Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2805 of the post-war style



After the war was completely, Yin Suer, Yunshan and other people returned to the Red Rockburg, and the sword was unparalleled to returned to the swords.

After going back, many strong people began to resume their own injuries and the power.

At the same time, this is about the shock battle of the entire Danyang Shengjie pattern, and the result is also circulating throughout the Danyang continent.

"Winning, Yin Suier camp is even better?"

"First defeating the Yunshan camp, and defeated the blood of the king's camp. Finally, it is also a collision with the four major power coalition camps. It is paid in front of the four major forces, and even the South Qoushan is dead !!"

"Where is the South Palace? How is this possible? Is there any unstead of sacred people?"

Knowing this news, the entire Danyang continent has set off a stormy waves.

The South Qoushan is really invincible for too long in the Danyang continent. The cultivars on the Danyang continent hardly believe that the South Qoushan will die.

If you are really dead, most people think that they are not dead.

But soon, the news came, killing the South Wood owner is not a non-dead saint, but a higher god.

The high gods is the Sword of the Sword League, and this is the Su Han. There is another name ... Sword! !

Sword, this name, many people in Danyang will not feel unfamiliar.

At the beginning, the gods and life and death buildings in order to chase swords, but the entire Danyang Shengjie is wanted, and it is still a high price.

At that time, this sword was said to be just a land god, but now I can't open my eyes for a hundred years. This sword has created a big sword with Sherang's identity. Now he is directly killed. Palace owner! !

And the news is clear, this battle, the sword is under a pair of fair fierce battles, the South Qoushan, and even also killed the East God and breaking through the peak of the peak of the peak level.

One breath and killed the top three peaks!

These records make everyone horrified.

Since the South Qoushan, since the sword is killed by this sword, then naturally, this sword will replace the South Qoushan, become the strongest in Danyang mainland!

Therefore, many strong people in Danyang will be more shocking.

"A high god, actually became the strongest in Danyang mainland?"

"The Su Hanzhong, no, this sword is, it is too unrest."

"Enchanting, this Su Hanmer is definitely a real enchanting. My Danyang Shengjie has created such a enchanting."

Countless people are amazing.

Stunning swords and unparalleled strengths and talents.

Of course, the one who comes to the battle is the same.

"Good guy, Yin Suer has the help of the swords, and has already gathered the Yunshan faction, defeating the blood of the priest, and even the blood of the righteous king is dead, and the red stone fort is completely in his hand, and the South Qoushan, The four major power alliances of life and death, the gods, and the Oriental House have also been defeated on the front, then from today, Danyang mainland, and the whole Danyang Shengjie will never block the pace of Red Rock. "

"No accident, the Red Rock Fort I have to restore the scene of the past, completely controlling the Sheng Dynasty."

"Well, it is estimated to be like this."

"Right, I heard that this battle, even the forces of the outside world also participated, it seems that what day is a virtue, I don't know what to head."

"Tianyong Palace? That is the hegemony of the Tianxian world, I heard that there is no dead saint person to take the town."

A variety of discussion circulates on Danyang continent.

But these discussions are finally at three points.

First, the Red Rockburg will re-control the Danyang Shengjie.

Second, the strongest of Danyang mainland, the name of the sword has resounded by various corners of Danyang mainland, the name of the name of the name and the prestige will even cover the South Qiang Palace, after all, the South Qoushan has reached the peak god The top of the respect, becoming an invincible gods, the only one may be directly broken to become a saints, but it can be difficult.

However, the sword is different, the sword is just a strong high-spirited battle, once he will break through the peak of the peak of the peak, it must be a strong sense of death.

In the third point, the strong power of the Danyang mainland knows that this battle of Red Rock Fort has passed, then the four top scoring for the coalition army is afraid to be unlucky.

No one is clear, Red Rock Fort is definitely necessary to count after autumn!


Dinnated temple.

This temple does not have slight shines, and there is no ornament, but there is a giant round table in the center.

This round table is the place where the top four top scorpion.

But now, the top four top forces, the South Wood owner has been killed, only the landlord is sitting there, as for them, there are two portions next to them. Existence, only a high gods from the South Palace and the gods.

At this moment they gathered in this, and all the faces were gloomy.

"What should I do?" The first opening of the Oriental Master, but the sound is very low.

You can hear these three words, and the three people next to them are silent.

Half, or life and death, "I have already got news, the people of Hongshi Fort with the swords, all have returned to their respective old nests, but they go back, not to stop this, but because of the previous battle Too big, many strong people are also close exhaus, they just go back to temporarily recover, supplement the power, once their state is restored to the peak, Yin Suer will definitely do four things to us, this is no doubt. "

"If the strong, only the Yin Suer family, it is insufficient, and the red stone castle has just experienced the war. The rest of the strong is not much, and the four-party powerful army can completely fight against it, and its fortune is still very huge. But the key is that Yin Suer wants to do it, will definitely call the sword, call the sword !! "

Sword one ...

I heard this name, the oriental owner and the two high-rise gods, and the mood can't calm for a long time.

This name is that they are now a nightmare.

They are not afraid of Red Rock, and they are not afraid of the sword, but they are afraid of the sword!

Before the battle, this sword was one of them to reverse the Qiankun, completely changing the situation.

Although he only has one person, its strength is completely exceeded by their imagination, and it is not exaggerated. This sword is one by one, it is enough to complete their coalitions, because they have a sword, it is too much. Be taboo!

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