Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2809, one mountain is not two tigers

(The third is over!)


After the two sides reached a consistency, they went back to each home.

The swords, in the temple, the many high-level strong people in the swords are gathered together.

They all learned that the four top scorpions were convinced, and they made a great concession, and they also knew the protocol of the sword unparalleled and Yin Su.

"Bonology, you shouldn't promise Na Yin." Xiao Tiexin stood on the sword without double, frown: "This time, the four top power, Sheng Dan, the Sheng Dan, the four majors, added two About 100,000 Santanes, it seems that this is indeed a huge amount, but it is actually more than the four-year-old territory industry, but it is nothing wrong with it. "

"My Swordsman is very amazing because there is a son, the speed of growth is very amazing, a day of power, if this time we can accept enough territory from the four top scorpion, then I am the Sword It can be a huge thing in the Danyang continent, and you can pay against the Red Rock Fort, and even completely replace the Red Rockburg, which has become the new year of this Danyang ... "

Xiao Tiexin's words have not been completely finished, but suddenly stopped.

Because Xiao Tiexin has noticed that the sword is unparalleled.

She also had a sleep with the sword without double, and she could notice the mood of the sword, like the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously a little angry.

Naturally, she doesn't dare to say more.

"Heart, just, I can be didn't hear it, but don't have next time." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Xiao Tiexin was in the heart, and immediately nodded immediately.

The sword is unparalleled with Xiao Tiexin, and then he also looked at the many strong people of the swords, and the brows were slightly frowned.

He can see that many of the many high-rings of the Swordsman have the same idea with Xiao Tiexin.

They all believe that the current Swords is very strong, and because of his most powerful people in Danyang, the swords can be further replaced by Red Rockburg, which has become the new hegemony of this Danyang.

In fact, this is not wrong, people walk from the heights, water is low, and any cultivator reaches a certain step, naturally wants to take another step forward.

This is also the case.

But swords are unparalleled with their ideas.

Specifically, the eyes of the sword is not too much than they are high.

He simply couldn't see a Danyang Shengjie in this area, and even he didn't look at it.

He will create a sword in Danyang Shengjie, and its purpose is to help Yin Suier solve the situation in Danyang, and it is more convenient to plunder the cultivation resources.

Now, this purpose has basically reached, the role of the Swordsman has been fully played in his opinion, he did not want the swords to further, so when Yin Suer proposed that allocation, he considered not considered I directly agreed.

However, his eyes are high, not put this Danyang Shengjie in your heart, but the strong people under the swords are not so thinking.

After all, the Swordsman is under these strong people. In the future, it will become a great god level. For them, the Danyang, the nine borders of the Danyang or Jincula, which is already a huge stage, they are limited to this, there is an opportunity It will naturally fight for it.

"Now Danyang Shengjie, the four top scorpions have been satisfied, after handing over numerous resources and the territory industry, it has been insufficient, next = Danyang Shengjie is the Red Rock Fort and My Swords, Although I am Sword It has been jointly fighting with Red Rockburg, but after all, it is just a cooperative relationship. It is not true, and it is not a tiger ... "

"Now I have my constraint, whether the sword is still, the red stone castle, I can't tear my face, but I can wait until the Danyang Shengjie, I can't say it."

"It seems that I have to think about a better way to solve this matter."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is secretly sinking.

Half of him re-raised his head, overlooking the many strong people of the following swords.

"Listening, I have agreed with your red stone fortress, Yin Su, has agreed. The territory of the four top scorpions and the industries are red stone fort. If anyone in my sword is, if anyone is daring to have any objection, or dare What small movements are there, don't blame me to turn their faces and don't recognize people. "The sword has no double the cold voice sounded in the whole hall.

Subsequently, there is no double, turn it away.

After the sword is unparalleled, the high-level power of the swords, you will see me, I see you, but some don't know what it is.

"Heart girl, you see this ..." Winter Snow Dynasty watched.

"Since there is an order, I just need to follow, there are other questions." Xiao Tie heart is cold.

"Yes, yes!" These people of the Swordsman nodded and did not dare to have some objections.

The sword is unparalleled. He is too big in the sword. Although the many things in the weekdays he are handed over to Xiao Tiexin and others, he rarely takes care.

But in the sword, he is still a saying of Jiu Ding.

His words, no one dares to violate it.

After all, the Swordsman can have today, and Jiu Cheng is all the sword is unparalleled! !

The reason why the Swordsman is now with Red Rockburg is a longer, it is purely because there is a sword unparalleled!


Blink, a month.

The four top scorpions will also be old and old, will agree with the many Sundams, and those territory industry, and those who have also went to the Red Rockburg and listened from the red stone fort.

In accordance with the agreement, those Sheng Dan also sent them in the hands of swords.

In the secret room, the sword is sitting without a double knee, and there is a Qiankun borrowed in his hand, this Qiankun has a large number of Sundams.

These Santanes, there are four top scorpions, and some are the trophy got before the sword is unparalleled.

In the past, there were many strong people who kill, and he kills the three-footed feet in the Single Peak of the God, and there is the two great power of the South Qi Palace, especially the south. Palace owner.

As the first strong person before the Danyang mainland, the south of the Palace Lord is extremely extraordinary. The sword is unparalleled from him. It has received 30,000 Sheng Dan from him. There are also a variety of precious treasures.

These treasures, swords are unparalleled, now there is no deal with it, but now it is the Sundam, which has his hand, has a lot of stock.

"I have brought over the peak of the peak from the high-level God to the peak of the peak. I swallowed more than 60,000 Sundam, and now I have to achieve the first big god level from the peak of the Gods, and the number of Santanes you need will be more. These Shengda, which is enough to make my strength to improve, but I want to really break through, I am afraid that it is still some. "The sword is unparalleled.

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