Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 272 shocked the audience

The entire performance of the past is quiet at this moment.

Those genius, including the Great Luotian's genius, including Dali Tianzong, and seeing Chen Feng's head and fell out to the ground, and one was stunned.

The instructions are just just, they also feel that the sword is unparalleled with a yang yang, and Chen Feng is a joke.

But now ... just in an instant, a photo, Chen Feng was killed directly?

"It is." Ling Han Yu is a colorful color.

He has some worries before the end, worried that the sword is unparalleled to kill Chen Feng, but now ... only a sword.

In contrast, in the landscaping camp, the landscaping is the bullish disciple, and the sword is unparalleled, but only a blink of an eye, all of them Roll round.

The burly middle-aged first was wrong, but immediately emerged for anger.

"Gay, dare to kill my big ridiculous disciple!"

The burly middle-aged drunk, but the body is turned into a thunder, and the terrible breath of the destruction of the world is also instantly locked the sword.

Task, Chen Feng, who was killed by swords, but the Buddhist Zongzong Lord.

Chen Feng was killed, and his leader of the team is hard to blame. If you don't pay the murderer, you will be able to return to Zongmen with the nature of the genus. .

Just in this burly man, the sword is unparalleled, and the tough body shape is also moving.

Ling Han, I was ready, once the strong Sword of the Sword, he immediately came out to stop it.

However, Ling Han also made the rest of the burly middle-aged, but found that the sword who was originally stayed in the center of the play of the military farm. At this moment, I actively greeted the bureaucratic middle age.

"What are he doing?" Ling Han couldn't help but mistaken.

Originally, according to the plan, the sword is unparalleled, and then immediately retreat immediately. As for the next thing, it will be handed over to them, but now he will not only retreat, but instead take the initiative to meet the bureaucratic middle age.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is not moving there. It is not moving in the burly middle-aged attack. It can be stopped, but now the sword is unparalleled, and immediately close to the burly middle-aged. Distance, he could not stop the burly middle age.

"He is crazy?" Ling Han did not know what it was.

The strong people in the surrounding parties are also very wrong.

A semi-holy super strong person killed him, he not only did not refund, but did it take the initiative?

The sword is unparalleled?

of course not.

"One month ago, under the premise of not showing secrets of the mystery, I was in the source of the source, and I was easily crushed with the three-person sword array of Mo Lingtian, Yanggui peak, and my battle. Sink is no longer more than those who feel that the source of the source is weak, and it may even be slightly better. "

"And now, I have achieved this level of the source of this source, and the strength has risen again. Only the strong people in the half-hierarchy, it is not qualified to let me retreat!" The sword has a shocking battle to condense.

Other yang deficiency, it is half-holy, it is all do not hesitate to turn.

But he, at this moment, I want to fight with this half-holy.

"Half-level powerful, try it." The sword was unblocked in the eyes. At the same time, a sword was swept away from him, and he formed a gray fog, Middle age covers.

Sword field, swords like fog!

Get the sword field for three days, he has already cleared the sword, and this trick is to show him much from Junyi's hands.

The burly middle-aged is in the sword domain, and the body is affected by the surrounding swords. Whether it is a speed or strength, it has been hindered.

"Do you think that you can save you with this carved small technology?"

The burly middle-aged burst, his body surface suddenly broke out thousands of thunders, destroying everything in the world, and the whole person also turned into a Thunder God, appearing in front of the sword.


A fist that contains thousands of Thunder is directly in the sword, and the terrible spiritual power is an instant outbreak.

The sword has no double eyes, the three killed swords are crazy, and then the strong world of the world has been urged. After this world is in the world, it is even more instant to drive the world. Hierarchy.

"Nothing, , sixth style!"


Unpaid swords, which also contains terrible and extreme power, after the waving, the first time will hit the front of the brutal fist.


A loud sound, just like a sunny thunder.

Following up with the two things to hit, rumbling ~~~ The power of the stunned heart is crashing in that crazy extrusion, forming an impact wave, these shock waves form a substance, like a zipper spread , Instantly impact on the ground below.

The ground of this play is built with carbon blue stone. It is very strong. Before the exchange meeting, there are dozens of war. In addition to Chen Feng and Ye Shi's fierce battle makes some pit cavities outside the ground, no Other damaged.

At this moment, the ground throughout the military farm was crazy, and it was a powder, drifting.

A confrontation, stone breaks the sky!

The genius strong from all parties from all parties, and many people have also closed their eyes, only a very small number of powerful powers can also look at the play of the play The central fierce fight!

Yes, it is a fight!

That playground, the center of the martial arts, two strong strengths crazy, who didn't know anyone for a while.

"How is it?" The name of the lazy middle-aged face is shocked.

He is a half-holy, although there is no effort, but this punch is not the area, a yang deficiency, is it able to take it?

And the sword in front of him is unparalleled. At this moment, it is cold and cold, "Half Holy Strong, but so."

After that, the power in the sword is no longer rising again, and this burly middle-aged boutique will be forwarded.

The burly middle-aged was forced to stand in the void, and the mind is still a little. It can quickly raise his head, and the incredible scorpion is dead, and the sword is unparalleled. kill.

It is at this time ...


I walked cold, I was awkward in this playground, and there was a horrible breath.

This breath, represents his owner, is superficial.

"The people of the swordsman, it is really overbearing!"

As the sound falls, the old, hidden, is hidden in the dark, from the Shengdian strong from Dalu Tiansong!


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