old. "

"The law enforcement is old?" The sword didn't have a double look.

He also knows that in these ancient governments, he is a law enforcement. It is also a law enforcement. However, these law enforcement will be equivalent to a senior deacon. It is responsible for many things inside and outside the block, but it is not The highest level of ancient one.

In these ancient governments, there is a long-elderly, the elderly elderly is a medium-sized pillar of a party, a real high-level power.

"I have seen Qiu Changu." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Don't have a lot of gifts." Qiu Ying waved, and then he sat down in front of the seat. "Listen to Junyi said that your sword is good, and look at you gently, is it a teacher?"

"Teacher? I am not." The sword didn't shake his head.

"Isn't it coming to make a teacher?" Junyi was surprised, and the Qiu Ying's brow also wrinkled.

"What are you doing?" Qiu Ying asked.

"I am a Trust, come to find you Dali Tianzong's old Ling Han, I don't know if he can now be within Tiansong?" The sword said unparalleled.

"Nine elders?" Qiu Sha shadow became changing, and the sword was re-lost, and then he smiled: "Xiaozi, Ling Chang, older, is it, can you see it? Just me, one year I have not been able to see him several times. "

"I am from the people, and the longevity of Ling Chang should also know that I will come." The sword is unparalleled, the sound is also flat.

"It's enough!" Qiu Ying is a low drink, smiled: "Kid, you are young, the Mao is not long, but so he is so unhappy, he still says that you will know what you came, Yan Han, etc. As a small guy like you, I think, I think, you are clear, you come to me, the Tiandong, people, people, give me out! "

"Qiu Chang is old." Junyi is slightly changed.

And the sword is not a little bit slightly.

This Qiu Ying is still quite a gas, but he heard him until this is not a teacher, but looking for Ling Han, the attitude has changed immediately.

Two Dalu Tiansong disciples have gone in the door.

See this, the sword is not double-finished, but the thoughts are smiling. "I didn't expect the Tiantang Tiansong actually the way to treat this, and I was teaching today. In this case, then I will leave."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is too lazy to entangle with this Qiu Ying, but the pace is awkward when he leaves.

"Right, this is also given to you, and it is also proved that I have been there, but I will not be seen by the big Luo Tianzong."

The sword was unparalleled to give him the singer to him, and then he left the past, then left directly.


PS: The new volume begins, and it is Monday, seeking a ticket, reward!

There is also something in the author's words about the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Everyone takes the time to look at Ha, it is very important.

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