Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 276 Blood Moon Restaurant

"Only this restaurant in the whole city, I dare to hang such a plaque in front of the door. This wine building is afraid to be an extraordinary." The sword is unparalleled, and I walked into the restaurant, I immediately had a waiter to welcome Come up.

"Guest officer, tip or stay in the store?" The waiter laughed.

"If you live for one night in you, how much is a purple crystalline liquid?" The sword asked without a pair.

"Live one night, ten drops of purple crystal liquid." The waiter smiled.

"It's really expensive." The sword is unparalleled.

The intensive of the yin and yang fumes, trade exchanges are used by the purple crystalline fluid, and the general yin deficiency is around the body, and there is a hundred condensed spirit, which can live a single night here. It takes one tenth.

"Expensive?" This waiter is smile and shook his head. "I am afraid of a stool, which is also worth a purple crystalline liquid, but someone is in the restaurant, and I caught these table stools. However, it is a hundred times compensation, that is, if you get a stool, you have to compensate one hundred purple fluid. "

"The table is more expensive, you can get a thousand confession spirit, plus the things such as the wine pot bowl, then, so, in my bloody restaurant, I live. If you don't have anything in the evening, if you fight with people in my bloody restaurant, damage to many things compensated, you will know what is really expensive. "

The sword is unparalleled to hear.

If you have a stool, you have to compensate for one hundred purpless lingerie. Who is the fierce battle in the bloody restaurant?

"The Datang Dynasty is confusing in the Dynasty, there will be the account of your bloody restaurant?" The sword asked without a pair.

"You just know that the guest, you just came to the Datang Dynasty. It didn't understand the Datang Dynasty." This waiter laughed, "Yes, Datang Dynasty is killing the sky, there is hard to have any bottom line, can At the end of the root, it still depends on the four words, weak meat! "

"My blood moon is strong, all those who fight in the hotel have to buy it!"

"Of course, in the Datang Dynasty, some of the top of my blood moon restaurant is quite a scruple of scruples, and those who can not buy blood moon restaurants, such as those on the bloody list."

"What is this bloody list?" The sword asked unparalleled.

"The blood month list is my bloody restaurant to collect the data of countless strong people in the Tang dynasty. The ranking of a total of a total of one thousand people in accordance with the strength division. This is the most The weak is the peak of yang, and the strongest, it is the strong, they are all strong in the Tang Dynasty. "This waiter said.

"One thousand people?" The sword is unparalleled.

He heard that this bloody list and the nature of the Tianzong Dynasty, the nature of the Tianlong list should be almost, but the blood months did not have targeted the realm. It is only the strength to repair, ranking from the highest Shengjing I have been rushing to the peak of Yang, and there is a thousand people.

And the land of the Tianzong Dynasty added two lists in Tiantong List, and only one hundred people.

"The guest officer is interested in the blood month list. If you dare to interested, you can spend some purple crystalline liquid to buy a copy. It is not expensive, as long as one thousand purple spirit." This waiter smiled.

"Well, give me a copy." The sword is not a hyper point.

He is going to kill in the Datang Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, and there is a thousand strong people at the top of the Tang dynasty pyramid. It is natural to understand.

One thousand purple fluids, nearly a full of a full body, but nothing to the sword is unparalleled, after all, he cultivates, the yang deficiency in his hands is a number. .

Soon that waiter handed a thick list to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, just look at the restaurant.

On the list, I recorded the information of a thousand top scorpions. Of course, the information is relatively simple, just briefly explains his name spirituality, and some proud records.

Although a strong person is only a short one or two sentences, it can be a thousand people's information, but the sword is unparalleled, but it also reads nearly an hour, and it is finished.

After reading, the sword is unparalleled, but it can't help but praise. "It is the first dynasty in Nanyang.


A thousand strong people recorded on this list, where the light is a strong, and there is a footsteps of twenty-six!

Half-level strong, one hundred and eighth.

Others are the peaks of yang, and there are many, they all understand the origin.

"The strong, half-level strong, in the Nanyang mainland, is absolutely the top existence, but the quantity will be so much in the Datang Dynasty." The sword is unparalleled. "

Instructions, even if it is the top passage of Nanyang Continent, the big Lu Tianzong, and the strong, the strong, the half-level strong, can be a big Tang Dynasty, single Single Sanzhi strong Foot twenty-six, what is this concept?

It is no wonder that Wang Yuan will say that the Tang dynasty is the overall strength, and it is still far from the top of the eight top, even the Danmen and the Holy Palace are quite jealous.

As for those strong and yang deficiency peak levels, although the quantity is more horrible, the sword is not a double pair than understanding, because those people have a big step from the ancient people of Nanyang mainland.

These people also regard the Datang Dynasty as the place of experience, I want to break through the special environment with the Datang Dynasty, it will break through the context, so the quantity will naturally.

"Terrible, this bloody list is really terrible." The sword is unparalleled, "said that the ranking of this plaque is this placed in this bloody restaurant, which can have absolute authority in the Datang Dynasty. The moon restaurant is also the top-end force in the Datang Dynasty. "

Just like the Dragon List of the Tianzong Dynasty with the Tianlong list, it was made by the first Bawlon Hall of the Tianzong Dynasty.

After all, like this list, it is necessary to have a truly authority forces to be convinced.

And the blood moon is able to do this, it has explained it in this Dang Dynasty.

This is also no wonder that the bloody restaurant dares to hang the plaque in the restaurant.

"One thousand people in this plaque, except for those sacred, half-holy, more is the Yangfu peak, those Yangyu peaks are also good, any fear is more than I will Mo Lingtian, Mo Lingtian, Chen Feng is much stronger, nor does it know how many places can be raised in this bloody list? "The sword has a slight expectation.

It can be taken at this time, and the footsteps of the succession, followed by a large group of shadow, with a Ziyi woman.

I entered the restaurant, this purple woman's scorpion swept away, and then it was solidified in the sword.


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