Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2806, after the autumn!

(Today is 5 more!)


"If this sword is in person, my four-party power coalition has no possible possible, only by him, it is easy to slaughter."

"So, we only have two roads, first, now Yin Suer and the swords have not yet shot, each with the own resources, fleeing the Danyang mainland, even escape from the Danyang Shengjie, escapes to other holy Within the world. "The Oriental Master low.

"Escape from Danyang Shengjie?" The main color of life and death flocked, but also shook his head directly, "I lived in a lot of Incense, all in Danyang mainland, how can I take it away, let alone red stone fort will definitely think in advance At this point, go to preventive measures, even if we don't take it, I am afraid it is not so easy to leave Danyang. "

"Indeed, now in this situation, we want to be safe and retreat. In this case, there is only the last way, directly compromise !!" Orientalist.

"Compromise? How to compromise?" Lord of life and death looked over.

"Our four great power is deep in the Danyang mainland. The influence is even more huge, and the red stone castle wants to pull us, it is never very easy, and even if they really have this ability, it is estimated that they will not do this. After all, they also have to be the entire Danyang Shengjie, think about the situation in the Danyang Shengjie in the Jinwujin, so as long as we will compromise, Yin Suer will not continue to take us with us. "Oriental owner.

"As long as the compromise is it?" The high god of the gods said.

"Of course, it is not so simple." The Oriental Home is cold. "Now our four great power is already the fish on the board, almost anyworthy the red stone castle with the swords, in this case, we have to compromise, of course I have to pay a good time, this cost may even get to us unacceptable, but we want to survive in Danyang mainland, but you have to accept it !! "

"Although I don't know how you think, I have already decided, no matter what kind of conditions I will put forward when I arrive, even if I have a holistic strength, I can continue to stay in Danyang Continental. It is possible to accept it, and I can accept it at the Oriental family. "Orientalist main road.

I heard this, and the two high-rise gods next to life and death were almost suffering.

The Oriental family, but the oldest family in the Danyang continent, its heritage is deep, except for the South Yording, the life and death building will not be better than the gods.

But now the Oriental owner said that Ning can decline 70% of strength, is it a big determination?

"I understand, I'm scattered, each has a mental preparation." The life and death landlord waved.

Soon, these four stones slowly dissipated.


Time is swaying, the end of the battle has passed for three months.

These three months, whether it is the Red Rockburg or a sword, and it is very calm.

But in the dark, Yin Suer has long told that people are deadly staring at the four top pointers.

Once the top four top scorpions have any wind blowing, the Red Rockburg will take immediate with the sword.

But fortunately, these four top scored for these three months, there is no big action, nor does it want to give up the foundation, and many strong people directly escape.

After three months, the injury of the Hongshi Bao with the swordsman has been resumed with the power of seven or eight eight.

Even those seriously injured, the strength has also recovered six seven points, as for all recovery, it is not possible to complete in just three months, don't say three months, even for three years, thirty years It is also not necessary to completely fix it.

There is no complete recovery strength, but does not affect the next step of the Red Rockburg and the Swords.

On the vast void, the many strong people of the Red Rockburg and the Swords are again aggregated.

"Three months, we can now go to the four top scorpion, the four top scorpions are calculated." Yin Suer is cold.

"Fort Lord ..." The sword was unparalleled just wanted to open.

"Sword, one of the swords, I can't afford it, I can't afford it. If I don't dislike, I will call my name, or Su Jer is also ok." Yin Suer said that the mismaturation is humble.

Once swords are unparalleled in front of her, they can only be a little guy.

The strength is also generally with the ant ant, can't make her in my heart. At that time, the sword was unparalleled to call her fortune, her heart is reluctant.

But now, the strength of swords is far more than him, and it is controlled with the big sword, the strength and power, which is more powerful than her, and the threat of the three months ago, it is also possible. Purely the sword is unparalleled.

In this case, how do she dare to have shelves in front of the sword? Not to mention that the sword is unparalleled to call her.

"Subburgh Lord." The sword is unparalleled, "" The four top scorpions must be dealt, but I don't know how to deal with it, it is to be destroyed, or ... "

Yin Suer was slightly sinking, considering a long time, only to open, "can't be all destroyed, if it is ok, it is best not to die."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Sword, Mr. Jian, you have been only in the Danyang Shengjie, knowing about the outside world, my Danyang Shengjie has fallen behind his father, the strength is serious, and the red stone fort also in these years is also constantly civil war. Have this war, it seems that I am great victory, but in fact, the strong we lose is much more. "

"In fact, it is a matter of whitening, now the situation in Danyang is very good, Jin Wu Jiubei, my Danyang is definitely the weakest, even weak to the extreme, under this situation, some unnecessary war can save province."

"Like South Yording, Life and Dead Building, God Devil, Oriental Famous Sentiment, Although it does not belong to my Red Rockburg, but after all, it is also a Danyang Shengjie. If it is a breath, these four top scorpions are all overwhelmed. That is not just that I have to lose part of the strong, and my Danyang's struggle will further weaken. "

"It's really weakening, then our external pressure is too big, like this day, the appearance of the treasure is already a sign, the Tianyu Palace, it is a clear-eyed, and it is a clear-eyed. This has never been seen before. "

Yin Suer wrinkled her brow, but the bottom is no longer.

After that, the disputes inside the Red Rockburg and the Danyang Shengjie can be solved, but the pressure from the top of the Danyang is still there.


PS: Today is 5 more! !

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