The sword is not paid back.

"Qiu Chang is old, this swordsman said it is really looking for Ling Hao, you don't ask, just directly, it is too overbearing." Junyi low.

"Junyi, you are too much attention to this kid, you don't want him to think about it, how can you talk to Ling Chang? Take me, he is clear that he has heard that the name of Long Her, then run Here, I want to make a long time to be a teacher, such a person, I will encounter a lot every year. "The Qiu figure disadded.

"What more, Ling Chang and my high-rise long old age have been busy with a big event. Even I have no chance to see him, what is this kid, what?"

"As for this, it ..."

Qiu Ying swept the .............................

"This man ..." Qiu Ying was deadly staring at the entry on the ground, "Wan Dan!"

Qiu figure face color became incomparable.

Whether it is the Holy Palace or Danmen, there is a trust as a letter, this maker has a special sign, the whole Nanyang continent is no daring to imitate, and the Holy Palace is the Holy Palace, Danmen is Wan Dan .

"Is he just Wan Dan?" Qiu Ying's mouth Zhang, his eyes are also rolled.


After a moment, after the Kung Fu, the Tiansong, the Ten Strong Atmospheres slammed up.

"Fast, point action, be sure to find that person!"

Among the more than ten shadows, the head is a two-white silver robes. This person is the old Ling Han, who is Dali Tianzong, and this is a bit gloomy.

"Hey, ask if you know clearly, you will directly burn people, it is really overbearing, my big Luotian people, when is it so horizontal?"

"Qiu Ying, you better pray that the person is still far away, I and the big Luo Tianzong can have a relief room with him. Otherwise, your law enforcement is the position." Ling Han voice is rough, In that, it was awkward, "It's really something that is not enough to lose."

It's so awkward, and Qiu Ying is low, and I don't dare to look directly at the gaze.

He knows that he is a disaster this time.

He didn't think that a little guy who had only twenty years old in the top last year, there would be so big.

"Ling Chang is old, the man is there." Junyi, which followed, suddenly shouted.

Ling Han immediately looked down and saw it on the top of a snow, a black robes carrying the long sword, sitting in the quiet and quiet, seem to be waiting for them to come.

"Fortunately, he is waiting for us, it seems that there is room for ease."

After seeing the sword, there was a slight tone slightly, and then he slowly landed in front of the sword with the Junyi several people.

"The swordsman small friends, the old man is so cold." Yan Han was quite humble.

The sword sitting on the snow is unhappy, and I have seen a few people in front of my eyes. I then closed my eyes again. The voice was spread out, "Du Lu Tianzong, the big shelf, this has not become eight big Nanyang eight One of the top blocks, the people in Zong is so hegemony, isn't it to turn over? "

"It is my Lu Tiansong enclosure for no circumstances, slowly smuggle, and the old man personally competes for a little friend." Ling Han smiled and then glanced at the Qiu Yingside side, "I still caught it."

Qiu Ying immediately walked to the sword unparalleled, even lost the rituals: "Mr. Jianke, just I am charging, I am in this special, you will pay attention, but I want to mind."

"Dreamless." The sword didn't open the eyes, glanced at this Qiu Ying: "Dalu Tiansong is big, even immediately can replace the wild swordsman to become one of Nanyang eight top paradise, and will care about me brat?"

"This ..." Qiu Ying couldn't help but worry.

"Qiu Ying." Ling Han looked low to Qiu Ying, "From today, temporarily avoid the position of your law enforcement, and send you three years before you go to the mountain, three years, but all come to me Lu Tianzong People, even if it is just a general golden disciple of coming to make a teacher, you have to respect the people, please come to the Zongmen. If you are good, three years later, consider restoring your law enforcement elder position, listen to understand Yet?"

When I heard this, the Qiu Shao figure was shameful, but it was a connected point.

After the disposal of Qiu Ying, he would continue to look at the sword and laugh: "Swordsman kid, I don't know if I am satisfied now?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is strange to look at the cold and nodded. "Your big Lu Tianzong's elder is still understanding."

"Haha, since the misunderstanding has been released, then please ask the little friend to go to Zong." Ying Han invited.

"Okay." This sword was not refused again.

Immediately leading this cold, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also in the same hall.

In the hall, the lunch and swords are sitting in a seat, as for the Hall, Junyi and others waiting outside the hall.

"Swordac, you are a person who is Danmen sent me to help me Lu Tianzong one arm?" Ling Han smiled and watched the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, "But I don't know, what do I need to do?"

This is also the sword where it is quite strange.

Dalu Tiansong is enough to compete with the Dawn Sword, countless, even after the hometown of the Shengjing, it is estimated that there are some things that they can't do, but need to help him?

"Things are like this." Linghan immediately started explaining.

"Xiaoyou wants to know, I am talking about with Danmen this time, I am in order to make the big swordsman thoroughly remove it. It can be one of the eight top sects after all. It is necessary to eradicate it, not only need absolute strength And there is also a reasonable excuse. "

"Excipite?" The sword is unparalleled, "Danmen with Dalu Tiansong, directly destroyed the wild sword, but also excuse?"

"Haha, the little friend does not know, the big swordsman itself is natural, but it is one of the eight top sects. Nanyang's eight top paradise is in the dark, and it is also a small group in the dark. If there is no reason, it will be completely Strength and Danmen jointly removed the wild swords, then, Dali Tianzong not only can't rank among the top eight top paradise, but also fully excluded by other seven major doors. "

"In addition, behind the Sword of the Sword, there is still a holy palace, there is no excuse, and riostines to the Relivery Sword. After the incident, the Holy Palace will never give it." Yan Han explained.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, "I don't know how to provoke this excuse?"

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