I shine in the earth.

Before the unparalleled courtyard, he came to him, he also followed by a young man in the instrumentation.

"Yeser, you listen, your mission is to find all the strengths in the court, you can invite him directly. If he does not agree, you can force him to shoot, but remember not to be really injured To him, do you understand? "Ling Han looked at this young man and said.

This young man is named Yeser, which is the first person in Luo Tianzong's young generation.

The entire Da Luo Tianzong, the only one eligible person who can fight with Chen Feng, is him.

"Understand." Ye Like nodded slightly, and said to go to the morning.

"Well, wait!" Ling Han suddenly opened.

"What happened?" Ye Shi came over.

Ling Han did not speak, but the eyes were watching the night, and the front face was in the past.

I saw that the house was falling, and the sword of the black dress was unparalleled, and he was alone in one person.

There is nothing wrong, but you can see the scene when you have no double exercise swords, but you will shrink.

"That is ... this source?" Linghanyi.

As a strong in the semi-holy level, he also realized the source, and it is naturally not strange to this source.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not surprised, but he is surprised that the sword is unparalleled, and the source has turned into the world.

I only see the courtyard, the sword is unparalleled, and a sword is light. It is very dazzling under the moonlight. It is clear that ordinary swords, but every sword is swaying, it seems to have all the world. Swordsmanship.

One trip, all of them are all in the world.

"Introducing the heavens and the earth, this is the potential!" Ling Han Yu took a shocking.

"It's so strange." Na Ye saw the sword of the sword without a double exercise, and his eyes were also slightly rising.

"Ye Shi, you immediately go to the lobby, please visit the host and the old people." Ling Han told him.

"What?" Ye Shi was shocked.

"Go!" Ling Han Shen Sheng.

"Yes." Ye Shi did even left, and there is no long-term Luo Tianzong's principal, and the extraordinary elders appear next to Yan Han, and these people appear, and everything in the courtyard will attract everything in the courtyard. .

"That is……"

"Speed ​​of heaven or earth?"

"The first level of this source understands!"

"This kid is mostly, actually reached this level in this source understanding?"

The main owners of Da Luozong and those who are always shocked.

The three levels of the source sentiment, the first level is "potential".

Even if it is just the first level, you can think that it is still very difficult, like a general context, most of the company's comprehension is special, you want to reach this level, you need to take decades. Pharmaceutical enlightenment.

However, it is barely considered to be strong in the hierarchy of this level.

Now, they see a small guy who looks still over 20, and the spiritual force is to practice only the yang yu, in the sense of origin, actually achieve this level?

"Ling Han, this little guy is a genius that Danmen invoked?" A long and asked.

"Yes, it is him." Ling Han Zheng mainly nodded.

"But twenty-one, this age, the feelings of this source are strong?" This is always emotional.

Among the few people who appear here, there are two elders of the old age. They have been extraordinary, but they are in the three people. In addition to Dalu Tiansong Zong Lord, the two elders have not achieved it. This level.

That is to say, the sword is unparalleled to the source of the source, it is high than they.

"I just prepared to let Ye Shi have tried the real power of the little guy, and the result saw this scene, so I immediately let you come over." Ling Han said.

"You are right." Dali Tianzongzong was primarily nodded. It is said that there are other means on the body, and I'm really killing, I can really kill the peak. "

When I heard this, a few old ages around him were squatting.

"Haha, I just thought this little guy was just a common yang, but now it seems to be too arbitrary."

"Think about it, it is also a lot of benefits to Danmen, and Danmen can't pay attention, how can I send an ordinary yang deficiency and smashing."

"Well, this little guy, although the spiritual force is low, but the real strength has more, it is really not good."

Previously, these long-lasting words were extremely dissatisfied, but now I saw the feelings of the sword in the origin of the sword, one immediately changed the view.

At the age of 21, this level of "potential" is reached in this source, which is simply incredible.

Compared with this, the yang deficiency is smashed and even kills the rumor peak, but it is more likely to be more possible.

"Right, this little guy promised to make any requirements when I was shot for me," Dalu Tiansong Zongzong asked.

"Yes, he wants a sword." Yan Han said.

"Give him." Da Luotian Zongzong laughed, "I will give him now. After three days, the disciple exchange will begin. If he is in these three days, there must be certain mastery of this sword, and the strength can be improved. Many, when you kill the grasp of Chen Feng, you will be bigger. "

"Yes." Linghan nodded, then he took the sword in the sword in the paradise, and he went straight to the sword.

In the courtyard, the swords of swords have stopped down, standing there, but the eyes are still closed.

"Treatment ... If you lose weight, drive the world, I have always been confused, how is it, now I know that this is in the world, it is actually the source of myself, to homoate the endless source of the world, and use more Many source power. "The sword was unparalleled, and his face showed a smile.

These days, he has been in the first level of the source sentiment, "potential" level.

Just, he was suddenly fascinating in his mind, and it will naturally be aware.

If this is to say, there is absolutely that there are countless people, after all, a lot of strong, including some sacredness, the cost of the machine is very like this step, but the sword is unparalleled, and it is reached.

Of course, the reason why the sword is unparalleled, and there is a great reason, but there are some reasons, but because of the sword!

The sword soul, not only let him feel more than other privileges.

Similarly, he also has an unparalleled role in the sense of origin.


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