Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 282 Blood Had!

Blinking, it is already three days later.

The ninth team where the college, the sword is sitting on the ground, and there is a way to form a substantive sword, and the fog is filled, and there is a few meters around the sword. Swords.

A large amount of gray fog intersects, getting more and more vast, wanting to make water.

Can ultimately, a large amount of gray fog, but dissipated.

"It's still some." The sword is unparalleled secretly.

The three-style in the sword, the first sword is the most likely to feel the most, he will master this trick three days after he gets his hand.

But the second sword is like a third-style sword, then it is too difficult.

Like this second style, the people who have mastered in the day, and the swords are unparalleled, and the swords are in ancient and modern, but they can get this sword. Time is short, and they can't make this second style so quickly. grasp.

The sword is unparalleled, and the stone table next to it will go.

Next to Stone Table, two team members who were ninth team sat in the eating, seeing the sword unparalleled, one of them smiled: "Swordsman, from the morning to the present, never take a break, It's too hard to practice this practice? "

"What do you know, if practicing is not hard, the swordsman can have the same strength this young," another person said.

These two teammate swords are very enthusiastic.

Three days ago, when the sword had just arrived in this ninth team, he had hit the members of these teams and also handed over.

At first they saw the sword unparalleled spiritual power, when they were only a yang yu, they were still stunned, but they truly handed together, the sword was unparalleled, but they were all horrified.

Nine people in the small team, except for the captain Taishan and swords, there is no difference, and the other few people can be lost in the sword. Of course they don't know, when the sword is unparalleled with them, there is no full force. .

"Come, drink a cup." The sword is unparalleled to sit down next to the stone table, and the wine bowl will drink with these two people.

I just drunk for a long time! A high body shadow appeared next to them, it was Taishan.

"Go out, come out." Taishan voice is magnificent, and it sounds in the whole hospital.

Suddenly stayed in the courtyard team from the room and came to the stone table.

"Captain, what happened?" Asked the magic shadow.

The sword is unparalleled to see the Taishan.

"Just get news, just last night, let's take a good person in the taught, was killed." Taishan worked seriously.

"What?" The small teams were surprised.

No heart-to-teach, that is, the top of the bloody list, is actually killed?

"Which protection method is dead?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is Su Yao." Taishan Road.

Su Yao, the plans ranked more than 900 relesrice, can be said to be the weakest in the eight protection law.

"Su Yao is in the external execution task, nor does it know why the wind is leaking, let Wan Shijo know his position, last night, the three magic princes of Wanji Island teamed up to kill him." Taishan said.

The sword has no double look.

Tianbufu has four great power, no heart is only one of them, and Wan Shi Island is another strong power.

And before the northmodes, the two people were inviting him, they said that they have been taking the noise to teach this time, and the other party is fighting, that is the great potential, that is, the Tenra Island.

The overall forces of Wan Shikao are also poor. Their island owner is also a half-holy, and there is seven magic kings in the island. These seven magic kings are also a strong plaque.

The three magic princes are out, and it is no wonder that Su Vali has no chance to escape.

"Su Yao was killed last night, the news was passed to the teaching today, and there were several other major prototypes, and there were absolutely to think about Wan Shijo, and it is very likely to use our blood front team. So we are doing ready to do it. "Taishan said.

And I heard this, these small teams in the scene, not only not nervous, but instead showed excited looks.

"Is there a chance to shoot?"

"Last shot, or half a month ago."

"Haha, let the killing more fierce!"

These squad strong people teach, and the sword is not a slight smile, and there is also a silk expectation.

Sure enough, just half a day.

"Blood Front, Collection!"

A magnificent voice sounded in the whole city, and there was a turmoil immediately in the world.

In the courtyard, the blood front team, who has already prepared, has rushed at this moment.

Ten squads of blood front team, one hundred strong people, and instantly set up.

The warm middle-aged mid-year Wuyu stayed in the eight characters in front of the blood front team, and there were two other guards next to him. One of them was before the sword.

The Wuque is cold, sweeping from every blood front team, and then it is a wave.

"set off!"

Under this Wuhe and the leadership of the other two major laws, the entire blood front team will go directly outside the city.

"The three prototypes are processed, and the whole blood front team has a hundred Yang deficiency, and I don't know what to do. Is it necessary to kill it with the tens of thousands of magic island?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Positive killing should be impossible." The ninth team leading Taishan shakes his head: "Our blood front team is a nokism. If it is not the final decisive battle, it will not be all dispatched."

"Hey, what you do, you will see the three care laws, they want us to do it," said in the sword.

Although it is unclear what the mission is, the strong people who can be bloody protrusions are still excited.

After half a day, they came to a city.

"That is ... Jinyi City?" Taishan brows wrinkled, doubtful: "Is Jinyi City not a wing of a wing? What are you going to do?"

"Wing Help?" The members around them are also surprised.

Wings, and the part of the Tianbufu, but not one of Tianbufu's top four top pointers.

The wing helped a total of two helpers, these two helpers were ranked in the bloody list, one of the helpers Shen Tianyu, ranking in the bloody list more than before.

However, the whole wing helped, but the two are ranked, the other enchants, the strength is very general, with no heart, and Wan Shiko does not ratio.


The Wuyu is suspended in front of the bloody team, and the sound is cold. "Just yesterday, Su Guohua was laid around the strong people of Wan Shijo, and according to the reliable intelligence we got, The person informs the location of Su Guo's law, so our mission, it is to pull the wings, and the two leaders of the wings are all killed! "

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