Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 277 is going to die

"In the Blood Devils, Dong Yu." Ziyi woman looked at the sword and the sound sounded.

"Is there a thing?" The sword watched the past.

This Dong Yu itself is also the cultivation of Yangshi, and it is also a few yin deficient than her side.

"Just listened to the street, sword killed Qinglan, Qinghai and brothers, knowing that you are strong, so I invited you to join my blood magic." Dong Yu directly opened the door.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogance is asking, "Which one is the leader of the Devils?"

"My leader is the blood magic Xiao Gang, in the weighing of this magic city, no one knows." Dong Yu has some pride.

However, he heard Xiao Gang's name, the sword was unparalleled but secretly shook his head.

How is his hierarchical memory? He just saw the bloody list, and a thousand top-strolled names on the bloody list, he can remember that it can be obvious that there is no one called Xiao Gang.

Even the bloody list is not qualified, this Xiao Gang is also difficult to attract the attention of the sword.

"Sorry, I am not interested." The sword is unparalleled and the refusal is very clean.

Dong Yu is slightly changed, once again: "You, you can think of it clearly, you have just killed Qinglan, Qinghai two brothers, people who are hungry, with hungry wolf to help people have historical style, categoric Let's let yourself, I just saw the strong wolf helper, if you follow me now, maybe there is a line of life. "

"Otherwise ... you go out, you will die!"

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, "Then I really want to see, what kind of death method I will be."

"Since you have already set a payment, then the saying goes." Dong Yu didn't say more, with her people turned away.

After Dongyu walks.

"You should promise her."

The waiter of the blood moon is said: "She is correct, the hungry wolf is strong in this magical city, and the six leaders are all the rumors of the Yangxia, because of this, they act Very overbearing, you kill them, they will definitely kill you, so your best way is to join the blood magic help with him to compete with its chambers, so you can live. "

"Six leaders, six big elegant peaks? I don't know the power in which there is a strong plaque?" The sword asked without a pair.

"That is not." This waiter shook his head.

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled, but not much, I took out a pot of wine from the Qiankun Ring, and I was drinking alone, but after half an hour, he was ready to leave the bloody restaurant.

"I wish you good luck." The waiter of the blood moon is said.

The sword is unparalleled, so soon, when he walked the bloody restaurant, he immediately perpleted that there were many eyes around him.

"Are waiting to kill me." The sword is unparalleled.

The blood moon is not in general throughout the Datang Dynasty.

Just inside the bloody restaurant, the people who hungry helmets are not easy to do, after all, although they can kill in the blood moon restaurant, you can compensate a stool to compensate one hundred purple flules, one fierce battle, then How much is it?

Now the sword has no double one to leave the bloody restaurant, and the strong people who hungry helpers will not have any questions.

"Hey, give him a chance, he is not grasped, now ... Waiting for this kid is dead?"

Under the street, there is a hidden woman who has just been invited to invite the sword, a patriarch, and some strong people who have a blood magic will stay there, and the eyes are also directly looking at the swords that came out from the restaurant.


As the sound of the barbell, the sound of the burst sound is awkward!!!!

Ten ghosts have an instant to appear in the four-sided eight parties in the sword, and a murder lock to the sword is unparalleled, one offensive, or anger, or a straight thorn, or quite hit the sword. Come.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a shadow of his surrounding corners, and he is completely blocked and there is no chance to escape.

However, he did not need to escape.

The three kids behind the swords have been scattered, and a strong sword is instantly rushed to the sky. It is stunned with a cold and glaring, the sword is suddenly lit, the sword is eye-catching, and the swords around the sword are unparalleled. The hungry wolf helpers can't help but close your eyes.

Then the sword light passes through a road shape.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

The voice of the body falls in the sound, and there are ten things to be killed in this moment.

call out! call out! call out!

The three-way voice sounded, which is clearly that the three blades can be as if they are gathered.

The sword has no double eyes, and the body is abrupt, and the three broken sounds are wiped his residual shadow. At the end of the ground, the ground is immediately burst, the sword is unparalleled, and it is three Dark arrows, and dark arrows are also filled with dark liquids, which is obviously poisonous.

"Oh, the means is quite high."

The sword is unparalleled, followed by his shape, disappearing in the same place.

Next moment, bomb!

A shape of the body is like the center of the street, this is a short and thin, cold man, and the cold man is holding a bow. It is obviously that three have a poisonous dark arrow, it is from him. hand.

"The means of hungry wolf, can you only have this level, is there?" The sword is unparalleled.


Since his back, the void is awkward, followed by a giant ax that filled the giant flames.

"The sword is in the peak, but also in the sneak attack?" The sword was unparalleled, and turned a sword.


A giant, the burly man of the handheld the giant ax was directly forced to go out, and the sword is unparalleled, but it still stands in the same place. He did not retreat.


Seeing that this ax is even easily blocked by the sword, and he also retired him, this burly man also has a shock.

"That is ... The old six of the hungry helmet?" Dong Yu, who is watching, there is also the people who have a blood magic help.

"Yang Yufeng, are you a leader of the hungry to help?" The sword didn't have a double eyed, looking to this burly man, "You are hungry to help the city may not be very strong, but I am sorry, you are Flag, "

Said that the sword has no double shape.

"Where?" This burly man is tuned.

The cold sword shadings appeared in front of him. He immediately made a lot of effort to went to the giant ax to resist, but the sword is turned into three swords, and he barely came to stand and live a sword. The next two swords have broken down his chest and abdomen.

"You, do you dare to kill me?" The burly man is still widened before the end of death, "" Boss, the old conference revenge! "

"Hungry wolf helps boss? I will give him a chance."

The sword is unparalleled, and smiles, but it is like a blade.

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