Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 278 Killing

The sword is unparalleled along the street, leaving only the bodies of the next place.

Those martial arts that have been watching next to the streets, including everyone of the blood magic.

They thought that the sword had no double one from the blood moon restaurant, but now ...

The old six, a rush of the hungry, a rumor, is it turned out?

"Hungry wolf ..." The sword is unparalleled in the street, and the heart is sinking. "Even the gang of the bloody list, although there is a six-yang deficiency, you can say it for me. It is difficult to make a threat. "

"However, since this hungry wolf helped me, then I didn't mind to remove it!"

"I just arrived at Datang Dynasty, this first kill, I will start from this hungry wolf."

On the night, a huge courtyard in the Magic City was inserted, and this courtyard is the old nest of the hungry helper.

At this point, the courtyard is in the center, and there is a cold body, there is a burly man who has been killed by the sword.

"A yang deficiency is small, and you will be two years old. But the result is a one-time killing, I am hungry, I am so strong, and even the old six are dead in his hand." A skin is still skin Take the bronze, the brunette of the tiger, staring at the body, and the eyes are cold.

"Such young, the strength is so good, it should be the genius disciple under the ancient Zongmen, and it is definitely the top genius, but no matter how much his background is, there is no use in this Dang Dynasty."

"Dare to kill the old six ..."

"Immediately go, even if you turn the whole magic heart to the bottom of the sky, you have to find the kid, kill him!" Boaring middle age roaring.

"Yes." The hungry wolf helped the gangs in the courtyard immediately.

Suddenly ...

"No need to find it." The indifferent voice sounded, followed by a black body, and fell directly in the courtyard.

"I am a person you are looking for." The sword is unparalleled at these hungry wolves in front of him. The cold voice is surprised in the entire court. "From today, this world will not have a wolf again Help. "

"Good tone, give me a slaughter." The brunette middle-aged anger, and the strong people around many hungry wolves were suddenly turned into a true hungry wolf, and the sword didn't have a past.

The sword is unhappy in the three killer swords, and the sword is not a bitter.

"Killing begins!"


At the same time, at the same time, there is the top right at this void, and there is two people who have two people just pass here. These two people are inexpensive, purely from this magic city.

It can just be passed through the way, and it is immediately attracted by the killing of the lower courtyard.

The eyes of these two overlooks, staring at the killing below.

It is better to use the massacre to describe more appropriate.

I saw a black youth in the siege of many martial arts, broke out, and a sword was swept away. Almost every sword will kill a hungry helper.

These two people are not paused, one of which is wearing the beautiful youth of the purple robe staring at the scene below, and the corner of the mouth is more showed a little bloodthirsty smile. As for another person, it is particularly indifferent.

"So many people, the peaks of Lianyang have a five-day, and there is a small yang, the result is a bit of a little, and it is a bit meaningful." That Purple worse Excited laughing.

"Even if you change your own, you are you, facing so many people, you can't do the calmness like him, his strength, is not the same." The indifferent man is low.

"Yeah." Zi Zawo is nodded, but his eyes have a strong battle. "This is the powerful, I really want to make a look."

The Datang Dynasty, killing is too crazy, and many of this is a madman.

For example, this Purple Rope is a young man, it is one of them.

In the lower courtyard, the slaughter is close to the end.

The sword is unparalleled to murderly, and a black dress has already been reddish blood, and a large number of bodies are lying on his nephew.

The whole hungry helpless, a lot of strong, but it is so short film, and he is killed by him, including the leader of the hungry helper and the harvest of several Yang deficiency, and everything is dying under his sword.

For these people, there is no pity in the sword.

He has experienced the killing illusion in the ancestral land, killing more than this is more crazy, but it can still stick to his own killing, and see these people in front of him ... Dare to kill in the Datang Dynasty. The individual is covered with blood, which means that these people don't have a person who is innocent. The sword is unparalleled to kill them, and they will not rise to the sin.

"Two, I have seen it for so long, but it should be seen?" The sword was unparalleled to raise his head.

The two people who have been standing on the void is going to push down, and there is a unparalleled in the sword.

The two people have reached the level of Yangyu peaks, of which the suffocating the prairies of the Purple robe is more unusual.

"One person is alone, I have a gang of counting the positive peak strong, the strength is good." The Zi Zobe is a young man smiles.

"I am reluctant, but I don't know what to teach?" The sword didn't have a double ice.

"Haha, it is rare to encounter a strong force that is enough to board the bloody list, I can't let you go, say anything to fight." Zi Zawo became a young man grinned.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, and it will not feel unexpected.

The Datang Dynasty madman is too much. Some good people encountered strong, and they will challenge them directly. Very normal.

After the Purple Rope Demon, the body is confident, but it is awkward for a purple thunder.

This purple Thunder shouted, dozens of feet of the distance appeared in front of the sword unparalleled, and then the sword was unparalleled in front of the void, and a handle surrounded by a heavy Thunder.

Rumble ~~~ Thunder is crazy, and it is fierce.

"So fast!"

The sword has been revealed in the middle of the sword. In the moment that the ruined stone stick, his body shape has fallen.

The ruined stone jar is in the void, but the purple robe is a young man is cold and a smile. From the ruined stone stick, there is a huge Lei Dragon to anger, the sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

This purple robe is a young man's strength makes him quite horrified.

"Although I haven't sent my own source, he is very high, and his practice, there is also a means of showing, it is very good, it is also good at the thunder, the real strength, It is absolutely not weaker than those who feel the source. "

The sword is not double-finished, and the figure is detached. But the Raytar is still chasing him.

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