Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 271, Sword, Unparalleled

"Ye Shi lost!"

"This Chen Feng is worthy of the first person in the young generation of swords, the strength is really good."

"I have always thought that winning will be Yeser, resulting in the result ... This Ye Shi is too disappointing."

"I don't know what happened, I always feel that Ye Shi has just don't seem to do their best."

At the communication meeting, the strong people of all parties were arrested. They were discussing the battle of Ye Shi and Chen Feng, but no matter what they had, this battle has been over, Yeser has lost .

A lot of disciples in the wilderness, a surprise, and the headed burly middle-aged is more revealing.

"I don't know where there is any Xiongtai in the scene, willing to go to the game?" Chen Feng stands the most central in the military field, and his eyes sweeping with a contempt.

Those disciples of many ancient sects around the performance of the Warm have each other, but they all secretly shook their heads.

Lian Lezi was defeated in this Chen Feng's hand, and the disciples of these Zongmen had courage to talk to Chen Feng.

At this time, from the disciple of Da Luota, a black dress stood up and then slowly walked toward the center of the play.

Suddenly, a large number of eyes on the play of the military grouped brush brush this black body shadow.

Everyone is staring at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to ignore everyone's eyes, walked to the center of the play of the military farm, watching Chen Feng in front of himself, the cold voice spit out from his mouth, "Da Luotian swordsman, please enlighten me."

There was a turmoil immediately appeared immediately.


"Who is the swordsman? How did I never heard?"

"Da Luo Tianzong? There is a disciple called swordsman in Da Luotong?"

The genius disciples of the ancient sects have a weird, and the big ridiculous swords with Daru Tiansong, as the most powerful two major sects throughout the North, naturally, which are both genius disciples in these two majormen, they all know.

They have never heard of Dato Tianzong, there is a genius disciple called Swordsman.

"Where is the A cat, I have heard it, I haven't heard of it, I still want to fight with me? Give me a low drink." Chen Feng drunk low, raising your hand is a sword and brushing out of the sword.

The sword has no double body shape, it is easy to avoid this sword, this sword is on the ground of the military field, and there is a huge sword mark that exceeds half a rice wide.

Although the sword is unparalleled, he avoids this sword, but he avoids the spiritual power, the spiritual breath broke out, and it is natural to be natural.

I found that the spiritual power of the sword was dissolved, the whole performance of the past is first, but I have burst it!

"Haha, is this person in teasing us?"

"What did I see? Is a yang deficiency?"

"Where is the idiot, a yang deficiency, dare to challenge Chen Feng?"

"Da Luo Tianzong is no unmanned, actually sent a small guy who made a yang Yun Xiaoshi."

There is no visual contempt in the surroundings, ridiculed with eyes, solidified in swords.

The colors of the genius disciples in the side of Luo Tianzong are also changed.

"Ling Chang is old, what is going on?" A Du Tianzong disciples anxious.

Insightly, the weakest thing in the disciple that Dalu Tiansong came this time, the weakest is also successful, they just play, although they can't beat Chen Feng, can not be jokes all by all parties to all squares?

A disciple from the Yanyu, a yang, who came from Dali Tianzong, actually challenged Chen Feng, which was the peak of Yangyu, this passed out, and his Da Luo Tianzong did be a joke.

"Shut up, look at it, don't ask." Ling Han low drunk, did not explain too much.

And Chen Feng on the play of the Warm has also perceived the sword unparalleled spirituality. His expression is even more horrified, but it is a laughter, "Haha, the people of Da Luo, are not all Is there a unknown generation of a high-level highland? "

When I heard this, the few genius disciples of Da Luotong changed, almost wanted to find a slit.

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is still indifferent.

"Don't say more nonsense, shoot, take out your strength, otherwise ... You have no chance." The sword did not have a double cold channel.

"I have no chance? It is you have no chance." Chen Feng is cold, "Hey, ignorant idiots, since you are looking for death, then I will become all you."

The voice fell, Chen Feng is shameful.

Just see a strange brush, this Chen Feng has already appeared in front of the sword, while the long sword in his hand directly burst, a terrible wind thunder is broke out, the sword will wear the void, so that the void sounds A burst of burst of .

This sword is strong, it is obvious that Chen Feng has burst out.

"This Chen Feng, deal with a small yang, and actually use full?"

"Not good, he is going to ..."

"He didn't want to leave the hand, want to set the little guy to die?"

"Hey, even if the kid is killed again? A Yangxu small achievements dare to challenge Chen Feng, so arrogant, death in Chen Feng, it is normal, after the event, the big Lu Tianzong can't say anything, after all, It is a little bit that their disciples are too self-tempered. "

Everyone's eyes have seen it.

"This Chen Feng, actually moved to me?" The sword is not a mouthful of mouth, "just, there is a lot of trouble."

Combined with the sword, there is no double.

That Chen Feng is very hard to thoroughly, even if the Yangxiao peak is very difficult, he doesn't worry about the sword without double moving, he is not worried about the trouble, after all It is really a sword that is too doubleless.

His sword has arrived in the sword, there is no pair, and it is necessary to have a sword where there is no unparalleled body.

However, there is no double eyeliner, but the cold scorpion glanced at him. This eye, the heart of Chen Feng, and immediately rose a sense of unprecedented crisis.

Combining ... The sword in front of him disappeared without double, just disappeared directly under his eyelids.

"What?" Chen Feng was shocked, but he didn't have time to react, but I found that the surrounding wind blowing. He barely turned his head, just saw the cold sword to brush, from his neck.


The sound of the Jian Feng horn sounded, and then a huge head flew out directly.

Chen Feng is still full of eyes, only feeling a sky around, but Yu Guang saw a black shadow in front.

"what is that?"

Chen Feng's consciousness thought, then he saw it clearly, and the black shadow was actually his body!

"I ..." Chen Feng Zhang opened, but he could only say a word. Then, the skull was falling on the ground, rolling a few times, and there is no move again.


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