Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 267 questioning

"The excuse is not difficult to find, the opposite is also easy." Ling Han smiled: "After three days, the big ridiculous swords with me Lu Tianzong, and there are a lot of ancient people in the northern area, they will hold a disciple between disciples. Better exchange. "

"This communication will be once every year. It is very common, our disciples of these Zongmen, as long as it is 30 years old, you can participate, and the best genius disciple of this Swordsman, named Chen Maple is the master of contemporary contemporary land. "

"Oh?" The sword has no double eyes, and I have realized that Daro Tianzong needs him to do.

"The Sword of the Swordsman is very strong, and it is very stable on weekdays. However, he has a soft rib. This soft rib is his son Chen Feng. Once Chen Feng died, he will definitely go crazy." Yan Han said.

"So you want me to shoot Chen Feng to kill Chen Feng on the disciple exchange?" The sword has no double.

"Yes." Yan Han nodded, "the previous disciples exchanged, and occasionally there will be some disciples to fight, and the people who can't be directly killed. All parties will not care. After all, they will communicate, and there is a death and injury. Normally, so you have the disciple communication, a killer killed Chen Feng, it is not wrong. "

"As for your identity, there is no need to worry. After all, I have so many disciples, I suddenly emerged for a genius, and it is normal. The only thing I need to worry is that Chen Feng's strength."

Ling Han suddenly said: "That Chen Feng Tian is indeed weak, it is not enough for 30 this year, but it can be cultivated, but it has reached the peak of Yangyu, this strength, under my Da Lu Tianzong's 30 years old. Among the disciples, only one person can match, but it is just a match, I want to kill him, I can't do it, so we will help to Danmen. "

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled and nodded, and it is clear that the reason is.

Dalu Tianzong needs to find an excuse to deal with the wilderness, so I want to kill Chen Feng at the disciple communication meeting, let the Zongsong of the Swordsman be crazy, what is excessive, and the big Luotian is countered, everything is sympathy. !

"The little friend agreed?" Yan Han looked over.

"There is a condition." The sword is unparalleled.

"Talk to see." Ling Han did not change color.

"On the way I came before, I made a hand with the Junyi, who had Luo Tianzong, found a sword of the sword of the sword, is quite wonderful. I just drilled the sword, so I want to borrow this sword. View, I don't know if it is possible? "The sword said unparalleled.

For the sword, the sword is really full of curiosity, and it is quite expected.

"Sword area?" Ling Han brows, "The sword, quite special, the level is already a three-grade high-order sword, to a certain extent, even with the general second low-order sword Better, in my Da Luotian, also belongs to a very high-level cheats, and the swords of this level will not be passed to outsiders, but ... "

Ling Han Demold, "Swordkeeper, you will not be outsiders, as long as you promise to help me Lu Tianzong, in the disciple exchange meeting, kill Chen Feng and the three-piece swords in the district, and what?"

"That is no problem." The sword is unparalleled to nod to promise.

And Yan Han is also a smile, but then it is inadvertently asked: "Yes, see your age seems not big, I don't know how old this year?"

"The words ... 21 years old." The sword has no double.

He is already 20 years old, and it is naturally twenty-year.

"Is it 21 years old?" Yan Han frowned.

Can you have more than 21 years old?

"That don't know your kind of your spiritual force ..." Yan Han asked again.

Although Ling Han is the old man, it is only a half-hierarchy, and it is not really rushing to the Holy Land. I can't see the specific realm of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, it can be shaped, and the spiritual power is spread.

The spiritual breath is walking, and it is the realm of unparalleled the sword to be aware.

"Yanggui Xiao Cheng?" Yan Han brows wrinkled more deeply.

Task, Chen Feng can be a rumor of Yangyu?

"Why, Ling Chang is not looking for the spiritual force to see it under?" The sword watched and smiled.

"Where." Ling Han shook his head, still laughed, "Since Danmen recommended a small friend, it will not be lost for no reason."

"That is good." The sword was laughing, no more.

"Little Friends, I will take you to the place where you live." Linghan immediately took a sword and went to a temporary courtyard.


At night, the moon is empty.

Dali Tiansong's talked hall, the door is closed, and the main owners of Da Luotong and many elders are gathering here. The light is strong, and there is a four-bit in the scene.

"I have been preparing for it. After two days, I will arrive at the Shengmen strong, just wait for the disciples to exchange." Dali Tianzong's primary, a beautiful middle-aged man The sound is low.

Many elders in the hall heard this, all excited.

After all, Da Luotian waited for a long time for a long time.

"Ling Chang is old, the genius sent by Danmen can have been here?" Middle-aged man came over.

"It's already arrived, but ..." Yan Han nodded, but the face was some weird.

"But what?" Middle-aged man asked.

"The genius named by Danmen is a sword. This year is only twenty-one years old, and the most important thing is that his spiritual force is only a hierarchy of yang deficiency." Yan Han said.

"Yanggui Xiao Cheng?" The middle-aged man was awkward.

The elders of many large Luo Tianzong presenting the scene immediately exposed the color.

"What is the people who sent a yang yang? What is Danmen?"

"Yang Yu Xiaosheng, I am more Luo Tianzong, and I have to help Danmen?"

"Yang deficiency is small, how to fight against the sky, can he still kill the rumor peak strong?"

I heard this dissatisfied voice, Yan Han also frowned, after all, even him, the strength of the sword is also full of doubts.

A Yanggui Xiaocheng, can more enchanting, can you have?

And that Chen Feng is not only the peak of Yang, but also the genius that is carefully cultivated.

"I have been preparing for so long in order this day, it's hard to be, there is any change." The uppermost beautiful middle-aged man is cold, "Ling Chang is old , You immediately want to find the strength of the person to make me clearly, you can make some genius strong people to try, Ming's mutual testers can be. "

"I figured out his strength. If he really turned against the sky, if he is not good, then I have to make it early."

"Yes." Ling Han nodded, when you left.


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