Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2808 Assignment



"The second condition." The sword is unparalleled and opened, "the territory of the life and death building is now controlled by the industry, and it hands over 70%."

The main body of life and death.

The big gods from the life and death building after him have emerged.

Even if they have been prepared before, they can hear the second condition of the sword, and still feel a little unacceptable.

Is it handed over to the 70% of the territory?

It is to know that these territories are in the industry, which is the long-lasting life of their life, which is the true foundation.

Loss the resources, lose 50,000 Santan, nothing, just give them time, they live dead under the industrial chain, can slowly accumulate, but now the industry has lost, then I will lose their capital capital. what.

This condition is much more demanding than just one.

"This condition, I am living and dead, accept !!"

The life and death landlord said this, the teeth are trembled.

He is also purely forced, there is no way, otherwise he will never promise such a condition.

See this, the sword is unpaired, followed by him again, "The last condition, the red stone castle is just a battle, the number of strong people in the hand is not enough, so you have to send a few strong people to come to listen to the past, I see You have a big god of the gods now, still have ten people, this way, send eight great gods, nor very much. "

The sword is unparalleled, and you can listen to the ear of these big gods of life and death, but let these big gods have a large change.

Some people, the bottom is even behind anger.

"To the Santa Dan, have an industry, now I want to die in the building in the building?"

These strong people who live and die are extremely angry, if they do not know the terrorist strength of this sword in front of you, they really want to have a double to give thousands of knives.

There is no way, the three conditions of the sword are unparalleled, it is really too much.

Over-to allow them to accept it at all.

The life of the life and death is also trembled, and the bottom of the bear is burning, but he can only bear it.

Half, he finally raised his head, reminding the sword unparalleled, "Sword, Mr. Jian, this third condition, I have born and die, but I don't know the sword, you need me to live and die. Red Rock Fort? "

"The landlord !!" The big gods next to them were shocked.

The life and death landlord waved, and they scattered them should not speak more.

"These eight strong, I am here." The sword is unparalleled, and the fingers are directly pointed out, "this, this, there is also ..."

A big god of life and death is unparalleled by the sword.

The big sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Finally, I will choose the eight great gods. There are still four great gods left in life and death. In addition to life and death, there are only three first-class big gods, and one of them just broke through the gods.

Obviously, the sword is unparalleled to let the life and death landlord become a light command.

Even if he has the power of the peaks, there is no other big god in his hand, and he is not so much in the future, and it is not so capable.

"After these people went to the Red Rock Fort, the high-rise power inside the life and death building was a bit empty, but the landlord, who was relieved, in the future, if there is any other forces in the Danyang in the future, the red stone castle will not be measured. I didn't see it. "The sword was unhappy smiled.

"Things have been, I can give birth to the landlord for a month. After a month, I hope that you can prepare everything, I still have something, I will leave."

After finishing, the sword is free to turn directly to it.

After the sword is unparalleled, the strong people who live and die are immediately blown up.

"The landlord, this sword is clearly clear, why do you want to promise?" There is a big god.

The life and death landlord shook his head, "I don't promise again, the strength is not as good, I just dare to say an uncord, this sword is afraid will immediately open the kill, I live in the building, who can block him? Now, Although I got a lot of life, I also lost 70% of the base industry, but in any case, I still keep it. "

"Can keep the life and death building, this is enough."

When I heard the life of life, the big gods around, and they were silent.


Life and Death Building, because there is a sword and unparalleled shock, there is no way to go smoothly.

And other three major forces, although there is no just unambiguous, but finally, it is a huge price.

This cost is similar to the life and death building.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with Yin Su.

"The progress is very smooth, these four major forces have been willing to serve, and they have taken out huge resources and seven-centered industries, and they also promised to send a batch of strong people to visit me." Yin Suer said, Subsequently her gaze is a sword.

"Sword, Mr. Jian, this war can win, and including the current harvest, it is largely the Sword of the Swords, now we have seen these things from the top four top persons, I don't know how you want how you want to assign ? "

Got a great benefit, it must be assigned.

After all, the Swordsman and Red Rockburg said that only the relationship between each other is not a real family.

"I need Santa Dan." The sword is unparalleled.

"I know." Yin Suer nodded slightly. "It's better to do it, from the South Yordong, life and death building, Shenmu Zong, Dongfang family, these four top three pointers, will give it to the sword one sir, As for those territories of these four top forces, what is my Red Rock Fort? "

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and the bronze of the sword was unhealthy, and the big gods and other people were all wrinkles.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled directly to pose.

"I promised?" Yin Suer's body and mind were a shock, and the Yunshan behind her, and the Si Yougo Palace is also surprised.

The territory, industry, and obvious territory, industries, and obvious territory, industries, and obvious territory, and much higher in the territory industry.

Such assignments are obviously unfair, not equal, and Yin Suer himself is just casually talking. I didn't think that the sword would have promised.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled not only, but no one is hesitant.

"Sword, Mr. Yi, then let's make a word." Yin Suerway.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

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